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If you want to talk to me traduction Espagnol

659 traduction parallèle
If you want to talk to me, why put me to sleep?
Si quiere hablar conmigo, ¿ para qué me va a dormir?
I'll be outside if you want to talk to me.
Estaré fuera por si decide hablar.
I'll try not to doze off if you want to talk to me, Dr Sutton.
Intentaré no quedarme dormido mientras hablo con usted, Dr. Sutton.
But if you want to talk to me, you can come aboard.
Pero si quiere hablar conmigo, venga.
- If you want to talk to me, have a seat.
- Si me tiene que decir algo, siéntese.
If you want to talk to me, calm down.
Si quiere hablar conmigo se tiene que calmar.
Come in if you want to talk to me.
Pase si quiere hablarme.
- I want to talk to you alone, if you please.
Hablarle a solas, si me lo permite.
If I could talk as well as Murdoch, I'd have told you long ago that I love you, but now I must go, and all I'll be able to say is "goodbye". But I want you to hear that!
Si supiera hablar como Murdoch, ya te habría dicho que te quiero, pero mañana ya me voy, y solo podré decirte "adiós", aunque quiero que lo oigas.
I just want to talk. If you'll overlook this informal visit... I'll forgive you for slighting me in the dining room.
Si perdona esta visita informal... yo le perdonaré su desaire en el comedor.
If you want me to, I'll talk to her first, Mary.
Si quieres, yo hablaré con ella primero, Mary.
If you don't want me to, I won't see or talk to him any more.
Si no quieres que lo haga, ya no lo veré ni hablaré con él.
I'll talk it over with myself, and if I don't want too much money I'll give it to myself. Thank you, sir!
Lo hablaré conmigo y si no pretendo demasiado me lo daré. ¡ Gracias, señor!
Jane, if you don't want me to talk about this anymore, I won't.
Jane, si no quieres que hable más de esto, no lo haré.
But I'll talk to you if you want me to.
Pero hablaré con usted si quiere.
Look here, young lady... if you want to talk me out of Windward House, save your breath. It isn't that.
Mire, jovencita, si quiere hablarme sobre Windwar, bien podría aguantar la respiración.
If you ever feel you want to get away from the camp, and you don't want to face the crowd in there, come in here and talk to me.
Si alguna vez tiene ganas de alejarse del aeródromo de evitar a la muchedumbre, venga y hable conmigo.
Koji, if you think you feel love for someone, I want you to come to talk to me about it.
Koji, si crees que sientes amor por alguien, quiero que vengas a contármelo.
Pueden seguir hablando toda la noche, yo me voy a la cama.
If you want me to, I'll have another talk with her again
If you want to do business with me, talk nice and sweet.
Si quiere hacer negocios conmigo hable con sinceridad.
- I don't blame you for being angry... but I want you to know that if you need me and want to talk to me...
- No la culpo por estar enojada. Pero si me necesita y quiere hablar conmigo aquí estaré.
But if ever you feel you want to talk to me, you know where you can find me.
Pero si quiere hablar conmigo, sabe dónde encontrarme.
Sure, if you don't want to talk to me.
Bueno. Si no quiere hablar conmigo.
Okay, if you want to talk it over, it's okay with me.
Muy bien, si queréis hablarlo, por mí no hay problema.
You'll have to talk English if you want me to understand.
Hábleme en inglés si quiere que le entienda.
I don't know what you want me to do, but, if you want me to, I come and talk to her.
No sé qué quieren que haga. Si quieren, puedo hablar con ella esta noche.
I can't talk for the rest of the farmers. I want you to know, if the time comes when you need a few extra men with guns... I got two sons left.
No puedo hablar por los demás granjeros, pero quiero que sepa que si llega a necesitar más hombres armados, a mí me quedan dos hijos.
But I want to talk about it now, first, if you'll let me.
Pero primero quiero hablarle de esto ahora, si me lo permite.
Look, if you two are in this thing together, I don't care, it's none of my business, but I want to talk to Marion and I want her to tell me it's none of my business and then I'll go...
Oiga, si tienen algo entre manos no me importa, no es asunto mío, pero quiero hablar con Marion y que me diga que no me meta y entonces me iré...
Now, if there's anyone you want me to talk to about this.
Si quieres que hable con alguien sobre esto.
Oh, no... I don't mind if you don't want to talk about it.
No me importa si no quieres hablar de ello.
Mr. MacNamara, I don't want to take up your time... so if you'll just let me talk to Miss Hazeltine.
Sr. MacNamara, no quiero tomar su tiempo... así que si me deja hablar con la Srta. Hazeltine.
If you want to sweet-talk me, do it in numbers!
Si quiere cameIarme, hágalo con cifras.
Well I'll do whatever you say but... if you don't want me to talk to you and you won't come in...
Haré lo que quiera pero, Si no va a hablarme y no va a entrar...
Do you want me to see if i can talk someone out of a cup?
Quieres que le pida a alguien que nos convide con una taza?
This being said, if you need a friend, if you want to talk, you can count on me.
Dicho esto, si necesitas un amigo, alguien con quien hablar, puedes contar conmigo.
So if you really want me to talk, get me my tape recorder.
Por eso, si realmente quiere que hable, tráigame mi grabadora.
If you want to be my friend, don't talk to me again about that... about all this.
Si quieres ser mi amigo, no me hables de esta... De todo eso.
I want to talk with you, if I may.
Quiero hablar con usted, si me lo permite.
Fine with me if you don't want to talk, but you'll pay for it.
Me importa una mierda si no quieres hablar, pero pagarás por lo que hiciste.
If you want me to go, talk to Flavio right now.
¡ Mire si usted quiere que yo me vaya de aquí, hable con Flavio que yo me iré cuanto antes!
If you want to talk with me, including walkie-talkie. But try not to do it.
Si necesitas hablar conmigo, Enciende la radio, pero trata de no hacerlo.
If you want to talk, call me at any time.
Si quieres hablar, llámame en cualquier momento.
I'll talk to you anyway, Riccetto, even if you don't want to give me a sign.
- ¿ Tiene fuego, por favor? - Sí, seguro.
Listen, if you want to talk to me take your hands out of your pockets...
No podemos, la puerta está cerrada...
You can talk to me if you want, but I don't want you near me.
Si quieres hablarme puedes hacerlo, pero no quiero tenerte cerca
If you want to talk it over, you know where to find me.
Si quiere hablar de ello, ya sabe dónde encontrarme.
I don't know if it's a case of politeness... it's more to the extent you are talking to me is because you want to talk to me.
Yo no creo que sea por cortesía... más bien porque... en la medida en que estás conversando conmigo, es porque tú quieres conversar conmigo.
So now, if you boys want to talk business with me... what you've got to do is get your offer way up there in the air, where it belongs.
Así que si ustedes quieren hacer negocios conmigo sólo tienen que ofertar un monto mucho mayor, como corresponde.
Excuse me, coach, if you want to talk to Gale here, I'll just...
Disculpe entrenador, si quiere hablar con Gale, yo me...

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