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If he didn't traduction Espagnol

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At this point, Mr Collard says he knew how the New South Wales police operate, and he knew they were going to frame him no matter what he said and he feared for his safety, indeed his life, if he didn't...
En este momento, el Sr. Collard dice que conocía cómo operaba la policía de Nueva Gales del Sur, que sabía que iban a inculparle sin importar lo que dijera y que temía por su seguridad, incluso por su vida, si no...
I didn't decide you'd lose your bonus if I kept myjob.
Yo no he decidido que pierdas la prima si yo me quedo.
After his accident, I didn't know if he'd ever be the same again, but he's got his old smile back.
Después de su accidente, yo no sabía si alguna vez sería el mismo otra vez, pero recupero su vieja sonrisa de vuelta.
If he didn't manage any of that there's a fat chance of him reopening the magic brain.
Si no logró nada de eso, menos que menos va a reabrir el...
And that he'd be killed very quickly if we didn't act.
Y que lo matarían rápidamente si no actuábamos.
He didn't show up at the crypt, so I called round to see if he was OK.
No apareció en la cripta, así que vine de visita a ver si estaba bien.
If he didn't, wolves would already be feeding on us Back there.
Si no lo hubiera parecido, los lobos estarían devorándonos... ahí atrás.
Was he threatening to tell people the true story if you didn't?
¿ Se estaba amenazando con decirle a la gente la verdadera historia si no lo hiciste?
If he didn't, we wouldn't be here, right?
Si no, no estaríamos aquí, ¿ verdad?
And if it's so important, why didn't he come himself?
- ¿ Por qué no vino personalmente?
The spies were sent to make sure he didn't escape en route and to shoot him if he did.
Los espías fueron enviados para asegurarse de que no escapara y dispararle si lo intentaba.
Didn't get anything from the main database, but if he's covert ops, like you suspect, then that's not surprising.
No conseguí nada, desde la base de datos principal,... pero si es una operación encubierta, como sospechas, entonces no es de sorprender.
I mean, if he was there... why didn't you ever say anything?
Quiero decir, si estaba allí... ¿ por qué nunca dijiste nada?
The reason I didn't tell you was because I came here to learn from you, not to be a part of some scandal, and because if I don't get tenancy here, I don't know how I'm going to survive.
El motivo por el que no te lo he dicho es porque vine a aprender de ti, no para ser parte de un escándalo. y porque si no consigo quedarme, no sé lo que haré para sobrevivir.
I didn't approach them, if that's what you're thinking.
No me he acercado a ellos si es lo que estás pensando.
He said he didn't care if I didn't have the guts.
Dijo que le daba igual si yo no tenía agallas.
If you didn't leave me, I would've found you within the first 30 minutes that I looked for you guys.
Si no lo hiciste y ; me dejes, lo haría e he encontrado dentro los primeros 30 minutos que miré para ustedes.
A man, I didn't know his face, he came to ask if I'd testify against you.
Un hombre, no reconocí su rostro, vino y me preguntó si testificaría en contra de usted.
He told me he left the Centre early because he'd received news that eight... Icterine Warblers had been reported flying south, and he didn't want to miss them if they flew over the island.
Me dijo que dejó el centro temprano... porque había recibido noticias de que ocho... pájaros cantores de Icterine estaban volando hacia el sur... y no quería perderlos por si sobrevolaban la isla.
He claimed he didn't know if it was his or not.
Él aseguró que no sabía si era suyo o no.
Even if he didn't shoot J.R., he's still a terrible man.
Incluso si no mató a J.R., es un hombre terrible. Cliff es un medio para un fin.
How is it that if he put the knife up to your throat, and it didn't scratch you, it didn't cut you,
Como es que el le puso el cuchillo en la garganta, y no le hizo ninguna herida, y no la corto,
So I think that he heard a repeated threat, which, if he didn't do what he did to himself, they would carry out.
Entonces creo que oyó la repetición de una amenaza, que, si no hacía lo que se hizo a sí mismo, la llevarían a cabo.
He said he'll kill my mother if I didn't.
