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Ibrahim traduction Espagnol

552 traduction parallèle
Than Ibrahim and Izedin arrived and they brought peace offer.
Ibrahim e Izedin llegaron con ofertas de paz.
Drifting down the Sharia Ibrahim, Pashá, with a white parasol over your shoulder.
Paseando por Sharia Ibrahim Pashá con una sombrilla al hombro.
One thousand drachmas from Yussef Ibn Ibrahim.
Mil dracmas da Yussef Ibn Ibrahim.
¡ Ibrahim!
My Ibrahim!
¡ Ibrahim!
My Ibrahim! There he is!
¡ Ibrahim, aquí estás!
Yes, my Ibrahim!
Sí, mi Ibrahim.
And such a little man has returned my Ibrahim to me!
Este pequeño me ha devuelto mi Ibrahim.
Your dear Ibrahim is returned!
Tu querido Ibrahim ha vuelto.
My dear Ibrahim!
Mi querido Ibrahim.
My darling Ibrahim!
Mi hermoso Ibrahim.
Comb Ibrahim!
Peina a Ibrahim.
- Which one's Ibrahim?
- ¿ Cuál es Ibrahim?
Ibrahim, what are you doing?
¿ Ibrahim, qué haces?
What do you think, Ibrahim?
¿ Qué te parece, Ibrahim?
You are so right, Ibrahim. She burned my own slippers. You see?
Tienes razón, ella quemó mis zapatillas.
But you will not share your wealth with poor, poor Ibrahim.
Pero no va a compartir su riqueza con el pobre, pobre Ibrahim.
You can always trust Ibrahim.
Siempre se puede confiar en Ibrahim.
Farewell, Ibrahim.
Adiós, Ibrahim.
- Ali Ibrahim!
- Ali Ibrahim!
Sheikh Ali Ibrahim of the Monassir people.
El jeque Ali Ibrahim, de la tribu Monassir.
Sheikh Ali Ibrahim escaped this morning and since then there's been no message.
El jeque Ali Ibrahim escapó esta mañana y no ha habido mensajes desde entonces.
Sheikh Ali Ibrahim of the Monassir people.
Jeque Ali Ibrahim de la tribu Monassir.
Sheikh Ali Ibrahim has been induced by my friend and great emir, Mohammed el-Kheir, to acknowledge me as the Expected One, the true Mahdi.
El Jeque Ali Ibrahim ha sido convencido por mi amigo y gran emir, Mohammed el-Kheir, para reconocerme como El Esperado, el verdadero Mahdi.
I've been talking to Nick Gold from World Circuit Records, who handles Buena Vista Social Club, and Ibrahim Ferrer is gonna come down and sing on the Latin track, which is good.
He estado hablando con Nick Gold de World Circuit Records que lleva Buena Vista Social Club, e Ibrahim Ferrer va a venir a cantar en la canción latina, que es genial.
- I am Ibrahim Namin.
Soy Ibrahim Namin.
I, Ibrahim Namin, servant of the true faith, rejoice in their power.
Yo, Ibrahim Namin, sirviente de la verdadera fe, me regocijo en su poder.
I, Ibrahim Namin, and all my forebears have served you faithfully through the thousands of years that you have slept.
Soy Ibrahim Namin, y mis antepasados te han servido fielmente... a lo largo de los miles de años que has permanecido dormido.
Wilson Langa, lbrahaim Mussa, Solomon Nkomo Tom Mbindi, Churchill Maneoko, Martin Sadika Lambert Ngoto, Simon Gjileto...
Wilson Langa, Ibrahim Mussa, Solomon Nkomo Tom Mbindi, Churchill Maneoko, Martin Sadika.... -... Lambert Ngoto, Simon Gjileto...
Mr. Ibrahim!
¡ D. Ibrahim!
Mr. Ibrahim de Ostolaza y Bofarrul, great lawyer.
D. Ibrahim de Ostolaza y Bofarull, ilustre jurista.
Mr. Ibrahim's speech is a "literary work".
El discurso de D. Ibrahim es una "pieza literaria".
We are listening, Mr. Ibrahim.
Le escuchamos, D. Ibrahim.
Mr. Ibrahim de Ostolaza y Bofarull, great lawyer.
D. Ibrahim de Ostolaza y Bofarull, ilustre jurista.
- Tell him your last invention.
- Dígale la última a D. Ibrahim.
Your speech, please.
D. Ibrahim, por favor, su discurso.
Ibrahim is practising yoga in his girlfriend's studio.
Ibrahím practica yoga en el estudio de su novia.
As Ibrahim looks to his right, he sees the word SEX.
Cuando Ibrahím mira a la derecha, ve la palabra SEXO.
As Ibrahim looks to his left, he sees the word THING.
Cuando Ibrahím mira a la izquierda, ve la palabra COSA.
In his mind, Ibrahim puts the two together.
Mentalmente, Ibrahím une ambos términos :
Nasir Malik Kemal inal Ibrahim Shams ad-Dualla Wattab ibn Mahmud.
Nasir Malik Kemal Inal Ibrahim Shams Ad Dualla Wattab ibn Mahmud.
Ibrahim is a carrier very worker and if most other already left us, he / it wanted to remain with me a few longer.
Ibrahim es un porteador muy trabajador y si la mayor parte de los otros nos ha abandonado ya, él ha querido quedarse conmigo un poco más tiempo
Ibrahim, leave us please.
Ibrahim, vete por favor.
Deliver these notices and here's a cable for Ibrahim.
Entrega estos avisos y ten un telegrama para Ibrahim.
Hello, Ibrahim. - Hello.
- Hola, Ibrahim.
Ibrahim! Nihad's teasing the horse!
¡ Nihad está provocando al caballo!
- lt's you Ibrahim.
- Ah, es usted, Ibrahim.
Where've you been, Ibrahim?
¿ Dónde ha estado, Ibrahim?
Things look bad, Ibrahim.
Las cosas pintan mal, Ibrahim.
We were all poor then, Ibrahim.
Todos éramos pobres, Ibrahim.
- Fine, Uncle Ïbrahim.
- Bien, tío Ïbrahim.

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