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I wasn't worried traduction Espagnol

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- I wasn't worried about that.
- No estaba preocupado por eso.
I wasn't worried about you men... but what about all the rest of you out there?
Vosotros no me preocupabais, pero ¿ y los demás?
I wasn't worried about you men... but what about all the rest of you out there?
Yo no iba a irme. Vosotros no me preocupabais, pero ¿ y los demás?
I wasn't a bit worried.
Yo no estaba inquieta.
I wasn't worried.
No estaba preocupado.
Oh, I wasn't worried.
Oh, no estaba preocupada.
I wasn't worried, mind you.
No es que estuviese preocupado.
You know, when you told me that you had to walk all that way it worried me and I called you back to tell you to take a cab on me, but there wasn't any answer.
¿ Sabes? Cuando dijiste que ibas a ibas a venir andando... todo el camino, me preocupé y te llamé... para decirte que cogieras un taxi. Pero no había nadie.
I wasn't thinking about the press when I switched my vote, And I'm not worried about it now.
No estaba pensando en la prensa cuando cambié mi voto, y no estoy preocupado por ello.
Looking back, I probably wasn't as worried then as I now think I was
Viéndolo ahora, probablemente no me quedé tan preocupado como creo ahora
I wasn't worried about you hurting him.
No tenía miedo de que le hicieras daño.
I confessed to her the other day that I'd always been worried about being an adopted child, and that I was afraid that Mommy wasn't really my mother and that the daddy that I -
El otro día le confesé que siempre me ha preocupado el temor de que yo fuera una hija adoptiva.
I knew he was in Lisbon, but I wasn't worried about the infanta.
Sé que estuvo en Lisboa, pero no me preocupa la infanta.
With Chatelin here, I wasn't worried.
Con Chatelin aquí no hay por qué preocuparse.
I wasn't worried, of course. Just interested.
No me preocupó, pero me interesó.
I wasn't worried.
No estaba nervioso.
Actually, it wasn't Ayako I was worried about.
De hecho, no era de Ayako de quien estaba preocupado.
- I wasn't worried, I was hoping.
- No, lo estoy deseando.
I wasn't... really worried until I saw him at the bowling centre.
No estaba... realmente preocupado, hasta que lo vi en la bolera.
I wasn't worried about you.
- No estaba preocupado por ti.
- I wasn't worried about them.
No me lamentaba por ellos.
- I wasn't worried...
- No me preocupaba...
- I wasn't worried about eating.
- No estoy preocupada por comer.
- I wasn't worried about the weather.
- No me preocupa el t ¡ empo.
I wasn't worried, but still...
No estaba preocupado, pero...
As I say, I wasn't too worried...
Ya sabes, no estaba muy preocupado.
Well, he was a little worried and depressed, I think, but he certainly wasn't ill.
Bueno, estaba un poco preocupado y deprimido, creo, pero no estaba enfermo.
Trivial things like your having, what do you call it a terminal in your house. But I wasn't worried.
Por cosas triviales, como que tuvieras una terminal en tu casa.
Well I wasn't calm. But then, I wasn't all that worried.
Bueno, no es que estuviese tranquilo, pero no me preocupaba demasiado.
irritation, a lump right here at the back of my neck, and it started getting larger, so I was worried and I went to the Sisters of Jerusalem to have them take a look at it. They said it wasn't anything, but... they're operating tomorrow.
Empece a sentir una especie de... irritacion, un bulto justo aqui, detras de la nuca, y empezo a crecer, asi que me preocupe y fui a Las Hermanas de Jerusalem para que me vieran.
I wasn't worried about leaving.
No me preocupaba marcharme.
I was so worried about Elizabeth being shot that when she said it wasn't him, I bought it, but nobody changes that much in 25 years.
Estaba tan preocupado de que le dispararan a Elizabeth que cuando me dijo que no era él, le creí, pero nadie cambia tanto en 25 años.
I wasn't worried at all.
No lo estaba.
I was worried that the boy wasn't in bed.
Estaba preocupada porque el niño no se había acostado.
I wasn't worried at all.
No estaba preocupado.
Fortunately, I had the DA on our payroll. So I wasn't too worried.
Yo tenía comprado al fiscal, asi que no me preocupaba.
Hey, I wasn't worried for a microsecond.
Oye, no me preocupé ni por un micro segundo.
But you, in the john the other day- - I wasn't worried about any damned promotion.
Pero tú... Aquel día en el servicio, no estaba preocupado por un ascenso.
I wasn't worried. Were you?
No estaba preocupado.
Wasn't to spy. I was worried. With Caspar, you can't be too careful.
Con Caspar, todas las precauciones son pocas.
That... It was not I wasn't worried if she was breathing normally.
No me preocupaba si respiraba bien.
Dr Crusher told me a few days ago it hadn't. She wasn't worried because I still had a month to go.
La Dra. Crusher me dijo hace unos días que no debía preocuparme porque aún quedaba un mes.
I wasn't worried about appearances.
No me importaban las apariencias, Walter.
I wasn't worried about his safety.
No me preocupaba su seguridad.
Dad, if you're worried that you talked me into something that I wasn't ready to do, you're wrong.
Papá, si te preocupa que me convenciste de algo.. ... para lo que no estoy listo, te equivocas.
Oh, man, you had me scared in the first round. I wasn't worried at all.
- Pellizcame hombre, no lo puedo creer.
I'm telling you, i wasn't worried.
- No.
When he didn't return for supper I wasn't worried for him
Cuando no llegó para la cena no me preocupé.
I wasn't worried about whether I'd get laid or not.
No me preocupaba si iba a hacerlo o no.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about you.
Estaría mintiendo si dijera que no estaba preocupado por ti.
Well, I wasn't worried. I knew they couldn't hold you.
Bueno, yo no estaba preocupado, sabía que no podrían retenerte.

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