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I wasn't asking you traduction Espagnol

180 traduction parallèle
I wasn't asking you. I want to know what to use?
No te estoy pidiendo permiso, te pregunto con qué.
Well, wait a minute. You know I wouldn't be asking you no favors if it wasn't for my arm...
Oye, un momento, sabes que no te pediría ningún favor si no fuera por mi brazo...
Thank you kindly, and if i wasn't in the doghouse with the lord almighty, i'd be asking him to give you his blessing.
Muchísimas gracias, y, si no hubiese caído en desgracia ante el Señor Todopoderoso, le pediría que le diese su bendición.
I wasn't asking you about your father.
No le preguntaba por él.
I wasn't asking that. You know what I mean.
No, no es eso lo que pregunto, me ha comprendido Ud. muy bien.
It wasn't easy asking out. I'll tell you that.
No me resultó fácil pedir la baja, te lo aseguro.
I'm sorry. I wasn't asking, But you were explaining about him,
Perdona, como estábamos hablando de él creí que ibas a decírmelo.
I wasn't asking you.
No le pregunté a usted.
I wasn't asking you.
No se lo he preguntado a usted.
If I'd known you were asking someone who doesn't exist,... I would have explained it wasn't so... because I'm poor.
Si hubiera sabido que se lo pedías a alguien que no existe te hubiera hecho comprender lo contrario, porque... porque no tengo dinero.
I wasn't asking you.
No te estaba preguntando.
You know I wasn't asking...
Sabes que no preguntaba...
- Never you mind. - I wasn't asking you.
- No le pregunto a usted.
( man ) I think it was generally understood that the combat tour was 25 missions, because you'd be dead by the end of that time, so there wasn't any point in asking you to stay around any longer.
Creo que por lo general estaba claro que el período de servicio eran 25 misiones porque estarías muerto para el final de eso, por lo que no había sentido alguno en pedirle a uno que se quedara más tiempo.
I wasn't asking you.
No estaba preguntando a ti.
I wasn't asking you, K9.
No te preguntaba a ti, K9.
Not like you, if that's what you mean. I wasn't asking for validation, Dave.
No quería que me validaras, Dave.
- I wasn't asking you.
- Yo no estaba pidiendo.
Well, I wasn't asking you.
Pues no te lo estaba pidiendo.
I wasn't asking you, I was asking the dogs.
- No preguntaba por ti, me refería a los perros.
I wasn't asking you.
A ti no te he preguntado.
I just want you to understand he wasn't asking me to do the same.
Me estaba diciendo que yo hiciera lo mismo.
I wasn't asking you for help.
No le estoy pidiendo ayuda.
I wasn't asking you, Carducci. I was asking the expert.
No te preguntaba a ti, Carducci, le preguntaba a la experta.
I wasn't asking you.
No te preguntaba a ti
Dad, I wasn't asking you for your blessing here.
Papá, no te estaba pidiendo tu bendición aquí.
Look, I don't wanna be a hard-on about this, and I know it wasn't your fault, but I just thought it was fair to tell you that Gilbert and I will be submitting this to the league and asking them to set aside the round.
No quiero ponerme pesado con esto, y sé que no fue tu culpa, pero me pareció que debía avisarte que Gilbert y yo vamos a informar de esto a la liga y pediremos que anulen el resultado de la ronda.
- I wasn't asking you!
- ¡ No te estaba preguntando a ti!
I wasn't asking you on a date.
No te invité a salir en una cita.
Well... I was thinking, if it wasn't serious, of asking you to dinner. But if it is serious and / or going that way, then, us having dinner would be a lousy idea.
Pensaba que si no fuese serio, te invitaría a cenar pero si lo es o va por ese camino entonces ir a cenar sería una mala idea.
I pretended I wasn't asking anything of you, but I was.
Hice como que no te estaba pidiendo nada, pero lo estaba haciendo.
I wasn't asking you.
No estaba pidiendotelo.
I wasn't asking you.
No te preguntaba a ti.
- Young lady, when I asked you to leave it alone, I wasn't really asking you.
- Jovencita, cuando le pedí que lo olvidara, en verdad no se lo estaba pidiendo.
The thing is, you know, with Nancy losing her job and... with the mortgage, and now with me losing my book contract... things have gotten kinda desperate... and I wouldn't even be asking if it wasn't serious.
Es que como despidieron a Nancy y la hipoteca, y como perdí mi contrato, estamos desesperados. No te lo pediría si no fuera serio.
- Well, I wasn't asking you.
- No te preguntaba a ti.
I have. - I wasn't asking you.
- A ti no te preguntaba.
I wasn't depressed by people not reacting, I wasn't depressed by people just swallowing it and not asking questions because I thought, "Well, that shows that you need some sort of control,"
No me sentí mal porque la gente no reaccionara, no me sentí mal porque la gente se lo tragara y no hiciera preguntas porque pensé : "Bien, eso muestra que necesitas algúun tipo de control", porque la OMC--yo--puede llegar
When I told you about my breast cancer, I wasn't asking you to watch me waste away and die, Robert.
Cuando te dije de mi cáncer de mama no te pedí que me vieras consumirme y morir, Robert.
- I wasn't asking you, Blue.
- No te pregunté a ti, Blue.
I wouldn't be asking you if Drudge didn't have it, if he wasn't quoting it online.
No te pediría esto si Drudge ya no lo tuviera, si no lo estuviera citando.
Well, i'm glad that you approve, but i wasn't really asking for your permission.
Bueno, me alegro que lo apruebes,... pero no estaba pidiendo tu permiso.
I wasn't asking you to be.
No te estaba pidiendo que lo fueras.
Well, if it wasn't you, then who was it? I'm not at liberty to say, but you're within your rights to keep asking. Look.
Si no has sido tú, ¿ quién ha sido?
You know how you were asking me how I knew Santa wasn't gonna show up?
Me acabas de preguntar cómo sabía que Santa no vendría hoy.
I'm asking you To make, And i wouldn't ask If it wasn't important.
Te lo estoy pidiendo que lo hagas, y no lo pediria si no fuera importante.
I wasn't saying I didn't know if you are a girl, I was just... asking about the name.
No estaba preguntando si eras una chica sólo... preguntaba por el nombre
I wasn't asking for forgiveness. I was asking if you needed help.
No te estaba pidiendo perdón, te estaba preguntando si necesitabas ayuda.
I'm willing to understand the parts about where I wasn't totally right, you know? But I'm asking you to hear me, you know what I'm saying?
Estoy dispuesto a entender las cosas en las que me equivoqué, pero también te pido que me escuches.
Look, I thank you but I wasn't asking for anything.
M ira, te lo agradezco pero no pedí nada.
Um, I wasn't asking if you were asking, Earl.
Um, no estaba preguntando si me estabas pidiendo permiso, Earl.

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