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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / If you will excuse me

If you will excuse me traduction Espagnol

544 traduction parallèle
If you will excuse me, sir, I must leave.
Si me excusa, señor, debo irme.
If you will excuse me, I ´ ll see about the horses.
Si me disculpan, iré a ver los caballos.
And now, if you will excuse me, it is getting late.
Y ahora, si me perdonan, se está haciendo tarde.
If you will excuse me, this is where my patient comes aboard.
Si me disculpan, aquí es donde sube mi paciente.
Now, If you will excuse me, I'll -
Ahora, si me disculpas, iré...
Now son, if you will excuse me.
Muchacho, discúlpame.
Now if you will excuse me, its time for Sunday school.
Discúlpeme, es hora de la escuela dominical.
And, now, if you will excuse me, I will retrieve the arrows.
Ahora, si me permite, voy a retirar las flechas.
If you will excuse me, my dear.
¿ Me disculpas, querida?
Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do.
Si me disculpan, tengo que trabajar.
I will announce your arrival to the Field Marshall, if you will excuse me.
Anunciaré su llegada al Mariscal, discúlpenme.
Now if you will excuse me, Mr. Horak, I will have to hurry.
Excúseme Sr. Horak, pero tengo prisa.
If you will excuse me, messieurs, it's time i returned to my guests.
Y ahora si me disculpan, caballeros,... he de volver con mis invitados.
If you will excuse me.
Con permiso.
Now, if you will excuse me, it was rather a tiring trip.
Ahora, si me disculpan, ha sido un viaje agotador.
And now if you will excuse me...
Y ahora si me disculpan...
No doubt. If you will excuse me, sir.
Si me excusa, señor.
If you will excuse me, I will now leave you.
Si me disculpan, caballeros, debo irme.
It's getting late. And if you will excuse me —
- Se me está haciendo tarde.
Well, my dear, if you will excuse me... I must go take care of my sideline for tonight.
Bueno, linda, con su permiso... debo encargarme de mi actividad suplementaria.
Now, Felix, if you will excuse me, I must see Lili.
Ahora, Felix, si me disculpas, debo ver a Lili.
If you will excuse me, I must decorate the table.
Si me disculpa, debo arreglar la mesa.
And now, if you will excuse me, I will see about your rooms.
Si me disculpa, revisaré sus cuartos.
And now, if you will excuse me, lieutenant.
Y ahora, si me disculpa, teniente.
Well, excuse me, dear. Oh, Father, if it's from home, will you say I'm spending the night in town with Lucy?
Padre, si llaman de casa, diles que esta noche me quedaré con Lucy.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.
Si me disculpan, caballeros -
I think I will if you'll all excuse me.
Buenas noches. - No tardaré.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.
Caballeros, si me disculpan.
Excuse me, Dr. Garth, but Dr. Graham wants to know if you will come see an emergency patient in 32.
Disculpe, Dr. Garth, pero el Dr. Graham quiere saber... si puede ver a una paciente de emergencia en el 32.
- Will you excuse me if I go and meet him?
¿ Me perdona? Quiero ir a su encuentro.
Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a great deal of business... that I wish to attend to at once. I move we adjourn.
Propongo levantar la sesión.
I'd be charmed if I wasn't so busy. If you both will excuse me -
- Disculpe, estoy ocupado.
Now I must go, if you will excuse me.
Bueno, volví para decirte que estoy seguro.
- If you gentlemen will excuse me I think maybe you could thrash this out better without me.
- Si los caballeros me disculpan... creo podréis solucionarlo mejor sin mí.
And now if you will all excuse me, please.
Si me disculpáis, por favor.
If you boys will excuse me...
Si quieren perdonarme...
If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have an important engagement.
Si me disculpan, caballeros, tengo un compromiso importante.
Better late than never, that's what I always say. If you gentlemen will excuse me...
- If you two will excuse me.
- Si me disculpan.
Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have another appointment.
Ahora, si me disculpan, tengo otra cita.
- If you people will excuse me now.
- Discúlpenme.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.
Discúlpenme, caballeros.
If you would excuse me, I will leave now.
Si me disculpas, me iré ahora.
Now... If Mrs. Demarest will please excuse us, I'd like a word with you.
Ahora, si la Sra. Demarest nos disculpa, por favor,... me gustaría hablar contigo.
Now, if you folks will excuse me, I'll have the men gird their loins for battle.
Ahora, si me disculpan... haré que los hombres se preparen para la batalla.
Now, if you people will excuse me, I have several things to take care of.
Si me disculpan, tengo cosas que hacer.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.
Si ustedes me disculpan.
If you'll excuse me, Captain Roper will escort you to my quarters.
Si me disculpas, el capitán Roper te acompañará a mi alojamiento.
If you two will excuse me, I think I shall retire.
Si me disculpáis, creo que me voy a dormir.
If your Highness will excuse me... You've heard the news?
Si su alteza me disculpa...
Now, if you, two young people will excuse me, I think I'll go and get a bit of a nap.
Ahora, si los jóvenes me excusan, iré a dormir un poco.

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