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If that's cool with you traduction Espagnol

55 traduction parallèle
I can make it after all, if that's cool with you.
Al final puedo ir, si te viene bien.
Si eso te parece bien.
If that's your way, then that's cool and I hope you'll find happiness with her.
Si es tu camino, entonces está bien y espero que encuentres la felicidad con ella.
You know, if it's because you're HIV-positive, I'm cool with that.
Si es porque eres seropositiva, a mí no me importa.
Hey, Russ. We got another player if that's cool with you.
Hey, Russ. tenemos otro jugador si está bien para ti.
That's cool'cause you believe that if it's love... let it be pure and just roll with that... and let the heart take over and see what happens.
Está bien. Está bien porque vos crees que si es amor... que sea puro... y dejá al corazon hacerse cargo y ver qué pasa.
I mean, if you wanna be, like, bisexual or something... you know, bring chicks home, that's cool with me.
Si quieres ser bisexual y llevar chicas a casa, acepto en una buena.
Bueno, si te va bien dormir con un ojo abierto y un hacha bajo la almohada, es cosa tuya.
That's cool. I guess you can join up with us if you want.
Está bien, creo que puedes unirte a nosotros, si quieres.
If you don't feel like getting high, that's cool with me, because there's lots of people around here. See this guy?
Si no quieres, no hay problema... porque hay mucha gente aquí. ¿ Ves ese tipo?
You know, he says he's totally cool with waiting until I'm ready, but if he's filling up with cyber-sex in the mean time, I'm not going to measure up to that.
Sabes, el dice que está bien con esperarme hasta que yo esté preparada. Pero si el se está poniendo hasta arriba de ciber-sexo en su tiempo libre... No voy a medirme con eso.
If that's cool with you.
Si a ti no te molesta.
- I mean, if that's cool with you. - Yeah.
Si a ti no te importa.
I was gonna go out with him tonight and Jenna fucking hates him, so I'm just gonna tell her I'm with you, if that's cool.
Voy a salir con él esta noche y Jenna lo odia. Le diré que estoy contigo, si te parece.
Anyway I just came by to tell you that we're taking a hike to Deer Cliff Falls on Wednesday at 10 : 00, if that's cool with you.
Sólo vine a decirte que iremos a caminar a Deer Cliff Falls el miércoles a las 10 : 00, si quieres venir.
"Well, I'd like to shoot my wife, if that's cool with you."
Lo último que hicimos en Roy Thompson Hall fue, sin dudarlo, mi PR favorito que he hecho jamás.
I don't understand where we're at if you won't see me for months and that's cool with you.
No entiendo cómo estamos, no me verás por tres meses y no te importa.
- Okay. I mean, if that's cool with you.
Digo, si a ti no te molesta.
If you don't want to have sex, that's cool with me.
No me importa que no quieras tener sexo.
Well, then it'll just be you and I, total sister time. If that's cool with you.
Leo, no quieres hacer esto, ¿ vale?
But when i date someone, sex is usually part of the equation, And if you're not cool with that, it's fine, But you need to say something.
Pero cuando salgo con alguien, el sexo es una parte importante de la ecuación, y si no estás bien con eso, está bien, pero necesitas decir algo.
But I feel like the only time you, like, want to bond with me is when we're getting up for the challenges and that's cool and if that's all you want- -
- ¿ Está bien? Pero siento como si la única vez que quieres relacionarte conmigo es cuando estamos preparándonos para los desafíos, lo que está bien. - Y si es todo lo que tú quieres.
I'm gonna hit it, if that's cool with you.
Me voy a ir si te parece bien.
Like if you just want to be on Facebook all the time, he's... he's cool with that?
Como si sólo quisieras estar en Facebook todo el tiempo, él es - ¿ Está de acuerdo con eso?
- if that's cool with you.
- si te parece bien.
If that's cool with you.
Si eso esta bien contigo.
She's wearing the pants too, if you're cool with that.
También lleva los pantalones, si no te molesta.
If you're already going with someone That's totally cool.
- Si ya estas con alguien,
And if I told you I was hanging out with Ty, you would have been like, "hey, that's cool"?
Y si te hubiera dicho que había estado con Ty, me hubieras dicho, "oye, ¿ está bien eso?"
You know, I think I'm just gonna hang out here with you guys, if that's cool.
Sabes, creo que me voy a quedar aquí con vosotros. chicos, si esto está bien.
Captain, I-I'd like to ask Mrs. Robbins a question, if that's cool with you.
Capitán, me gustaría hacerle una pregunta a la Sra. Robbins, si eso está bien contigo.
So I figured I'd stay around for a couple days, if that's cool with you.
Pensaba quedarme unos días, si te parece bien.
If that's cool with you guys. AND
Esto sera fantastico chicos.
I'm gonna go ahead and dial back the crazy a little bit and just serve myself if that's cool with--with you guys.
Voy a seguir adelante y marcar de nuevo la locura un poco... y servirme a mi mismo si está bien con.. con tus chicos.
I think it's probably best if you stay here with her if that's cool.
Creo que probablemente es mejor que te quedes aquí con ella si eso está bien.
! Well... Yeah, if that's cool with you.
Bueno... si, si te parece bien.
If that's cool with you.
Si a ti te parece bien.
I might as well hang with you guys if that's cool.
Podría ir con ustedes también si no les molesta.
I'd like to be left alone, if that's cool with you.
Me gustaría que lo dejen solo, si eso es fresco con usted.
If that's cool with you.
Si te parece bien.
I would really love to observe if that's cool with you.
Me gustaría observarlo si te parece bien.
And that's okay because if you're gay, then I'm cool, so just come out with it, you know?
Y eso esta bien porque si eres gay, entonces yo estoy bien, por lo que acaba de salir con el, ¿ sabes?
And I wouldn't mind keeping it that way, if that's cool with you.
Y me gustaría mantenerlo así, si no te importa.
- if that's cool with you.
- si eso es fresco con usted.
Yeah I was thinking I could crash in the couch, if that's cool with you guys.
Sí, pensaba hacerlo en el sofá, si está bien para ustedes.
- if that's cool with you?
Me iré, si estás de acuerdo.
Great. I mean, if that's cool with you?
Genial, quiero decir, si te parece bien.
If that's all you want, I'm totally cool with it.
Si es todo lo que quieres, estoy de acuerdo con ello.
That's so cool of you. Wow. Yeah, to be marginalizing persons with disabilities by asking them what their handicap is is a microaggression no better than asking a person of color if they went to college.
si, marginar a los discapacitados al preguntarles : que es ser invalidos?
Um, going to Brandon's for a little Halo marathon, sleep over if that's cool with you?
Hmm... voy a lo de Brandon para un pequeño maratón de Halo y me quedo a dormir si te parece bien a ti?
- If that's cool with you.
Si te parece.

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