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If you're going to kill me traduction Espagnol

95 traduction parallèle
I know you killed him, and you're going to have to kill me, too, because if you don't, I'm going to kill you!
¡ Sé que le has matado y sé que también vas a tener que matarme, porque si no, te mataré yo!
"You're going to have to kill me, " because if you don't, I'm going to kill you. "
"Vas a tener que matarme, porque si no, te mataré yo."
Kill me if you're going to.
Mátame si es lo que vas a hacer.
If you're going to kill me, you all be hung.
Si me matais, os ahorcarán.
If you're going to die, kill me first!
¡ Si vas a morir, mátame primero!
But Ozeki... if you're not going to kill me, how will you save face?
Pero, Ozeki... Si no intentas matarme, ¿ cómo reaccionara la banda Kannon?
If you're going to leave, you'd better kill me first!
Si de verdad quieres irte ¡ entonces mátame antes!
Why should I do what you tell me to do if you're going to kill me anyway?
Porque tengo que hacer lo que me dices si de todas formas vas a matarme?
If you don't stop burning my scarf, you're going to have to kill me.
Si no dejas de quemar mi bufanda, vas a tener que matarme.
You're going to kill me anyway. - Not if you listen.
- Me va a matar de todas formas.
If on the other hand you're going to kill me, you'd better get on with it!
Si, por otro lado, va a matarme, es mejor que lo haga ahora.
If you're not going to kill me, I have things to do.
Si no vas a matarme... tengo cosas que hacer.
If what you're telling me is right, then any stress is going to kill him.
Si lo que me dices es cierto, cualquier tensión lo mataría. Mira.
You best tell them to bring an ambulance. Or a hearse, if you're going to kill me.
Mejor diles que traigan una ambulancia... o un coche fúnebre si vas a matarme.
If you don't, you're going to be begging me to kill you.
Si no, vas a terminar rogándome que te mate.
If you don't bring me that film we're going to kill him, fuck him and film it.
Si no me traes la película lo vamos a matar, a jodérnoslo y a filmarlo.
Even if you kill me, they're all going to stop you, you fucking freak.
Quieres matarme? Te rajaré, puto cerdo!
If you want the money... You're going to have to kill me.
Si quieres el dinero tendrás que matarme.
If you're going to kill me anyway just get it over with, brother Kakihara.
Si me vas a matar.. hazlo de una vez, hermano Kakihara.
So if you're going to kill me, kill me.
Así que, si vas a matarme, mátame.
If you're going to kill me, do it.
Si vas a matarme, hazlo.
You see, they're going to kill me if I don't get the money in 30 days.
Mira, me van a matar si no consigo el dinero en 30 días.
So if you're going to kill me, just get it over with.
Así que, si vas a matarme, adelante.
If you're going to kill me, I'd like to confess first.
Si me van a matar, quisiera confesarme antes.
If you don't tell them... what Wilson told you, they're going to kill me.
Si no les dices lo que Wilson te dijo, van a matarme.
I don't have time to kill myself that slowly, so if you're going back I might as well throw myself in this river.
No tengo tiempo para matarme tan lentamente, así que si volverás, tal vez sea mejor que me tire al río.
Because... if you want to kill me Johnny, you're going to have to get in line like everybody else.
¿ Es Johnny una farsa?
If you kill me, you're going to have to drag me.
Si me matas, deberás acarrearme.
Kill me if you're going to.
Mátame si lo vas a hacer.
If you're going to kill me, I want to see your faces.
Si me van a matar, Ies quiero ver Ia cara a todos ustedes.
Hey, if you're going to kill me, do it now.
Si me van a matar, háganlo ya.
If you want it, you're going to have to kill me.
Si la quieres, vas a tener que matarme.
If you want it, you're going to have to kill me.
Si la quieres, tendrás que matarme.
They said they're going to kill me if you don't give us pizza.
Dicen que me matarán si no nos dan pizza.
Kill me if you're going to.
Máteme si me va a matar.
If you're going to beat the Lion, you have to get rid of his magic otherwise use a gun or use a knife he is not all mortal if I kill him for you, what can you give me
si lo que buscas es eliminar al Leon, tienes que buscar como quitarle su magia si no utilizas una arma, utiliza un cuchillo el no es totalmente inmortal si lo elimino por ti, que puedes darme
So I hope you all are happy with the order that you're standing in. Because if you follow me in there, that is the order that I am going to kill you.
Espero que todos estén contentos con el cumplimiento de su deber porque si me siguen allí dentro, mi deber será asesinarlos.
If you're going to kill me, hurry up and do it!
Si vas a matarme, simplemente cállate y hazlo!
If you don't do anything to help, they're going to kill me and my mom.
Y si no haces nada para ayudarnos, van a matarme y a mi mamá.
If I tell you what happened, if I don't tell you, you're going to kill me anyway.
Si te digo lo que sucedió si no te lo digo. De todas maneras me matarás. ¿ A quién le harás cargar con el crimen?
If you're going to kill me, then can I please have some water?
Si me van a matar, puedes darme un poco de agua?
If you're going to kill someone, kill me.
Sí, y si va a matar a alguien, máteme a mí.
But if you're going to kill me, what can I do.
Pero si vas a matarme, qué puedo hacer.
If you're going to kill me... do it directly. Let's get!
- Si me vas a matar, ¿ por qué no lo haces directamente y acabamos con esto ya?
It didn't piss me off enough to kill him, if that's where you're going.
No me cabreó lo suficiente como para matarle, si es ahí por donde va.
If I don't kill you, I take the money and you're going to come after me, right?
Si no te mato, tomo el dinero y vas a venir tras de mí, ¿ verdad?
If you're going to kill me, get it over with.
Si quieres matarme, adelante.
If you're going to kill me, just do it.
Si vas a matarme, solo hazlo.
Just understand, if you do this, you're going to have to kill your way through a whole lot of people you know. Starting with me.
Sólo entiéndelo, si haces esto, vas a tener que pasar por encima de los cadáveres de mucha gente que conoces, empezando por el mío.
But if you're going to stay here, I'm not going to let them kill me because of you.
Pero si te quieres quedar aquí, yo no me voy a dejar matar por ti.
If you're going to kill me, best you do it now.
Si vas a matarme será mejor que lo hagas ahora.

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