Dijo que mataría a mi madre si no lo hacía.
We didn't ask. If she's a greedy gump, he's gonna need one.
Si es una maldita codiciosa, necesitará uno.
I thought if we didn't get to the funeral, he wouldn't really be dead.
Pensé que si no llegábamos al funeral, en realidad no estaría muerto.
Well, if he's such a good guy, then why didn't he exist before 1997?
Bueno, si es tan buena persona, entonces ¿ por qué no existía antes de 1997?
If he really loved me, why didn't he tell me he was sick?
¿ Si de verdad me quería por qué no me dijo que estaba enfermo?
I'd be a bloody fool if he didn't frighten me.
Sería un tonto si no me asustara.
If you mean physical violence, he didn't harm her.
Si se refiere a violencia física, no le ha puesto la mano encima.
And I wasn't brave enough to know that if he didn't like me for me, that's his problem.
Y yo no era lo suficientemente valiente saber que si no me gustaba a mí, ese es su problema
Though if the owner's to be believed, he didn't play last night.
Aunque si se cree al propietario, no jugó anoche.
If I may reserve the option of pretending I didn't hear it.
Sí, sí puedo fingir que no la he oído.
I didn't write it, if that's what you're asking.
Yo no lo he escrito, si es lo que estás preguntando.
If I completely finished it, I didn't know what he might do.
Si la acababa completamente, no sabía lo que acabaría haciendo.
And when Antonio didn't want to return to Naples, to be with you, I swore if he brought you here, I'd have helped him tend to you my entire life.
Cuando Antonio no quería volver a Nápoles para estar cerca de ti yo juré que si te hubiese traído aquí lo hubiera ayudado a cuidarte para toda la vida.
He was having trouble because he didn't know if his house had a bidet in it.
Tenía un problema porque no sabía si su casa tenía un bidé.
What if he didn't need to see a clue in these newspaper reports because he already knew the story?
¿ Y si no necesitaba ver una pista en estos artículos del periódico porque ya supiese la historia?
Um, he didn't want to upset anyone by coming, So he thought it might be better if he stayed home tonight.
No quería molestar a nadie viniendo, por lo que pensó que sería mejor quedarse en casa esta noche.
Well, that's too bad, because if he didn't trust you, it'd be a lot easier for you to trust him.
Bueno, eso es malo, porque si el no hubiese confiado en ti, habría sido más fácil para ti confiar en el.
I don't know what would have happened if he didn't...
- No sé qué habría pasado si él no...
If you're worried he didn't confess before the Lord took him, you could still confess for him.
Si usted está preocupado él no confesó antes de que el Señor se lo llevó, aún se podía confesar para él.
So he offered me that laptop computer if I didn't, so I did.
Así que él me ofreció que el ordenador portátil si no lo hacía, así que lo hice.
If you didn't care, he couldn't get to you this way.
Si no te importase, no te habría llegado de esta manera.
If we didn't get his diagnosis in time, he could have died.
Si no hubiéramos hecho su diagnóstico a tiempo, podría haber muerto.
If your husband didn't kill the Waynes, how did he come to have Martha Wayne's necklace?
Si su esposo no mató a los Wayne, ¿ por qué tenía el collar de Martha Wayne?
If your mum asks, I didn't give you them, yeah?
Si mamá te pregunta, yo no te los he dado, ¿ vale?
I told him I was relieved. That we could have taken action if he didn't comply.
Le dije que era un alivio, que podíamos haber actuado si no hubiera aceptado.
If he bought that ticket with cash, he didn't have to show I.D.
Si compró ese billete en efectivo, no tuvo que enseñar una identificación.
The police officer explained that she owed 4,000, and he said if we didn't pay it right away, she'd have to go to jail.
El policía explicó que ella debía $ 4 000. Y dijo que si no los pagábamos de inmediato, ella iría a la cárcel.
I've learned that if what I'm looking for is not in my own backyard, then I didn't need it anyway.
"He aprendido que si lo que busco no está en mi propio patio, no lo necesitaba de todas formas".

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