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I was just kidding around traduction Espagnol

47 traduction parallèle
I was just kidding around.
Estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around.
Sólo estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around. It looked like you needed a laugh.
Era para que nos riéramos.
I was just kidding around, trying to lighten things up.
Solo estaba bromeando, tratando de animar las cosas.
I was just kidding around.
Sólo era una tontería.
I was just kidding around.
Solo bromeaba.
- George, I was just kidding around.
- George, sólo bromeaba.
I was just kidding around.
Era una broma.
I was just kidding around!
¡ Sólo estaba jugando!
I was just kidding around.
Lo decía en broma.
- I was just kidding around.
No, les tomaba el pelo.
I was just kidding around with the pills.
Estaba bromeando con las pastillas.
- I was just kidding around.
- Sólo bromeaba.
I was just kidding around with you.
Solo bromeaba contigo.
Nothing. I was just kidding around with Sezgin, that's why.
Nada. Estaba paveando con Sezgin. Eso
- I was just kidding around.
- Estoy bromeando.
I was just kidding around.
Sólo era una broma.
Jeez, I was just kidding around.
Joder, no era más que una broma.
- I was just kidding around.
- Solo hacía el tonto.
Ok, take it easy. I was just kidding around.
Bien, tómalo con calma, sólo bromeaba.
I was just kidding around, don't be silly.
Solo estaba bromeando. No seas tonta.
Come on, I was just kidding around.
Vamos, solo bromeaba.
I was just kidding around, that's all.
Oh, vamos. Solo estaba bromeando, eso es todo.
- I was just kidding around But I broke the arm.
sólo estaba bromeando pero me rompí el brazo.
I'm sorry. I was just kidding around, but if I went too far, I apologize.
Yo bromeaba, pero si fui demasiado lejos, pido disculpas.
I was... I was just kidding around.
Yo sólo bromeaba.
Jeez, I was just kidding around.
Por Dios, solo estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around, you know.
Solo bromeaba.
- I was just kidding around.
- Sólo estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around.
- Sólo estaba bromeando.
Nah, I was just kidding around.
No, estaba bromeando.
And I was just kidding around.
Y yo estaba bromeando alrededor.
Hey, hey, hey, I was just kidding around.
Solo estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around, okay?
Solo estaba bromeando, ¿ está bien?
Oh, come on, Chris, I was just kidding around.
Vamos, Chris. Solo estaba bromeando.
I was just kidding around, even if its true who the hell is going to believe this nonsense?
Solo estaba bromeando, aunque fuera cierto ¿ quién demonios va a creer este disparate?
Yeah, I'm sure he was just kidding around. No, no, no.
- Sí, estoy seguro de que estaba bromeando.
I thought that he was just kidding around.
Creí que solo estaba vacilando.
He was just kidding around, and I told him that if he really needed the pills, he needed to go to his flight surgeon.
Él estaba bromeando conmigo, y le dije que si realmente necesitaba las pastillas, debía acudir a su cirujano de vuelo.
How was I? No, you can't ask that, just kidding around. How was I?
No, no puedes pedirlo, sólo bromeaba. ¿ Cómo estuve?

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