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I wasn't lying traduction Espagnol

418 traduction parallèle
- I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I don't know if there's anyone in "The Wizard of Oz"
A veces es gracioso ver como las personas tiemblan.
I wasn't respectable enough for your spotless factory... with its lying gossips.
Yo no era lo suficientemente respetable para su inmaculada fábrica... Chismosas mentirosas.
I wasn't lying'to ya.
Bien, no mentía.
So you see, I wasn't lying.
Como ve, no mentí.
I wasn't lying to you.
- Mamá no te mentí.
- You see, I wasn't lying.
- Lo ve, no mentí.
I wasn't lying.
bueno, estaba mintiendo...
Now you know I wasn't lying to you.
Ahora sabes que no te estaba mintiendo.
I wasn't lying to you, Jacob.
No te estaba mintiendo, Jacob.
I wasn't lying to you.
No te mentía.
See? I wasn't lying!
¿ Ven que no mentí?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted by what I see, Marcus Vinicius.
Mentiría si digo que no me atrae lo que veo, Marco Vinicio.
Well, we'll forget about it... now that you know you did it and that I wasn't lying.
Bien, bien, olvidémoslo... Ahora que sabe que lo hizo y que no estaba mintiendo.
I thought I wasn't lying, but I was.
Creí que no mentía, pero lo hacía.
I wasn't lying'to ya, Joey.
No te estaba mintiendo, Joey.
I wouldn't be lying on the floor with some man if he wasn't married.
¿ Cómo iba a estar en eI suelo tomando champán si no Io estuviera?
I wasn't born yesterday. If I didn't need one of you two... to show me where the dough is hidden... you would be lying in the same heap with Mushie.
Yo no nací ayer y si no necesitara que uno de los dos... me muestre dónde está el botín... ya estarías muerto como Mushie.
- I wasn't lying. I was dreaming.
- Yo no estaba mintiendo.
But I wasn't used to lying.
Pero no estaba acostumbrada a mentir.
I wasn't lying.
No mentía.
You've got to know I wasn't lying.
Debes saber que no mentía.
- Look, I wasn't lying to you, Mr...
- Mire, no le he mentido, Sr...
I wasn't lying when I said that the carabinieri have the memoir.
No he mentido cuando he dicho que el ejército tenía la declaración.
You tell him that I wasn't lying
- ¡ Dígale que no dije mentiras!
To find out if she had lunch with me and if I wasn't lying.
Querías saber si te había mentido sobre esta mañana.
I was lying when I said the kiss wasn't any good.
Te mentí cuando dije que el beso no era bueno.
I wasn't lying, i wasn't.
No estoy mintiendo, no lo hago.
Ofuji, when I told her you were my wife, I wasn't lying.
Ofuji, cuando le dije que quería que fueras mi esposa, no estaba mintiendo.
- At least I wasn't lying last night.
- Al menos, anoche no mentía.
I know it doesn't make any difference now, but there was one thing I wasn't lying about. I do love you.
Ya sé que ya no sirve de nada pero no mentí sobre una cosa te quiero.
It wasn't ridiculous, I wasn't lying.
No era ridícula, ni era mentira.
I had a feeling Robert wasn't lying this time.
Presentía que Robert no estaba mintiendo esta vez.
But I was wrong when I wasn't lying, and I was right when I was.
Pero estaba equivocada cuando no mentía y en lo correcto cuando mentí.
Sir, I thought it over and I was lying before when I said the baby wasn't mine.
Radar! Señor, ya lo pensé. Anteriormente mentí... cuando dije que el bebé no era mío.
But you see, I wasn't lying to you before... when I told you I was working for the Prendergasts.
Pero es que no le mentí antes... cuando dije que trabajo para los Prendergast.
- I wasn't lying.
No estaba mintiendo.
And lying in the streets, exactly where I wasn't expecting to find it.
Y aquí está tirado por la calle, exactamente donde no esperaba encontrarlo.
I wasn't lying.
Ahora no te mentía.
- I wasn't lying.
- No estaba mintiendo.
Someone's lying there, dead, and... I thought it'd be better if the body wasn't found.
Había alguien muerto por allí y pensé que era mejor que no se le encontrara.
I wasn't lying.
No les mentía.
I didn't lie! I wasn't lying, Adrian.
- No te mentí, Adrian.
Emily, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't, but the...
Emily, te estaría mintiendo si me dijo que yo no estaba, pero el...
The last time I saw Keeler, he wasn't standing too tall. He was lying flat on his face from a punch... two years ago he would have laughed at.
La última vez que vi a Keeler... estaba en el suelo de un golpe del que hace años se hubiese reído.
- No, Moe, I wasn't lying.
- No, Moe, no mentí.
I wasn't joking, I was lying.
No bromeaba, estaba mintiendo.
You know, I wasn't always lying to you.
¿ Sabes, Data? No todo fueron mentiras.
I wasn't lying.
No estaba mintiendo.
Sometimes they'd sit him up so he wasn't lying in bed all the time... as you do with a patient, but this time when I turned up... he asked the nurse, could he be gotten out of bed... so he could use the computer, and he did.
A veces lo sentaban, de modo que no siempre estaba acostado, como se hace con un paciente. Pero esta vez cuando llegué, le pidió a la enfermera que lo sacara de la cama... para utilizar el computador, y lo hizo.
They found an empty bottle of VOV this morning, First, I wasn't lying in a field,
Y se encontró esta mañana una botella vacía de VOV.
I wasn ´ t lying.
No estaba mintiendo.

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