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If i don't come back traduction Espagnol

496 traduction parallèle
You know what it means to me if I let you go and you don't come back.
Ya sabes lo que significaría para mí si te dejo ir y no vuelves.
After this I don't know if I can come back
Después de una escena así, no sé si podré volver.
If I don't come back, they'll send a force to find me.
Si no regreso, mandarán una flota a buscarme.
I don't like curtain speeches or the kind of people who make them, but if I don't come back, I'd like you to know that I did fight against loving her because I respected you.
No me gustan los discursos o la gente que los dice, pero si no vuelvo, me gustaría que supieras que luché por no amarla, porque te respeto.
If I don't come back with the biggest story you ever handled you can put me back in short pants and make me marble editor.
Si no vuelvo con un reportaje sensacional podrá relegarme donde quiera.
If I don't come back with Winkie, you'll have to fight your way through.
Si no regreso con Winkie, tendrán que luchar para pasar.
If I don't come back, it's good news.
Si no regreso, son buenas nuevas.
You can go and I don't care if you never come back.
Puedes irte. Y no me importa que no vuelvas.
If you don't come down in five minutes, I'll come back and get you.
- No, Alec. Cinco minutos.
Yes, you see, I was sent here to bring you back, and if you don't come, why, naturally, they're going to feel that I messed things up.
Si, verá, me enviaron aquí para que la llevara, y si no viene naturalmente, pensarán que estropeé las cosas.
I'll think you don't like me if you don't come back.
¿ Será que no te gusto y por eso te vas? - Se equivoca, me gusta.
If you don't mind, Miss Williams, I'd like to come back.
Si no le molesta, Srta. Williams, me gustaría regresar.
Frank, I'm warnin'you, if Reynolds isn't dead within a half hour, don't come back here!
¡ Te lo advierto : Si Reynolds no muere en media hora, no regreses!
And if I don't find Mog there... I'll come back and I'll do two years for you.
Y como no encuentre allí a Mog, volveré y sabrá usted quién soy yo.
If I don't come back, you'll know I haven't succeeded.
Si no regreso, es porque no tuve éxito.
And if things don't go right for you, if we should win, then I'll come back.
Si las cosas no salen bien para ustedes, si ganamos, volveré.
- If I can't make her happy, then I don't want her to come back.
- Si no puedo hacerla feliz, entonces no quiero que vuelva.
If you don't mind, I've come back, but only temporarily.
Si no le importa, he vuelto, pero sólo de forma temporal.
But don't come leeching'back again... If you go, I'm through with you.
- Sí, te amaba sin saber lo que significa esa palabra.
If you don't believe this how do you suppose I knew Johnny had come back?
Si no lo cree... ¿ Cómo me enteré de que Johnny había regresado? Por ella.
If I don't come back in two hours remember to make the call.
Si no he vuelto dentro de 2 horas, llama adonde te dije. Sí.
If I don't come back, tell the old man that I entrust the gang and you to him.
Si no regresamos, dile al viejo que le confío el grupo. Entiende que...
Thanks for everything if I don't come back.
- Por si no vuelvo, gracias por todo.
Even if you don't come back, I'll have confidence that someone will pay it.
Incluso aunque no vuelva, tengo confianza en que alguien la pagará.
What happens if I take off and don't come back?
¿ Y si despego y no regreso?
If I don't come back, Mrs Spernanzoni will come and pick you up
- Sí, creo que sí. De todas formas, si no vuelvo, ¿ sabes quién viene a recogerte?
If i Don't come back, Always remember that Either in heaven or hell, Someone thinks Kindly of you.
Si no vuelvo, recuerda siempre que ya sea en el cielo o en el infierno, alguien piensa bien de ti.
- Now, if I don't come back - -
- Si no vuelvo...
If the girls don't come back, I'm on the hook for a year's rent.
Si las muchachas no regresan, soy responsable por un año de renta.
If you don't give him everything you've got, I may come back and fight for the enemy.
Si no le dan todo lo que tienen, regresare a luchar para el enemigo.
Can I have you next egg if you don't come back?
¿ Podré tomarme su próximo huevo, si no vuelve?
You may still have to fight if I don't come back.
Puede que aún tenga que luchar si no regreso.
I don't care if your pains does come back.
No me importa que te vuelva el dolor.
If I don't come back, tell Puba's father : The inn is a trap.
Si no regreso dile al padre de Puba que el bar es una trampa.
Well... I'll tell you, I'll see what I have in that back closet if you'll just come back later, all right? I don't mind waiting.
Mire,... tengo una caja, Io miraré.
I tell her, if I don't come back by 5 : 00 in the morning, she is to go in submarine to England without me.
Le he dicho que si no vuelvo a las cinco de la mañana, debe ir en el submarino a Inglaterra sin mí.
If you don't turn up, I'II come back the same time tomorrow night.
Si no regresan, volveré mañana a la misma hora.
If Yancey Cravat thinks he can disappear for five years with never a single word and then come back and find me at the station waving a flag and carrying a welcome sign, I don't know who he thinks he is anyway.
Si Yancey Cravat cree que puede desaparecer durante 5 años sin decir palabra y volver luego para encontrarme en la estación agitando una bandera y llevando una pancarta, no sé quién se cree que es.
I just wanted you to know that if you don't make your million, you can always come back and work for me.
Sólo quería que supieras que si no te haces rico, siempre puedes volver y trabajar para mí.
If I blow the conch... and they don't come back... then we've had it.
Si soplo la caracola, y no vuelven, la cosa empeoraría.
I don't know when I can get back here again, but when I do, I'd like to come to the bar again, if you don't mind.
No sé cuándo podré volver aquí otra vez. Pero cuando lo haga, me gustaría venir albar de nuevo, sino le importa.
If you don't come back. I'll call at every apartment.
Si no vuelves, llamaré a todos los apartamentos.
What am I supposed to do with the puppies if you don't come back?
¿ Que debo hacer con los cachorros si no vuelves?
And I tell you, they will come back if you don't do anything.
Llevarse a la chica y a su hermano.
"If you don't come back in 24 hours I'll bring it to court."
"Si no vuelves a casa dentro de 24 horas acudiré a la vía legal"
If I don't come back, go to the Admiral.
Si no vuelve, vaya al almirante.
If I don't come back, he's yours.
Si no vuelvo, es tuyo.
I want to know if he usually don't come back home at night often.
Si hace a menudo eso de... de no volver a casa por la noche.
"But if he don't come back, Then I'll never sigh or cry."
Pero si no vuelve, no lloraré.
He said he'd kill her if I don't come back.
Dijo que la mataría si yo no volvía.
Don't worry if I don't come back.
No te preocupes si no vuelvo.

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