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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I won't tell if you won't

I won't tell if you won't traduction Espagnol

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Well, I can't tell you if you won't listen.
Entonces creo que lo mejor sería que me ocupe de él de ahora en adelante.
Eddie, if I tell you something, will you promise me you won't tell anybody?
¿ Me prometes guardar un secreto?
- I'll tell you if she does. She's the only one who won't allow familiarities.
Es la única aquí que no permite familiaridades.
All I want you to do is to promise me that you won't tell anyone... because if you do... it won't do me any good.
Sólo quiero que me prometa que no se lo dirá a nadie. Porque si lo dice no me serviría de nada.
Say, look, you telephone my wife, and tell her to get $ 30 over here, and if she hasn't $ 30, not to wait up for me tonight because I won't be home for a month. Will you do that? My friend...
Mire, llame a mi esposa y dígale que traiga $ 30... y si no tiene los $ 30, que no me espere esta noche... porque no volveré a casa por un mes.
Look, I promise to get you a job if you won't tell on me.
Mira, prometo conseguirte un trabajo si no dices nada.
I'll go away, if you won't tell her why.
Me iré, si no le dicen por qué.
I won't go if you'll tell me not to.
No me iré si me pides que me quede.
Well, I won't if you promise to tell me what you are.
No lo haré si me dice cuál es su rango.
If you can't tell me over the phone, I just won't hear it, that's all.
Si no puedes contármelo por teléfono, no me contarás.
And if it won't pain you too much, India Wilkes... I'd be much obliged if you'll tell me why you're staring at me.
Y si no te importa, India Wilkes dime por qué me miras.
If you're traveling incognito or anything, I won't tell a soul.
Si está viajando de incógnito, no le diré a nadie.
If you won't tell me where we're going, why sis I have to bring my ballet costume?
No me dice a dónde vamos. ¿ Por qué llevo mi traje de ballet?
If you don't like Miss Novak, I can tell you, you won't like that girl.
Si no le gusta la Srta. Novak, le aseguro que no le gustará esa joven.
But if I go back with you, you won't tell Grideau?
Y si me voy contigo, no dirás nada a Grideau.
But if I tell you you won't believe.
Pero si te lo cuento no te lo vas a creer.
Oh, Johnny. If you should ever meet Joe or anything you won't tell him I saw you, will you.
Johnny, si alguna vez ves a Joe, no le dirás que he venido a verte, ¿ verdad?
I won't take up any more of your time, sir, if you just tell me where my bag is, I'll run over to the hotel.
No le tomaré mucho tiempo... si me dice dónde está mi maleta, iré al hotel.
Paula, if you won't laugh at me, I'd like to tell you something.
Paula, si no te ríes de mí, te contaré algo.
If she won't tell you, I will.
Si no lo dice, lo haré yo.
You won't think me foolish if I tell you?
¿ No me considerarás una tonta si te digo?
If you won't, you must do what I tell you.
Si no, haz lo que yo te diga.
I'll get out now, and I won't come back, if you tell me.
Si me lo pides, me iré ahora y no regresaré.
I tell you quite frankly, Ms. Damien, if you won't testify we haven't got a chance.
Si no declara, estamos perdidos.
If I tell you, I won't have it anymore.
Si se lo digo, ya no tendré nada.
You won't be cross if I tell yer?
¿ No te enfadarás si te las cuento?
But if I ever do, I won't tell you. Is that clear?
Pero si llego a saberlo, no se lo diré.
And if I ask your wish and you tell it, then it won't come true.
Si te pregunto tu deseo y me lo dices, no se hará realidad.
If you play ball, I won't tell him what a monkey You made out of yourself.
Y si me echa una mano, no le diré que usted ha hecho el ridículo.
Now that we got in this mess... I don't need to tell you, that if anyone tries to escape... he won't succeed.
No hace falta que diga, que si alguno intenta escapar... no lo logrará.
I can tell you right now, if you don't like Miss Fisher... you won't like this girl.
Pues, puedo asegurarte, si no te gusta la Srta. Fisher... no te gustará esta joven.
If you won't trust me enough to tell me what this is all about, I think we better call it quits right now.
Si no confías en mí para decirme qué pasa, será mejor que lo dejemos.
You won't make trouble for anyone if I tell you?
¿ No pondrá a nadie en problemas si le digo?
But if we do, I won't stand out there and tell you that I'd take it back.
Pero si lo conseguimos no romperé mi palabra.
Pops, I know I'm a fool but if I tell you something, you won't think I'm silly, will you?
Papá, sé que soy una boba, pero si te digo una cosa no te reirás de mí, ¿ verdad?
Well, I'll tell you if you wanna know, but you won't believe me.
Puedo explicárselo, pero no me creería.
If I tell you, you won't make me leave here, will you?
¿ Si se lo digo podré quedarme?
In any case, I'll agree to this : if in forty-eight hours I tell you no, it's with the commitment that I won't agree to be her defender.
En cualquier caso, esto significa que si, en 48 horas, le digo que no, tampoco aceptaré ser su defensor.
It's wrong, Ann, and if you won't tell her, I will.
Está mal, Ann, y si tú no le dices, le diré yo.
Carme', if I tell you something, you won't do crazes?
Carmé, si te digo una cosa, ¿ no harás locuras?
If I keep quiet, who'll tell you that my wife won't talk in court?
Si me callo, ¿ quién asegura que mi mujer no hablará en el juzgado?
Well, if you won't tell me, I'll tell you.
Bueno, si no me dices nada, te lo diré yo.
If I tell you something, you won't laugh?
Si te digo algo, ¿ no te reirás?
If I tell you it was because of a maid, you won't believe me
Si te digo que ha sido por una doncella, no me ibas a creer.
You have the courage to tell me to my face that you won't marry me even if I drag you to the altar?
¿ Tienes el valor de decir en mi mismísima cara que no te vas a casar conmigo ni a cañonazos?
If you won't tell the captain, I will.
Si no se lo dice al capitán, yo lo haré.
All right, if you don't want to tell me, I won't ask you why you don't want to testify.
De acuerdo, si no quiere decírmelo, no le preguntaré por qué no quiere declarar.
But if you won't do it, put a star on me, and I'll tell him quick enough!
Si no lo hace, deme una estrella, ¡ y se lo diré ahora mismo!
I won't tell her if that's what you're asking me.
No se lo diré si así me lo pides.
I won't let you go up if you don't tell me who that man was!
No te dejaré ir si no me dices quien era ese hombre.
And if he won't tell you, I will.
Y si él no le dice, lo haré yo.

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