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Idlewild traduction Espagnol

62 traduction parallèle
Idlewild Airport, driver.
Al aeropuerto, chófer.
'Now our special events camera takes you to Idlewild Airport.'
Ahora los llevamos al aeropuerto Idlewild.
Information, may I have the number of Idlewild Airport, please?
Información, el número del aeropuerto Idlewild, por favor.
My water oxen's waiting at Idlewild, Pan American flight 100 for Karachi.
Mis bueyes esperan en Idlewild, vuelo 100 Pan American para Karachi.
You'll be pleased to know that thanks to the quality of this aircraft and the fine weather and my brilliant flying we'll hit idlewild on schedule if our speed holds up.
Señores pasajeros, gracias a la calidad de este aparato al buen tiempo, y a un servidor, alcanzaremos Idlewild a la hora prevista si nuestra velocidad se mantiene.
Estimating idlewild 18 : 30.
Llegada estimada a Idlewild a las 18h 30.
At this speed, you might as well try to get idlewild.
A esta velocidad, puedes probar tambien la de Idlewild.
Idlewild, this is global 33.
Idlewild, aqui Global 33.
Idlewild, do you read us?
Idlewild, ¿ nos reciben?
You're at 35,000 feet atop an overcast and roughly 55 minutes from idlewild airport but what you've seen occur inside the cockpit of this plane is no reflection on the aircraft or the crew.
A 35.000 pies, por encima de las nubes y aproximadamente a 55 minutos del aeropuerto de ldlewild. Pero lo que ha visto suceder en esta cabina no es debido ni a la tripulación ni al avion.
If we run according to schedule we should be landing at idlewild inside of the next 40 minutes.
Si se cumple el horario, llegaremos a ldlewild en 40 minutos.
Magellan, how about that heading to idlewild?
¿ Qué hay del cabo sobre Idlewild?
What about idlewild? Nothing doing, captain.
¿ Y Idlewild?
There's nothing from idlewild.
Eso esta hecho. No hay respuesta de Idlewild.
Request radar vector to idlewild.
Indiquenos el cabo magnetico de la baliza de Idlewild.
We want a radar vector to idlewild. Do you have us in radar contact or don't you?
Queremos ayuda del radar para Idlewild.
You have them picked up at Idlewild and delivered to...?
Hazlo recoger en Idlewild ¿ y que lo dejen en...?
- De Idlewild.
I was on my way to Idlewild Flat to see them when Vincent caught up with me.
Iba a buscarlos cuando Vincent me detuvo.
Are you sure your witnesses live near Idlewild Flat?
¿ Seguro que tus testigos viven allí?
It's called Idlewild Flat.
Se llama Idewal Flat.
How far are we from Idlewild Flat?
¿ Estamos lejos de Idewal Flat?
Idlewild Flat?
¿ Idewal Flat?
Idlewild's Flat's just a little piece further ahead there.
Idewal Flat está un poco más allá.
I drove up here this afternoon. And I want to tell you, I drove the Idlewild grade for about 10 minutes. And the thing did nothing.
Lo he conducido esta tarde y quiero decirte... que le he pisado un rato y sonaba un poco pero...
From Idlewild to the Springs, they tell me, this road drops 5,000 feet in 15 miles.
Me han dicho que esta carretera baja 1.500 m en 24 Km.
We would meet at a motel near Kennedy Airport. That used to be Idlewild.
Nos citábamos en un motel, cerca del aeropuerto Kennedy que entonces era el de Idelwild.
By the time I grew up, there was $ 30 billion a year in cargo... moving through Idlewild Airport... and believe me, we tried to steal every bit of it.
Cuando crecí, pasaban por el aeropuerto de Idlewild... $ 30.000 millones al año en mercancías, y nosotros intentábamos robarlo todo.
I call it the Spruce Moose, and it will carry 200 passengers... from New York's Idlewild Airport to the Belgian Congo in 17 minutes!
Lo llamo el Spruce Moose y llevará 200 pasajeros... del aeropuerto Idlewild de Nueva York al Congo belga en 1 7 minutos.
- This is your bus ticket to Idlewild.
Toma tu billete hasta Idlewild.
And, uh, this will get you from Idlewild to Miami.
Y éste es de Idlewild hasta Miami.
- Idlewild airport, July'65.
Aeropuerto Idlewild, Julio del 65...
See this airport? Idlewild Airport?
Mire este aeropuerto, ¿ aeropuerto Idlewild?
One day, I happened to be at the Idlewild Airport... an old US airport.
Un día, por coincidencia, estaba en el aeropuerto Idlewild... viejo aeropuerto.
He said, "Why not head on down to Idlewild early?"
Y él sugirió que me fuera antes a Idlewild.
Thought I'd come and see what the big fuss in Idlewild, Georgia, is all about.
Así que pensé en venir y ver de qué se trata este asunto de Idlewild, Georgia.
I don't know why you want to waste it in a silly little town like Idlewild.
No sé por qué te empeñas en perderlo en un pueblo tonto como Idlewild.
About the most beautiful thing I've seen in Idlewild.
Lo más hermoso que haya visto en Idlewild.
But then you're not from Idlewild.
Pero no eres de Idlewild.
That ain't gonna work down here in Idlewild!
¡ Eso aquí en Idlewild no funciona!
One day he's gonna come to Idlewild, and I'm gonna play for him.
Un día vendrá a Idlewild, y yo tocaré para él.
Not yet. I got us a flight out of Idyllwild.
Conseguí un vuelo desde Idlewild
... turn prescribed by Idlewild Airport rules.
... vuelta prescrita según reglas del Aeropuerto Idlewild.
How about "Idlewild to Rockaway in less than eight minutes"?
¿ Qué tal : "Idlewild a Rockaway en menos de ocho minutos"?
Idlewild is better.
Idlewild es mejor.
No, it was Idlewild...
No, era el Idlewild.
( Man ) Clipper 22, Idlewild tower.
Clipper 22, habla la torre de Idlewild.
It seems strange, doesn't it, not calling it "idlewild" anymore?
¿ No se te hace extraño, no llamarle "idlewild" nunca más?
I'll need a heading to idlewild from our last known position.
Necesito la distancia a Idlewild desde nuestra ultima posicion.
Radar vector to idlewild i.l.s.
La baliza de Idlewild.
- For Idlewild Flat, we are.
- A Idewal Flat, sí.

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