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I wasn't asking traduction Espagnol

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I wasn't asking you. I want to know what to use?
No te estoy pidiendo permiso, te pregunto con qué.
Well, wait a minute. You know I wouldn't be asking you no favors if it wasn't for my arm...
Oye, un momento, sabes que no te pediría ningún favor si no fuera por mi brazo...
Thank you kindly, and if i wasn't in the doghouse with the lord almighty, i'd be asking him to give you his blessing.
Muchísimas gracias, y, si no hubiese caído en desgracia ante el Señor Todopoderoso, le pediría que le diese su bendición.
I wasn't asking for myself.
No lo he preguntado por mí.
That woman was asking for me but I wasn't here.
Esa mujer vino y preguntó por mí, pero yo no estaba.
I wasn't asking you about your father.
No le preguntaba por él.
I wasn't asking about their social qualities. What are they up to?
No me interesan sus cualidades sociales. ¿ Qué traman?
I wasn't asking that. You know what I mean.
No, no es eso lo que pregunto, me ha comprendido Ud. muy bien.
If that wasn't enough, when I came out of the house the reporters pounced on me with their questions, asking me the lowdown.
Como si no fuera bastante, cuando salí los reporteros me atacaron con sus preguntas preguntándome de todo.
I wasn't asking for any...
No te lo estoy pidiendo.
I wasn't probing, Miss Martin, just asking.
No estoy interrogándola, sólo pregunto.
I wasn't asking for anything.
No os he pedido nada.
It wasn't easy asking out. I'll tell you that.
No me resultó fácil pedir la baja, te lo aseguro.
I'm sorry. I wasn't asking, But you were explaining about him,
Perdona, como estábamos hablando de él creí que ibas a decírmelo.
I hope my colleague wasn't too rough asking your whereabouts and stuff...
Espero que mi compañero no lo haya molestado con sus preguntas, que dónde estuvo tal o cuál día.
I wasn't asking you.
No le pregunté a usted.
I wasn't asking you.
No se lo he preguntado a usted.
I wasn't asking to meet him.
No pedía reunirme con él.
If I'd known you were asking someone who doesn't exist,... I would have explained it wasn't so... because I'm poor.
Si hubiera sabido que se lo pedías a alguien que no existe te hubiera hecho comprender lo contrario, porque... porque no tengo dinero.
I wasn't asking you.
No te estaba preguntando.
I wasn't asking them for anything, was I?
¿ Acaso les he pedido algo?
You know I wasn't asking...
Sabes que no preguntaba...
- Never you mind. - I wasn't asking you.
- No le pregunto a usted.
( man ) I think it was generally understood that the combat tour was 25 missions, because you'd be dead by the end of that time, so there wasn't any point in asking you to stay around any longer.
Creo que por lo general estaba claro que el período de servicio eran 25 misiones porque estarías muerto para el final de eso, por lo que no había sentido alguno en pedirle a uno que se quedara más tiempo.
I wasn't asking your permission.
No le estaba pidiendo permiso.
Because I wasn't asking for love anymore.
Porque yo no necesitaba de ese amor.
I wasn't asking you.
No estaba preguntando a ti.
I wasn't asking you, K9.
No te preguntaba a ti, K9.
Not like you, if that's what you mean. I wasn't asking for validation, Dave.
No quería que me validaras, Dave.
- I wasn't asking you.
- Yo no estaba pidiendo.
I wasn't asking for the moon.
No te pedí tanto.
Well, I wasn't asking you.
Pues no te lo estaba pidiendo.
I wasn't asking you, I was asking the dogs.
- No preguntaba por ti, me refería a los perros.
I wasn't asking for help for myself.
No estaba pidiendo ayuda para mí.
I wasn't even asking his name.
No he preguntado su nombre.
- But I wasn't asking for it!
- ¿ Quién te los ha reclamado?
I wasn't asking you.
A ti no te he preguntado.
Now, people have been asking me, how come I wasn't there.
La gente me pregunta que por qué no estuve ahí.
And in a tunnel - this wasn't my idea - the mother says to the daughter - l've decided to ask our nation to vote on a bill in which I am asking it
He decidido someter al sufragio de la nación un proyecto de ley por el cual le pido
I wasn't asking for anything.
Yo no pedía nada.
I just want you to understand he wasn't asking me to do the same.
Me estaba diciendo que yo hiciera lo mismo.
I kept asking questions and... finally got busted for sticking my nose where it wasn't wanted.
Seguí haciendo preguntas y casi se me cae el pelo.
I trust he wasn't vaporised while asking for one of those raktajinos he's so fond of.
Espero que no quedara vaporizado mientras pedía un raktajino.
That wasn't what I was asking exactly.
- No te he preguntado eso.
Look, I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate.
No te lo pediría si no estuviera desesperada.
I wasn't asking you for help.
No le estoy pidiendo ayuda.
I wasn't asking you, Carducci. I was asking the expert.
No te preguntaba a ti, Carducci, le preguntaba a la experta.
I wasn't asking you.
No te preguntaba a ti
I wasn't asking for permissión.
No estaba pidiendo permiso.
- Well, that wasn't what I was asking.
- No era lo que preguntaba.
I wasn't asking because it was dull.
No preguntaba porque fuese aburrido.

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