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I wasn't drunk traduction Espagnol

192 traduction parallèle
Your wife was driving with only one shoe on her foot. I thought she was drunk driving, but she wasn't.
Creímos que su esposa conducía ebria porque tenía sólo un zapato.
I wasn't too drunk for gamblin'and I'm no too drunk for love.
No estaba borracho para jugar y no estoy borracho para el amor.
No, I wasn't drunk.
No, no estaba borracho.
- I wasn't drunk. - You didn't care about that girl.
- No era por esta chica.
I wasn't in the least drunk, Ruth.
Yo no estaba borracho ni lo más mínimo.
I know I wasn't drunk.
No lo estaba.
I didn't sing in the hall, and I wasn't drunk!
¡ No canté en el baile y no estaba borracha!
Yes, I'm drunk, I admit it. lf l wasn't, I wouldn't dare say a thing.
Sí, estoy borracho, lo admito. Si no lo estuviera no diría nada.
I wasn't drunk till after I heard.
Me emborraché después de oírlo.
I saw he wasn't walking right. He was drunk.
Vi que no caminaba recto y que había bebido.
I wasn't drunk.
No estaba borracho.
I wasn't drunk, and I wasn't drinking, if that's what you're suggesting.
No estaba ebrio, y no estaba bebiendo, si eso es lo que estás sugiriendo.
I told them the autopsy proved that our truck driver wasn't drunk, and I asked for a retraction.
Les dije que la autopsia probó que no estaba ebrio... y pedí una retractación.
But I certainly wasn't drunk. I never drink, believe me.
Pero yo no bebo, nunca he bebido, créame.
I wasn't drunk.
No estaba ebria.
I realize now I wasn't drunk at all
Ahora me doy cuenta de que no estaba borracha.
Maybe because I was drunk, and wasn't quite sure about myself...
Estaba tan borracho que no distinguía mis sentimientos.
I wasn't drunk, he was.
Él estaba borracho, no yo.
the thing is that I wasn't feeling alright to participate in familiar gatherings, because... First I was always in a very bad humour due to my gout problems. Second becuase I was drunk most of the times.
Sin embargo ya no encajo con la sociedad decente... porque siempre estoy de muy mal humor y atacado de gota y en segundo término, borracho la mayor parte de las veces
I wasn't drunk, I was just in a hurry.
0,8... ¿ sabes lo que significa esto?
I'm not a killer, and I wasn't drunk.
No soy un asesino y no estaba ebrio.
Mrs. Fletcher, I'm not a killer, and I wasn't drunk... as God is my witness.
Sra. Fletcher, no soy un asesino y no estaba ebrio se lo juro por Dios.
I wasn't drunk, I was insane!
No estaba borracha, estaba loca.
I mean, I wasn't falling-down drunk or anything.
No estaba que me caía de borracha ni nada.
I wasn't drunk last night at dinner, and when I saw you and I saw the house, my memory came back of my last life.
Anoche en la cena no estaba borracho, y cuando te vi, y vi la casa, recordé mi vida anterior.
I wasn't that drunk!
¡ No estaba tan borracha!
No, I wasn't that drunk.
No, no estaba tan ebria.
Second, I wasn't drunk,
En primer lugar, no estaba tirada en el campo,
I was pretty drunk, wasn't I?
Me emborraché, ¿ verdad?
I wasn't always a drunk.
No siempre he sido un borracho.
- I wasn't drunk.
- No estaba borracho.
Ok, but it wasn't an even contest! I'm drunk!
Está bien, pero no fue una competencia pareja. ¡ Estoy borracho!
I wasn't drunk when I walked in front of that car.
No iba borracho cuando me crucé delante de aquel coche.
He was drunk and I wasn't paying attention.
Él estaba ebrio y yo distraída.
I wouldn't risk coming in here and associating myself with your little resistance cell if I wasn't drunk.
Si no, no me arriesgaría a asociarme con su célula de resistencia.
I don't know. Maybe he wasn't as drunk as me... but-
Quizás no estuviera tan bebido como yo, no sé.
If I wasn't drunk, I'd still say it.
si no estuviera bebida, se lo estaría diciendo.
He wasn't drunk when I saw him at the station.
No estaba borracho cuando lo vi en la comisaría.
If I wasn`t a little drunk, I wouldn`t bring this up.
Si no estuviera algo borracho, no lo mencionaría.
When I hit high school, I was shaking by noon if I wasn't drunk.
En secundaria, temblaba si a mediodía no estaba ebrio.
Word gets out that I killed this guy, nobody's gonna believe I wasn't drunk.
Si se sabe que lo maté y huí, no creerán que no estaba ebrio.
I wasn't suppose to coz, But my dad let me take the wheel because he was drunk.
No debía hacerlo, pues no tenía la edad pero mi padre me dejó el timón porque estaba ebrio.
I wasn't drunk.
No estaba bebida.
I mean, Marion said that Ted was drunk, although in his view, he wasn't.
Vaya, Marion dijo que Ted estaba borracho, aunque él opinaba que no.
I wasn't drunk.
Borracho? No estaba Borracho.
A Britney Spears kind of thing, except I wasn't drunk and puking in the halls.
Tipo Britney Spears, salvo que no estaba borracha y vomitando.
I wasn't drunk, Karen.
No estaba borracho, Karen.
You know, Dan if I wasn't half drunk I'd tell you to go screw yourself.
Sabes qué, Dan si no estuviera medio borracha te diría : "que te jodan".
Look at it this way, if I wasn't drunk, you wouldn't have a shot at me.
Míralo de este modo, si no estuviera ebria, no tendrías posibilidades conmigo.
I promised myself that I wasn't gonna get drunk when I gave those girls away.
Me prometí que no estaría ebrio cuando entregara a mis niñas.
I wasn't drunk, okay.
No me emborraché, tomé un café.

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