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I went to see her traduction Espagnol

330 traduction parallèle
Fui a verla un par de veces, y me dijo que tu tenías suficientes preocupaciones para estar pensando en ella.
Yes, I went to see her and took the children. And yes, she has suffered.
Sí, fui a verla y me llevé a los niños, Y sí, ha sufrido mucho.
Would it be all right if I went to see her?
¿ Está bien si voy a verla?
I went to see her.
He ido a verla.
I went to see her again today.
Hoy he ido a verla otra vez.
Well, tonight I went to see her.
Bueno, esa noche fue a verla.
I went to see her off but she didn't speak
Fui a despedirla pero no dijo ni una palabra.
I went to see her one night.
Una noche fui a verla.
I went to see her, honest.
Fui a verla, de veras.
Yes, I went to see her, but...
Sí, cierto que fui a verla, pero...
Why didn't you tell me about you and Helen before I went to see her?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste acerca de vos y Helen antes de verla?
I went to see her often enough.
Estuve varias veces con ella.
I left at 10 pm I went to see her...
Me presionaba para que te contara.
I went to see her.
I went to see her and I told her that you wouldn't agree to a divorce.
Fui a verla y le dije que usted no accedía al divorcio.
After three days, I couldn't take it anymore and I went to see her.
Así y todo, al tercer día no aguanté más y fui a verla.
Sakai and I went to see her in hospital.
Sakai y yo fuimos a verla al hospital.
I'll work there and I went to see her... to find out about the job, since she's worked there such a long time.
Ahí trabajaré yo, he venido a preguntarle cómo será, puesto que lleva ahí un tiempo.
So... then I went to see her.
- Sólo una... puta de 120 o 130 kilos.
Oh, I thought I'd get home in time to see her a minute before she went to sleep.
Esperaba verla un momento antes de que se durmiera.
I don't think I wanted to see her again, but I went there not once, but 30 times.
Creo que no quería volver a verla, pero no regresé una vez... sino 30.
When we went on that picnic to the desert this afternoon... I managed to get the child away from her mother... and she told me she was going to see her father tomorrow morning.
Cuando fuimos al almuerzo en el desierto esta tarde... logré alejar a la niña de su madre... y me dijo que iba a ver a su padre mañana por la mañana.
I went back home, with a confused desire to see Iris,.. maybe to make peace with her.
Volví a casa con un confuso deseo de ver a Iris, quizás para hacer las paces.
Wherever I went, I seemed to see Altar Keane or hear about her.
Fuese donde fuese, por aquel entonces, siempre veía a Altar Keane, u oía hablar de ella.
I went to that place where she works, to see her, but it's closed.
Fui al lugar en el que trabajaba para verla, pero está cerrado.
I tried to get hold of you and then I went in to see her.
Quise avisarle antes, pero fui a hablar con ella.
Donatella and I went to see Anna Moda and she asked me to model for her.
- Muy bien. Me ha acompañado Donatella a Anna Moda y me han pedido que haga de modelo.
I went around to see her about eight o'clock.
Fui a verla alrededor de las 8 : 00.
That's why I went... to see her act.
Por eso fui... a verla actuar.
When I went to the clinic she would not let me see her. I couldn't even see her?
¿ Sabes que cuando intenté visitarla en la clínica... no quiso verme?
I went down to the garden and I saw her through the window but she had her back to me. Did you see her?
¿ La has visto?
That night I went back to see her.
Por la noche volví a verla.
She asked me to come and see her last night, and I went.
Ella me pidió que fuera a verla anoche, y fui.
I went to see her family.
Fui a ver a su familia.
I think she went to Deauville to see her daughter.
Creo que ha ido a Deauville a ver a su hija.
I went back to see Mrs Fletcher again, and her husband came out on the porch with his bulldog.
Volví a mirar a la Sra. Fletcher y su marido salió al porche con el bulldog.
The next day I went back to her and we blushed to see each other
Al día siguiente fuí a verla y nos sonrojamos al vernos.
I heard her talking, and went in to see her
La escuché hablar y fui a verla.
I went up to see her yesterday.
Fui a verla ayer.
I wasn't to see her again for a very long time, until I went to visit her at Oxford.
No volvería a verla en muchísimo tiempo... hasta que fui a visitarla a Oxford.
I went over there to see if I could talk her out of that goddamned $ 10-million lawsuit.
Fui para ver si podía convencerla... de abandonarla demanda por $ 10 millones.
I went to see his sister Nora to talk to her about it.
Fui a ver a su hermana Nora, para hablar de él.
I went up to that place to see her.
Fui a verla a ese lugar.
So, then when I came in, she was embarrassed, you see, so she went into the bathroom and she asked me to bring in her clothes.
Por lo tanto, cuando llegué, ella estaba avergonzada de verme se fue al cuarto de baño y me pidió que le alcance su ropa.
So, that's when I went to get her clothes, her panties and her bra, see?
ahí es cuando tenía sus bragas y sujetador, ¿ ves?
You know, we'd gone to the hospital to see my mother... and I went in to see her... and I saw this woman who looked as bad as any survivor of Auschwitz or Dachau.
Fuimos a verla al hospital, entré a verla... y me recordó a un superviviente de Auschwitz o Dachau.
You see, l-I went over to her loft... to tell her I was sorry about not being arrested with the group, you know?
Fui a su apartamento... para pedirle perdón porque no me arrestaron con su grupo.
I went on down to Brawley where she was from and tried to see her.
Ella era de Brawley, fui allí e intenté verla.
I think she went to hell, because every time I see her she looks like she stepped out of a hot shower.
Creo que fue al infierno, porque cada vez que la veo parece que acaba de salir de una ducha caliente.
I had hoped to catch you before you went in to see her.
Esperaba encontrarle antes de que fuera a verla.
Sorry, I never met her, although I did see her once at Carol's house when I went there to pick up some papers for my father.
- No llegué a conocerla. Aunque la vi una vez en casa de Carol... cuando iba a recoger unos papeles para mi padre.

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