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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I won't let that happen

I won't let that happen traduction Espagnol

292 traduction parallèle
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que eso suceda.
Oh, he won't let anything happen to her, I know that.
No dejará que le pase nada, lo sé.
I won't let that happen!
¡ No lo permitiré!
I won't let that happen no more, about the thumb.
No dejaré que vuelva a suceder lo del pulgar.
You're a little late, but I guess you won't let that happen again.
Llegas tarde, pero supongo que eso no volverá a ocurrir. - Lo siento.
[Chuckles] Well, I certainly won't let that happen again.
Bueno, no dejaré que vuelva a ocurrir.
I'll lose what's left of my family. I won't let that happen.
Y yo perderé lo que me queda de familia.
- l won't let that happen, Barry. I promise.
- No dejaré que pase, Barry. Lo prometo.
- I won't let that happen.
- No dejaré que eso pase.
History is repeating itself, but I won't let that happen.
La historia se repite, pero no dejaré que eso suceda.
I won't let that happen.
No lo permitiré.
I'm very sorry and I won't let that happen again.
No volverá a suceder.
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que eso ocurra.
i won't let that happen. what are you, some kind of tough guy now?
- Eso no va a pasar - ¿ Es un tipo duro ahora?
I'm sorry, I won't let that happen again.
Lo siento, no dejaré que pase de nuevo.
- I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que eso suceda.
I already know that you won't let anything bad happen to them.
Ya sé que no dejarás que les pase nada malo.
I won't let that happen again.
No dejaré que vuelva a ocurrir.
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que lo hagas.
- I won't let that happen.
- No voy a dejar que eso ocurra.
I won't let that happen.
No permitiré que eso suceda.
It's all right. I won't let that happen Pilot.
No permitiré que eso ocurra, Piloto
I won't let that happen, even if it means a lifetime of unhappiness.
No lo permitiré, aunque tenga que ser una infeliz en esta vida.
- I won't let that happen!
No podía dejar que sucediera.
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que eso pase.
I won't let that happen.
¡ No permitiré que eso ocurra!
I won't let it happen. I don't know if this is the right way... but this is the way it's being handled and that is the end of this discussion.
No sé si ésta sea la forma correcta... pero así es como lo haré y se acabó la discusión.
And I won't let that happen again.
No dejaré que vuelva a ocurrir.
I won't let that happen to me twice.
No quiero que me pase dos veces.
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que suceda.
I promise I won't let that happen.
Te prometo que eso no pasará.
I promise I won't let that happen.
Te prometo que no dejaré que eso pase.
I had Lex close down the Talon in a heartbeat. Imagine what would happen if I turned him against this town, your friends or even your parents. - I won't let you do that.
Si hice que Lex cerrara el Talon, imagina lo que pasaría si lo vuelvo contra este pueblo, tus amigos...
I won't let that happen.
No lo dejaré hacer eso.
What I want is to be able to have a life, and I wouldn't even mind having to share it with you, but you won't let that happen.
Lo que yo quiero es poder tener una vida, y no me importaría ni siquiera tenerla que compartirla contigo, pero no permites que eso pase.
No worry, I won't let that happen.
No te preocupes no dejaré que eso ocurra.
I won't ever let that happen.
Jamás dejaré que suceda.
I won't let that happen again.
No dejaré que eso suceda nuevamente.
I appreciate the complexity of the issue and I won't let that happen.
Comprendo la complejidad del problema y no dejare que eso ocurra.
- Commander, I won't let that happen.
- Comandante, no dejare que eso ocurra.
I won't let that happen.
No volverá a pasar.
I won't let that happen.
- No dejaré que eso suceda.
- I won't let that happen.
- No dejaré que eso suceda.
- Yes. - I won't let that happen.
- No lo permitiré.
- and I won't let that happen. - Dan.
- Y no dejaré que eso suceda.
- And I won't let that happen again.
- Y no dejaré que suceda de nuevo.
Marge, I won't let that happen.
Marge, no lo permitiré.
I won't let that happen
No dejaré que eso pase.
And I won't let that happen.
No voy a permitirlo.
I won't let that happen.
No dejaré que ocurra. ¿ Entiendes?
I promise you I won't let that happen.
Te prometo que no te dejaré afuera.

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