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If he didn't do it traduction Espagnol

236 traduction parallèle
If he didn't do it, who did?
Si no lo hizo él, ¿ quién fue?
Well, then, do you think he'd like it if you had a chance... to do me an act of friendship and didn't do it?
¿ Crees que le gustaría que tú pudieras hacer un acto de amistad por mí y no lo hicieras?
If he didn't do it, I'll be glad to represent him.
- Si es inocente, lo defenderé.
And it'd be our own, and could nobody can us, and if we didn't like a guy, we can say, "Git", and he'd have to do it.
Y sería nuestro y no nos podrían decir nada. Si no nos gustase alguien, le diríamos : "Vete" y tendría que hacerlo.
I mean- - Well, if he didn't do it,
Quiero decir...
If he didn't kill you, you'd do it yourself.
Si él no te mata, tú misma lo harías.
De hecho, me dijo que si no me comportaba, me mandaba al rincón, y así lo hizo.
And if he didn't do it?
- ¿ Qué tal si no lo hizo él?
Well, if he didn't do it... who did?
Bien, si él no lo hizo... ¿ Quién fue?
Do you... Do you suppose it's ethical, even if you prove that he didn't commit a crime?
¿ Tú crees que es ético, incluso si demostrara que no ha cometido un crimen?
Do you think it would work with Al, if he didn't know what was up until the last minute?
¿ Podría funcionar si Al desconoce de qué se trata hasta el último minuto.
I'd have heard a fight if there was one. Frankie didn't do it - he wasn't even here.
Frankie no lo ha hecho, no ha estado aquí.
If he was gonna ride the brute, why didn't he do it when it meant something?
Si iba a montarlo, ¿ por qué no lo hizo cuando era importante?
If he didn't do it, we'll find out he didn't do it.
Si no lo hizo, lo averiguaremos.
I mean, if at times I also sewed my own interest, I didn't do it for myself.
Porque si alguna vez he pensado en mi interés, no lo he hecho por mí.
Someone once said... If a man had a chance to spend his life fishing, making love... watching things grow and didn't choose to do it, he was mad.
Alguien dijo una vez... es porque no está cuerdo.
So, if he didn't do it, who did? Huh?
Si no lo ordenó él, ¿ quién lo hizo?
He also said he'd do it even more, if the powerful republics, didn't tax alcohol so mercilessly.
También decía que lo haría más a menudo... si las poderosas repúblicas no gravaran los alcoholes.
Didn't it occur to you to ask him before setting this up if he wants to do it... whether his ideas coincide with yours?
¿ No se te ha ocurrido preguntarle antes si quiere hacerlo, si sus ideas coinciden con las tuyas?
If he didn't do it, he's got nothing to worry about.
Si él no lo hizo no tiene de qué preocuparse.
uncle, it was Sheriff Rosco that said he'd sell the general Lee... if the boys didn't do what he wanted.
Me temo que sí. Fue Rosco el que les dijo que se iban a arrepentir... si no hacían lo que él les ordenaba.
If Belkov wanted to give us to Servalan, why didn't he do it straight away?
Si Belkov quería entregarnos a Servalan, ¿ por qué no hacerlo inmediatamente?
If I didn't wanna be honest about it, do you think I'd be silly enough to leave a poem he gave me lying around in the house in a book of Walt Whitman?
Si no quisiera ser sincera, ¿ crees que sería tan tonta como para dejar un poema suyo... por la casa dentro de un libro de Walt Whitman?
If he wasn't writing it, I didn't want anything to do with it.
Por eso descarté a Charlotte como sospechosa y me centré en un hombre que siempre había formado parte de esto.
But, they would have killed me if I didn't do it. Yes, he is right. Your mind can never he purified and stay with Buddha.
Pero me habrían matado si no lo hubiera hecho. tu mente nunca podrá purificarse y quedarse con Buda.
I mean, if he didn't do it, who did?
Pero, si él no lo hizo, entonces, ¿ quién?
Damn, if he didn't actually do it.
Increible que lo haya logrado.
- If he didn't do it...
- Y no fue Harrod...
All right, so even if he didn't do it himself... I could've got him to tell me who did.
Bueno, aunque así sea, podría haberme llevado a quien lo hizo.
- Once you've done time, you're never sure with yourself, even if I know I didn't do anything wrong, there's this crisis in the world they write a lot about it.
Cuando tienes antecedentes nunca puedes estar seguro. Incluso sabiendo que no he hecho nada, con la crisis que hay en el mundo... Ellos se dedican mucho a ese tema.
If he didn't do it, I'll get him off.
Sino lo hizo, haré que le absuelvan.
If he didn't do it I'll get him off.
Sino lo hizo... le libraré.
But he said he didn't think it would do harm if I wanted to drive you out to your place... as long as you felt well enough to go.
Pero también dijo que no le haría ningún daño que yo la lleve a su casa... si usted se siente lo suficientemente bien.
If I'm getting benched for something I didn't do, I might as well do it.
Si me mandan al banquillo por algo que no he hecho, mejor lo hago.
If he didn't do it, you're the prime suspect.
Si no lo hizo él, eres el primer sospechoso
I didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he said if I didn't pose for those patty-cake pictures,
Yo no quería tener nada que ver con eso. Pero dijo que si yo no posaba para esas fotografías,
If I didn't do it whilst he watched, he'd insist on doing it himself.
Si no lo hacia mientras miraba, lo hacia él mismo.
If I didn't do it, he just sat there and laughed.
Si no lo hacía, se sentaba y se reía.
Well, even if you do have extremely large feet, he didn't have to say it to your face.
Aunque sí tienes pies muy grandes, no tenía que decírtelo.
And then, if he didn't do it fast enough, I'd pull my gun out of its holster just like this... And I would shout, " do we have an understanding...
Y si no se diera prisa..... sacaría mi pistola de la funda así y gritaría : "¿ Nos entendemos o quieres ver si puedes respirar por tu frente?"
If he didn't do it, how do you explain the phone call from the priest?
Sí el no lo hizo, como explicas la llamada del cura?
He gets insulted if I even suggest he didn't do it.
Se siente insultado aun si sugiero que no lo hizo.
Playing the theme for David at the piano the first time I'm glad that he thought it was really good because I'd have to go back and do another one if he didn't.
Me alegro de que cuando toqué la canción al piano para David la primera vez le gustara porque, de no haber sido así, habría tenido que hacer otra.
If he didn't do it, we'll know.
¡ Mitch! ... ¡ Mitch!
If O'Brien is accused of stealing warheads, he didn't do it.
Si se le acusa de robar cabezas, podemos probar que no lo hizo.
Well, if Freddy Quimby didn't do it... I'm sure he'll be found innocent by a fair and impartial jury.
Si Freddy Quimby no lo hizo... estoy segura que un jurado justo e imparcial lo declarará inocente.
He strangled it in front of her... and said he ´ d do the same to the other one if she didn ´ t do what he wanted...
Lo estranguló frente a ella y le dijo que le haría lo mismo al otro, si no hacía lo que el quería...
Well, if he was... he didn't have any bullets to do it.
Bueno, si el hubiera tratado... no tenia balas para hacerlo.
Damn if he didn't do it! Oh, Gleason.
Él dijo que lo haría.
What the fuck were we going to do if he didn't buy it?
¿ Qué demonios haríamos si no la compraba?
What if he didn't do it?
¿ Y si no lo hizo?

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