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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / If it's all right with you

If it's all right with you traduction Espagnol

356 traduction parallèle
Well, if you enjoy that sort of thing, it's quite all right with me.
Bueno, si le gustan esas cosas, por mí está bien.
But it's all right with me, and you can go if you don't like it.
Pero es de mi agrado, y puede largarse si no le gusta.
Well, if Pete wants you here, it's got to be all right with me.
Si Pete te quiere aquí, tengo que estar de acuerdo.
Well, if it's all right with you, I'll be willing to take a chance.
Si estás conforme, veo bien el arriesgarse.
Vale para mí si está bien para ustedes, caballeros.
- That is, if it's all right with you, sir.
- Bueno, si le parece bien, señor.
I'll give it to her as a present, if it's all right with you.
Se lo voy a regalar... si no tienes nada en contra.
Honey, if that's what you believe, it's all right with me.
Cariño, si eso crees, no tengo problema.
That is, if it's all right with you, Jake.
En fin, si te parece bien, Jake.
If you want to go skating with George, it's perfectly all right.
Si quieres ir a patinar con George, no hay ningún problema.
Or is she taking you for a nice juicy ride? It's all right with us if she's trying to keep her parole.
A nosotros no nos importa que intente cumplir su libertad condicional.
If it's all right with you, cutie, I'll take a rain check.
- Si no te importa, lindo, me la debes para otra ocasión.
Just for old times'sake, I'll send the chairman of the bus committee up, and if you can persuade him, it's all right with me.
Solo por los viejos tiempos... le enviaré al presidente del comité de autobuses... y si usted puede persuadirle, todo estará arreglado conmigo.
It's all right with me if you want to be stubborn.
Allá usted si se empeña.
- If it's all right with you... - I'd like to find out some more about this Vanderhoefen guy.
- Si le parece bien... me gustaría averiguar más sobre Vanderhoefen.
- That is if it's all right with you, sir.
- Si le parece bien a Ud.
If it's all right with you, I'll go have a rest.
Si no le molesta, voy a descansar.
All right. If that's all the appreciation you've got of what your customers want... - it's jake with me.
Si así valora lo que sus clientes quieren, me parece bien.
If you wanna hold the fort while I ride off on your little horse... it's all right with me.
Hablando de manos...
It's all right with me if you want to interpret your life through fingernail parings, but that's got nothing to do with me.
Me parece bien que quiera interpretar su vida... según las uñas, pero eso no tiene nada que ver conmigo.
Well, if it's all right with you, we'd like about 10 minutes to say hello to the boys here.
Pues si le parece bien, queremos 10 minutos para saludar a los muchachos.
I can get the rest by tomorrow night, if it's all right with you.
Puedo conseguir el resto para mañana por la noche, si quieres.
If it's all right with them... it's all right with you?
¿ Es que si ellas acceden accederá usted también? Sí, se lo aseguro.
No, just going home if it's all right with you.
No, me voy a casa, si no le importa.
If it's all right with you, it's all right with me.
Si está bien para ti, está bien para mi.
Nick said it was all right with him if it's all right with you.
Nick dijo que le parecía bien si a usted le parecía bien.
If it's all right with you, Doctor, we'd like to have Mrs. Cross's body exhumed.
Si nos lo permite, quisiéramos exhumar el cadáver de la Sra. Cross.
If it's all right with me, it ought to be all right with you.
Si a mí no me importa, no debería importarte a ti.
If I get casually beat up along the way, that's all right with you, isn't it?
Y si me dan una paliza, no le importa, ¿ verdad?
If you want to forget about the whole thing, it's all right with me.
Si quieres olvidar todo el asunto, por mí está bien.
Frank, Mr. McNeal would like to talk to you again if it's all right with you.
Frank, al Sr. McNeal le gustaría hablar contigo otra vez.
Well, of course, if that's the way you feel about her, it's all right with me.
Por supuesto, si es lo que sientes por ella, de acuerdo.
Oh, well, of course if that's the way you feel about him, Carol it's perfectly all right with me.
Desde luego, si eso es lo que sientes por él, Carol estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
If you prefer to have all your dances with Del Laudi, it's quite all right with me.
Si prefieres bailar con Del Laudi... por mí, está bien.
If you think you can spend those long evenings... just thinkin'about how you might have saved her, it's all right with me.
Si soportarás pensar que pudiste salvarla, entonces bien.
To make my bed and get some sleep, if it's all right with you.
A hacerme la cama ya dormir, si le parece bien.
If it's all right with you, ma'am, I'll stay a while.
Si le parece bien, señora, me quedaré un rato.
Well, if it's all right with you, I sure would like to tag along with the boy.
Bueno, si no te importa, me gustaría acompañar al chico.
If it's all right with you, I'll get my gun.
Si le parece bien, iré a recoger mi revólver.
It's not all right if you don't go with me.
No me parece bien que no vengas.
If you think it's all right to behave like some kind of it's all right with me.
Si crees que está bien comportarse como un... Entonces me parece muy bien.
I'd rather sit in with you, if it's all right.
Preferiría sentarme con usted, si todo está bien.
All right, if that's the way you want it, I'll ride with you.
Bien, si eso quieres, iré contigo.
If it's all right with you, Doctor, I'll just ride back to the Music Hall with Vicky.
Muy bien, Señor. Si Ud. está de acuerdo, Dr.
By the way, uh, I've decided to stay over another day or so, if it's all right with you.
A propósito, decidí quedarme un día más, si te parece bien.
Well, if it's all right with you I'll lock him up first and then take the cuffs off.
Si no te importa, lo encerraré antes de quitarle las esposas.
- If it's all right with you...
- ¡ Contento usted, contentos todos!
But I tell you right now, if Caterina wants to come and live here with Marty and me, it's all right with me.
Pero les digo algo. Si Catherine quiere mudarse conmigo y con Marty no tengo problema.
Uh, that is, if it's all right with you.
Es decir, si te parece bien.
Well, if you want me to tell you how I feel about it, it's all right with me.
Bueno, si quieren saber mi opinión, me parece bien.
That's all right with me, if that's the way you want it.
Por mí está bien, si así lo quieres.

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