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I wasn't thinking that traduction Espagnol

309 traduction parallèle
Well, I wasn't thinking of that but now that you mentioned it...
No estaba pensando en eso pero ahora que lo menciona...
I wasn't thinking of that, Doll.
No pensaba en eso, Muñeca.
I wasn't thinking of that.
- No hablaba de eso.
Well, I wasn't exactly thinking about that yet.
Pues, no estaba pensando en hacer eso todavía.
No, I wasn't thinking about that.
Y que como una comadreja que roba gallinas en un corral le robó lo que tenía en mayor aprecio.
Well, I wasn't thinking about that.
Yo no estaba pensando en eso.
I wasn't actually thinking of that.
No pensaba en eso, en realidad.
I wasn't thinking exactly of that, but it'll serve.
- No pensaba en eso, pero servirá.
Oh, I wasn't thinking of anyone as rich as you. - That might get to be annoying.
No alguien tan rico como Ud. Eso sería una lata.
No, I wasn't exactly thinking of that.
No estaba pensando en eso.
I wasn't even thinking about anything like that.
Ni siquiera había pensado en algo así.
Oh, thank you... I wasn't thinking that. Only what would be most quick.
Gracias, no estaba pensando en eso, sólo pensaba en cómo llegaría antes.
- That wasn't what I was thinking.
- No pensaba en eso. - Malo.
I wasn't thinking about that.
No estaba pensando en eso.
- Yes. Well, it was just as though they'd thrown me into a snake pit... and I was shocked into thinking that maybe I wasn't as sick as the others... that I really might get well.
Fue como si me hubieran tirado en un nido de víboras y, horrorizada, pensé que tal vez no estaba tan enferma como las otras que quizás sanaría.
"I thought this way you'd know for certain that I wasn't coming back." "You wouldn't go on thinking that something might have happened to me."
Pensé que de esta manera sabrías que no iba a volver, que no creerías que quizá me hubiese ocurrido algo.
No, I didn't! I wasn't thinking of that any more!
No. iYa no pensaba en eso!
Oh, no. I wasn't thinking that at all.
¡ No, no quería decir eso!
And I was thinking all kinds of crazy things, like maybe it was a mistake... and maybe the kid that got drowned wasn't Joey, by the lake.
No dejaba de fantasear, pensaba : "A lo mejor fue un error, quizá el niño que se ahogó no era Joey, a lo mejor solo se ha perdido".
I have to confess, that at that point I wasn't even thinking about my mother.
Debo confesar que en ese momento ni siquiera pensaba en mi madre.
But I wasn't thinking about that, I was just lost in a dream.
En cambio yo procuraba abandonarme a mi sueño.
That's silly, I wasn't thinking any such thing.
Eso es tonto. No pensaba en eso.
I just keep thinking that he needed me and I wasn't there.
No paro de pensar que me necesitaba y le fallé.
- I wasn't thinking about that.
- A lo casero.
I wasn't thinking of that.
No pensaba en eso.
I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have shot off my mouth like that.
El dolor me hizo perder la razón y dije muchas tonterías.
It wasn't that I was thinking about. Apparently she's been struck by the steering wheel.
Es horrible, se golpeó contra el volante.
I wasn't thinking of that... for once.
No pensaba en eso, esta vez.
I wasn't thinking that, and I won't let you.
No estaba pensando en eso y no dejaré que tú lo hagas.
That wasn't what I was thinking about.
No, mamá. No estaba pensando en eso.
That wasn't what I was thinking of.
- No, no pensaba en eso.
I wasn't thinking about things like that.
No pensaba en esas cosas.
I wasn't thinking that at all.
- Eso no es verdad...
- I wasn't thinking of that.
- No pensé en ello.
I wasn't thinking about that at all. Oh, no.
No, no estaba pensando en eso.
Well, I wasn't thinking exactly about that, sir.
Bueno, no estaba pensando en eso.
I wasn't thinking about anyone. Maybe that's why.
Yo no pensaba en nadie, tal vez por eso lo logré.
- I don't know, but I wasn't thinking that.
- ¿ Dónde si no va a vivir?
- That wasn't what I was thinking.
- Eso no es en lo que estaba pensando.
No, what I was thinking was that I wasn't interested... in anyone but you
Todo lo contrario. Sólo me interesas tú.
You see, I keep thinking that what we need... is a new language... a language of the heart... a language, as in the Polish forest, where language wasn't needed.
Creo que necesitamos un nuevo lenguaje... un lenguaje del corazón como en el bosque de Polonia... donde no lo necesitábamos.
- I wasn't thinking that big.
- No pensaba en algo tan alto.
I know what you're thinking, Robert and Karen were clear about not wanting my help and it wasn't any of my business, so why not spend my time enjoying the fringes that come from living in paradise?
Sé lo que están pensando. Dejaron bien en claro que no querían mi ayuda y que no era asunto mío, así que ¿ por qué no dedicarme a disfrutar las ventajas del paraíso?
I've been thinking, and the more I been thinking about it... the more I realize that maybe it wasn't....
He estado pensando, y cuanto más lo pienso más imagino que quizá no era- -
- Yes. I gather he's thinking of telling the press that the Kumran visit wasn't your idea.
Y he oído que le diría a la prensa que la visita a Kumran no era idea suya sino de él.
You called, I wasn't home, the school's in the ghetto... and you started thinking about terrible things that could happen... thereby causing you inconvenience.
Llamaste y no estaba. La escuela está en un barrio pobre... Y pensaste que podría pasarme algo y causarte molestias.
Mira, yo no estoy siempre pensando en ello, lo juro.
- The thing that I wasn't thinking of it! - Oh, the thought.
- Ah, el pensamiento.
Because I wasn't thinking about all that stuff.
Porque no pensaba en eso.
I certainly wasn't frightened, if that's what you're thinking.
Desde luego no estaba asustado, si es eso lo que estás pensando.
I wasn't thinking that.
No pensaba eso.

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