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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I was going to say

I was going to say traduction Espagnol

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I was going to say, clearly, she's got the AFV working the bank.
- Claramente tiene trabajando a AFv.
No, I was going to say I still pretty much hate your guts, Sacks.
No, iba a decir que todavía te odio a muerte, Sacks.
I was going to say...
Iba a decir, llama a McGee.
I even wrote down what I was going to say.
Incluso hasta escribí lo que iba a decir.
I was going to say "sensitive," But sure.
Iba a decir "sensible," pero vale.
Funny. You know, I was going to say that to you.
Qué gracioso, iba a decirte lo mismo.
Just what I was going to say. I knew that.
- Justo lo que iba a decir.
I was going to say we don't know each other very well, but I am someone who can empathize.
Decía que no nos conocemos muy bien, pero soy alguien que puede entender a la gente.
Well, I was going to say mellow, but yeah.
Bueno, iba a decir calmado, pero sí.
For the record, I was going to say smile.
Para que conste, iba a decir sonrisa.
I just completely forgot what I was going to say. It's so weird.
Se me ha olvidado totalmente lo que iba a decir.
I was going to say stupidity, but okay.
Iba a decir imbecilidad, pero está bien.
I was going to say angry, and perhaps that anger began when we exiled you to the nursery.
Iba a decir enfadado, y a l omejor ese enfado empezó cuando te aislamos en tu cuarto
I was going to say ballsy, but, yeah, stupid... stupid works.
Iba a decir osado pero, sí, estúpido, estúpido está bien.
I was going to say great minds think alike, but, well, you know.
Iba a decir que las grandes mentes piensan igual, pero bueno, ya sabes. - Tengo una pista.
I was going to say straws, but I do like that idiom better.
Iba a decir a una esperanza pero me gusta más tu final.
I was going to say a miracle.
Iba a decir un milagro
What I was going to say was...
Lo que iba a decir era...
Good, because I was going to say that if you ever threaten a witness without my okay again, you're history.
Bien, porque iba a decir que si alguna vez vuelves a amenazar a un testigo sin mi autorización... -... eres historia.
I was going to say the whole thing myself.
Iba a decirlo todo yo.
I thought we agreed I was going to say that part.
Pensaba que acordamos que yo iba a decir esa parte.
I was going to say, whatever you did in there, for Cathleen, I hope it works.
Iba a decir que no sé qué hiciste por Cathleen ahí adentro, pero espero que funcione.
I was going to say
Iba a decir...
I was going to say... that the one thing I liked was the mates.
No, no, cierren el culo malditos tontos, o alguien llamará a la policía.
Didn't I say I was going to study? It's gonna be all guys, with Haruo and the rest.
¿ No dije que iba a estudiar? Con Haruo y el resto.
I guess someone didn't like what he was going to say.
Quizás alguien no compartía lo que iba a decir.
I knew exactly what he was going to say.
Sabía exactamente lo que él iba a decir.
Jeanie... and I told him it wasn't going to be ha-ha funny, but I did say that it was going to be funny and he believed me.
Y no dije que sería "Ja-Ja", qué gracioso, pero lo que sí dije... que sería gracioso y él me creyó.
I saw you Chatting Outside my room, you knew bloody well What she Was going to say to me!
Os vi a los dos charlando fuera de mi habitación. ¡ Sabías de sobra lo que ella iba a decirme!
Look, I know i shouldn't have, but I didn't think nicky was going to make it out of the coma, so I went by the hospital to say good-bye.
Veran, se que no debía, pero no creía que Nicky fuese a salir del coma, así que fui al hospital a decirle adiós...
Las celebridades frecuentemente dicen no a la revista Vanity Fair... porque la revista tenía una historia de altos y bajos.
That's what I was hoping you were going to say.
Eso es lo que esperaba que dijera.
But I just wanted to say I was going to break up with you back there... and now since you're in a coma, I really don't have to.
Pero solo quiero decirte que iba a terminar contigo y ahora que estás en coma, no tengo que hacerlo.
I was only going to say a couple, but then, you know, I thought, if Summer's going down anyways... may as well have her go down in style.
Solo iba a decir un par de cosas, pero luego pensé... "Summer va a caer de todas formas, así que por lo menos que sea con estilo"
No, I'm sorry. Did he say he was going to change what it means to be human?
No, lo siento. ¿ Ha dicho que va a cambiar lo que significa ser humano?
I was just going to say the same one.
Justamente iba a decir lo mismo.
I was thinking how I am going to say it
Estaba pensando cómo decirlo.
I was hoping that you were going to say...
Estaba esperando que dijeras...
I hate to say this, but I was never going to sell this house in a million years.
Odio decir esto, pero ¡ Nunca vendería mi casa ni en un millón de años!
I was just going to say loser. No, no, you're fine.
No, no, estás en lo cierto, yo quise decir que fue así como me sentí cuando cambié mi vida.
I'm--I didn't understand thateither, I admit, but what was I going to say?
- Yo tampoco entendí eso, lo admito ¿ pero qué te iba a decir?
I did not say it- - but yes, obsession- - was going to cost yoyour marriage.
Yo no dije eso... pero sí, obsesión - -... te iba a costar tu matrimonio.
I gave explicit orders no one was to be put in with the gover... were you going to say?
No, di órdenes explícitas de que nadie fuese puesto allí con el alcal... ¿ Ibas a decir alcaide?
Every feeling inside of me just dropped. All of them. All the things i wish i could have said to you, i was never going to be able to say to you.
Todos mis sentimientos se desplomaron, todos ellos, todas las cosas que deseaba, que nunca había sido capaz de decirte.
I thought it was going to say
Pensé que iba a decir :
Someone was going to want to say "I'm fucked."
Alguien querría decir "estoy arruinado".
I was afraid you were going to say that.
Temía que fueras a decir eso.
I was going to say war and peace.
Iba a decir de guerra y paz.
I was hoping that I wasn't going to have to say this.
Esperaba no tener que decir esto. - ¿ Qué?
Didn't I say this was going to be our island in the sun?
¿ No te dije que ésta sería nuestra isla en el sol?
All right, all I'm going to say is that I was so fucking real, that it, it hurt.
Todo lo que diré es que fue tan real para ella que dolió.

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