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I wasn't myself traduction Espagnol

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It wasn't that I saw a style or a technique but I saw the generosity and the spirit and I thought to myself'That's it, it's an appetite for life'.
No fue sólo que vi el estilo o la técnica, sino también su generosidad, y el espíritu, y pensé "Esto es, esto es apetito por la vida".
I was so out of it that day, and I wasn't really being myself.
Estuve tan fuera de mí ese día, y realmente no era yo misma.
But there wasn't no answer, so I helped myself. "
Toqué el timbre, y como nadie contestó, me serví yo mismo. "
I took it myself when she wasn't looking.
La tome yo mismo cuando ella no miraba. ¿ En serio?
I'd be blue myself if it wasn't for the good times we're gonna have together.
Yo también estaría triste si no fuera por los buenos tiempos que vamos a pasar juntos.
I wasn't myself.
Me he sentído mal por las mañanas
No, I'm not saying there wasn't a lot of truth in what you said last night, but I'm not alibi-ing myself.
No, no estoy diciendo que hubiera muchas verdades en lo que dijiste anoche, no me estoy excusando yo mismo.
I'd marry you myself if I wasn't already married.
Yo me casaría contigo si no estuviera ya casado.
Well, I told you I wasn't going to make myself...
Bueno, te dije que no quiero hacerme daño.
No hace mucho que yo misma estaba aquí.
In the old days, there wasn't a bootlegger in my class, even if I do say it myself. But this laying off is killing me.
Antiguamente, no había otro contrabandista como yo, pero esta inactividad me está matando.
I wasn't sorry to be by myself for a bit.
No me he sentido sola ni un solo momento.
how shall I express myself... it would be better if you didn't express yourself at all, Lady Taylor unless you want to say something very agreeable about Mrs. Lawrence but that probably wasn't your intention indeed it wasn't
¿ cómo podría decirlo...? ¡ Mejor que no diga nada, Lady Taylor! A menos que quiera decir algo muy agradable de la sra.
I wasn't thinking of myself, really.
No estaba pensando en mí.
- I wasn't much of a rose myself.
- Yo tampoco estuve muy fino.
Well, I'm afraid I wasn't thinking of anybody but myself just then.
Me temo que sólo estaba pensando en mí cuando lo hice.
I dumped myself on you just when you were starting to get ahead. It wasn't fair.
Cargaste conmigo cuando empezabas.
And I'll find myself wishing it wasn't so far to Toronto.
Y yo estaré deseando que Toronto no estuviera tan lejos.
But I wasn't afraid for myself, do you understand?
Pero no tenía miedo por mí, ¿ lo entiendes?
There was never an hour when I was at peace, when I wasn't reproaching myself.
No tenía un momento de paz, sólo me sentía culpable.
and, well... look here, with me myself... our dear mother didn't want to let me into her chamber at first she wanted to throw me out when I, after the wedding... but I wasn't very delicate
los invitados se hayan ido... y te quedes a solas con el novio... ya... y entonces... no tienes que tener miedo... no tienes que tener ningún miedo... y... pues bueno... Mira, yo mismo... ¡ tu querida madre no me quería ni dejar entrar en el dormitorio!
I'm always telling myself there wasn't.
Bueno, es lo que yo me digo siempre.
Well, I sort of helped myself to a little salary I wasn't entitled to.
Me pagué un salario extra.
And all that sob stuff about me being ashamed of myself that was just a bid for sympathy. I wasn't ashamed.
Y eso de estar avergonzado de mí fue para lograr su simpatía.
- I was pretty snippy myself, wasn't I?
- Yo fui un poco respondona.
I had to make a blood test. There wasn't time to run down to my lab at Scotland Yard... so I took the liberty of availing myself of yours.
No podía ir a mi laboratorio en Scotland Yard... y me tomé la libertad de usar el suyo.
I wasn't in the mood to be by myself. I asked her to go to a show with me. - Who was she?
No me sentía con ánimos de estar solo así que la invité a ir al teatro.
I wasn't singing to myself.
No era para mí.
Because if I wasn't a coward, I'd ride you myself.
Porque si no fuera un cobarde, te montaría yo mismo.
I probably wouldn't have myself, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone that was burned out got an offer from him for their land first.
Yo tampoco, si no fuera porque a todos los que quemaron... habían recibido una oferta por su tierra.
I wasn't asking for myself.
No lo he preguntado por mí.
- I tried to persuade myself it wasn't true, but... well, now I can't pretend anymore.
Ahora sí. ¡ Dios mío! Intenté luchar...
I wasn't able to defend myself like you did.
No me defendí como usted hizo.
No, it wasn't courage, Doctor. I can't deceive myself.
No ha sido valor, doctor.
It's just that you caught me off guard, you know, not knowing too muoh about you, because you always make me talk about myself all the time, so that for a minute there, I wasn't very bright on the uptake.
- Me tomaste por sorpresa. No sé mucho de ti porque siempre me haces hablar de mí. Así que no fui muy brillante.
I wasn't bad at the game myself.
Yo también era listo.
I began to ask myself if I wasn't out of my head entirely.
Empecé a preguntarme si no habría perdido el juicio.
I blame myself, but it just wasn't a marriage.
Aquello no era un matrimonio.
- I wasn't thinking of myself. - What can she do to me?
- No pensaba en mí.
I filled it myself yesterday. Wasn't it full when you drove to Brewster this morning?
Lo llené ayer. ¿ No estaba lleno cuando has ido a Brewster esta mañana?
I found myself saying things I wasn't even thinking.
Me puse a decir cosas que ni siquiera pensaba.
Yo no tenía intención.
Then I.I just can't believe it myself, no matter how well it was documented no matter how much evidence there was, no matter what they said in the court or in the newspapers, it wasn't true to me even while it was happening
Simplemente no puedo creerlo, no importa lo bien documentado que esté. No importan las pruebas, no importa lo que haya dicho en el juicio o en los periódicos ; no era verdad para mí incluso mientras sucedía.
Professor, I don't want you to think that I wasn't sure of myself
Profesor, no quisiera que pensara que no estaba seguro de mí mismo.
- I wasn't myself.
- No era yo el que hablaba.
I wasn't myself.
Ese no era yo.
I wanted to prove to myself and to him that I wasn't afraid!
¡ Quería demostrarme a mí misma y a él que no tenía miedo!
- I wasn't gonna take it for myself.
- No iba a quedármelo. Iba...
When Wes first asked me to come into this maybe I told myself that the money was making up my mind but it wasn't.
Cuando Wes me pidió entrar en esto pensé que era el dinero lo que me obligaba a aceptar
Speaking for myself, I'm glad I wasn't here.
- Hablando por mí, me alegro... - Oye.
I would myself if it wasn't for...
Yo mismo, aunque... ¿ Tú qué?

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