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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I told you about him

I told you about him traduction Espagnol

639 traduction parallèle
I told you about him. He's in business.
Sí, ya sabes, el que se dedica a los negocios.
I told you about him.
Te he hablado sobre él
I told you about him. He's here from the east on a little visit.
Ya les hablé de él, ha venido del este.
And uncle simon. you know, i told you about him.
... y líbranos del mal... porque tuyo es el reino y el poder y la gloria.
You know, dear. I told you about him.
Ya sabes, ya te he hablado de él.
I told you about him.
Te hablé de él.
- I told you about him.
Ya te he hablado de él.
Clara, my best friend Angie. - I told you about him.
Clara, él es Angie, mi mejor amigo.
Dad, this is Mr. Gauge, you remember I told you about him?
¿ Recuerdas que te hablé de él?
Yes, I told you about him, he's... he's going to coach me for my bar exams.
Sí te hablé de él. Va a prepararme para el colegio de abogados.
It's Modigliani, I told you about him.
Es Modigliani, te he hablado de él.
I can't blame him... but I'll wait. And I'll keep on waiting because I know things will improve. Everything I told you about us and our relationship... was a lie.
y esperar, porque sé que tarde rápido o las cosas van a mejorar todo lo que le dije a Mi relación con mi hijo..... que era todo mentira
I told you not to worry about him.
Te dije que no te preocupases.
But when I told Him about you And what was Going to happen, You couldn't Have kept him
Pero cuando le hablé sobre tí y de lo que iba a pasar, no podrías mantenerlo lejos de aquí ni con un ejército.
I've told you about him.
El Capitán Cook.
I wonder why we've invited a total stranger to my birthday and why have you told him so much about us, Mummy?
¡ Pero Baba! ¿ Por qué hemos invitado a un desconocido total a mi cumpleaños? ¿ Y por qué le has contado tanto sobre nosotras, mami?
I told you that an hour ago, but you had to give me the argument about "everything comes to him who waits".
- Ya hace una hora que te lo he dicho. Pero tú me sales con el refrán : "El que tiene esperanza su bien alcanza".
Don't let him know I told you about the organ.
No le diga que le conté sobre el órgano.
I told him about you, Gordon.
Le hablé de ti, Gordon.
When I told him what salary you made, he was a little worried but then I promised him you'd get a raise, and he felt better about it.
Cuando le informé cuál era su salario, se mostró algo preocupado pero después le prometí que le daría un aumento y se sintió mejor.
Nunca te hablé de él, pero le he conocido toda mi vida.
I've told you many times how I feel about him.
Ya te he dicho muchas veces lo que pienso de él.
And I told him all about you, and he seemed very interested.
Y le hablé de ti y parecía muy interesado.
As I told you, I've only known him a short time. What do you know about him and where did you meet him?
- Lo conocía desde hacía poco.
Then I told him I had come to talk about you. That seemed to disturb him.
Luego le dije que había ido para hablar de usted, lo que pareció molestarle.
You know very well you told him about that letter I wrote to Mr. Garvey.
Sabes que le hablaste de la carta que le escribí al Sr. Garvey.
Well, he said I wasn't a man because I told you I was sorry about giving him the book... and a man shouldn't tell a woman he's sorry, not about anything.
Bueno, dijo que yo no era un hombre porque te dije que sentía haberle dado el libro, y un hombre no debería decirle a una mujer que lo siente, por nada.
All the time, since you first asked me about him, I've told you nothing but lies.
Todo este tiempo, desde que me has preguntado... ... no he dicho más que mentiras...
You should've seen his face when I told him about the trust.
Deberíais haber visto su cara cuando le dije lo del fideicomiso.
- And I've told you all about him.
- Y a ti de él.
I told you about those men who were with him, but you won't believe me.
Le he hablado de los dos que lo acompañaban aquella noche, ¡ pero no me cree!
All I did just now was to face facts about Dave and Darien, and to tell Tom just what you told him the other...
Solo enfrenté los hechos sobre Dave y Darien... y le dije a Tom...
You can't imagine what I told him about us.
No te imaginas lo que le decía de nosotros.
This man I told you about, his name is Leonard Eels... but, uh, you won't go to him directly.
El hombre se llama Leonard Eels. Ud. no lo verá directamente.
I told you all about him...
Te conté todo eso. Mi ex-novio...
When I told him I was, he said something about being a friend of Kroner's... and that you'll hear from him.
Cuando le dije que sí, dijo algo referente a ser amigo de Kroner y que tendrías noticias suyas.
I met him on the train, he told me about you.
Me lo encontré en el tren y me habló de usted.
I told him about it, and he s the sort that'll turn you in... cause he knows he'll probably get a promotion for it.
Se lo conté y esa es la clase de tipo capaz... de denunciarle para conseguir un ascenso.
All I know about him is what I've told you. Oh..
¿ No está siendo un poco duro consigo mismo?
- I told him all about you.
- Yo se lo he dicho todo sobre ti.
I told him about you.
Le hablé de ti.
You have to take him, I told the police about you!
¡ Tienes que llevártelo! ¡ Tienes que llevártelo o te denunciaré!
I just told him about you and Pierre.
Solo le conté lo tuyo con Pierre.
I told him all about you.
Le dije a el todo sobre de ti.
You see, when I found out about you and Erich, I went to your husband and I told him everything because I was unhappy and desperate
Verá, cuando me enteré de lo suyo con Erich, fui a ver a su marido y se lo conté todo,
I've told you too much about him already.
Ya te he hablado demasiado de él.
I told him about gettin'some money and gettin'you well. And he said gettin'with a band was a good way to go at it.
Le dije que... quería ganar dinero para curarte y... me dijo que tocando en una orquesta lo conseguiría.
He believed the lie I told him about you.
Se creyó la mentira que le dije sobre ti.
I meant about after you told him you wanted to retire.
Me refiero a cuando le dijiste que querías jubilarte.
- I told you not to worry about him, Charlie.
- He dicho que no te preocupes, Charlie.
Oh, but I expect you've told Oliver all about him.
Oh, pero yo esperaba que le hayas dicho a Oliver todo acerca de él.

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