In hindsight traduction Espagnol
241 traduction parallèle
In hindsight, he looked lonely to me.
Visto retrospectivamente, me parece que se sentía solo.
It is very difficult, in hindsight, to describe what it was like living in a country where everyone was always searching for everything.
Resulta muy difícil, retrospectivamente, describir cómo era vivir en un país donde todos estaban siempre buscando algo.
In hindsight, a virgin is too tiring.
Además, una virgen es algo demasiado fatigoso.
It's easy to draw conclusions in hindsight... but i don't think it was entirely them that was wrong!
Parece fácil sacar conclusiones en retrospectiva. Pero no creo que estuviesen totalmente equivocados.
In hindsight, I go to Derry and Toms, please.
Pensándolo bien, quiero ir para Derry and Toms, por favor.
Which, in hindsight, turned out to be an error.
Que, en retrospectiva, resultó ser un error.
That's a determination others will make in hindsight.
eso es lo que determinarán otros con el tiempo.
That's a determination others will make in hindsight.
Es una determinación que otros harían en retrospectiva.
In hindsight, I am a great escape artist, is not it?
después de todo soy un gran escapista, ¿ no crees?
And I guess in hindsight, it was all a big mistake.
Supongo que en retrospectiva fue un error.
In hindsight I think my sister and I we owe it to my father's death that we have survived because they selected children who had problems who'd lost parents or whose parents could no longer look after them to go on the Kindertransport.
Pensándolo ahora yo y mi hermana le debemos a la muerte de mi padre que hayamos sobrevivido porque seleccionaron a niños con problemas que perdieron a sus padres o que ya no podían cuidarlos para ir al Kindertransport.
It only happens like that in hindsight.
Sólo se ve con perspectiva.
In hindsight, perhaps we should have given him his medication, O'Neill.
En retrospectiva, quizás debimos dejar que tomara su medicación, O'Neill.
Ok. In hindsight, not a good move.
Mirando atrás, lo de casarnos, no fue una buena idea.
And in hindsight it was unfortunate.
En retrospectiva fue una equivocación.
In hindsight it was a blunder, sir, that later made short work of your fine victory, and cost lives.
En retrospectiva fue un error garrafal, Sr. que echó a perder su victoria y costó vidas.
- Perhaps in hindsight. - And this isn't fraud?
No lo hice por prevensión ¿ Y eso no es fraude?
All right, I guess in hindsight... I probably should've let the guy eat with his hands.
Supongo que en retrospectiva debí haber dejado que comiera con la mano.
Yeah, Robert, in hindsight, maybe faxing that letter wasn't the best idea, but I think Marie was only trying to help.
Sí, Robert, viéndolo bien quizá enviar la carta por fax no fue la mejor idea pero creo que Marie sólo trataba de ayudar.
In hindsight, maybe I was wrong to back out.
Pensándolo bien, quizá me equivoqué al echarme atrás.
And in hindsight, I appreciate that.
Y en retrospectiva, lo aprecio.
In hindsight I could see it coming.
En retrospectiva, me lo veía venir.
I mean, but everything's twenty-twenty in hindsight.
Pero ahora Veo todo de manera muy normal.
Most miracles occur in hindsight.
La mayoría de los milagros ocurren en retrospectiva.
In hindsight, it was just a bad judgment call.
Ahora que lo pienso, fue una mala decisión.
I sort of shot myself in the foot by trying to make an alliance early on to get rid of someone that was just annoying me, um, which I see now in hindsight is probably not the best way to play the game.
Me he disparado en el pie al intentar hacer una alianza tan pronto para echar a alguien que me molestaba, y ahora, en retrospectiva, veo que no era la mejor manera de jugar.
Are you proud in hindsight of what you pulled off?
¿ Estás orgulloso, a posteriori, de lo que conseguiste?
In hindsight, he could've just been shitting himself.
En retrospectiva, podria estar haciendose en los pantalones.
Of course, I guess in hindsight, I should have seen it coming, but...
Debería haberlo visto venir pero claro, perdida la oportunidad...
I feel in hindsight- - - The president heard...
Pero mirándolo con perspectiva, podría...
Okay, in hindsight maybe it wasn't a good idea to make her climb up on the display case and... shake her "groove thang," but you know-
Quizá no fue buena idea, que se subiera al mostrador y "lo meneara", pero se estaba divirtiendo hasta que se cayó.
# How you in your afterlife, lookin'back in hindsight #
# Como tú, en la otra vida, miras la cosas en retrospectiva #
You know, in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have kicked it.
Sabes, pensándolo bien, probablemente no debí patearla.
Good thing, In hindsight,
Eso es bueno. En retrospectiva.
In hindsight, it's probably just as well that I couldn't.
Mirando hacia atrás, probablemente debo decir que es mejor que no pudiera.
Patterns like this are-are clearer in hindsight.
Los patrones como estos son transparentes en retrospectiva.
More and more I conflate maintaining this road with maintaining my life, a life which, in hindsight, seems as if it happened to someone else, a life which seems like a novel written by another.
Cada vez confundo más el mantener esta carretera con mantener mi vida, una vida que, en retrospectiva, parece haberle ocurrido a otro, una vida que parece como una novela escrita por otro.
In hindsight, not one of their better decisions.
En retrospectiva, no fue una buena decisión.
You know, I would never say that I have ever in hindsight characterized the times that I've been less than punctual in precisely that fashion.
Sabe, yo nunca diría a posteriori que me haya definido precisamente de esa manera por las veces que he sido menos que puntual.
No. I'm not gonna sit there and have them rake me over the coals about every decision I've made that they don't agree with in hindsight.
No. No voy a quedarme sentada allí recibiendo reprimendas por cada decisión que he tomado durante los dos años pasados y con las que no están de acuerdo a posteriori.
To end the blue radish is the upside of luxury... and sparking a good lizard can only make tears fall in hindsight.
Acabar con el rábano azul es el lado bueno del lujo y encender un buen lagarto sólo logrará que lloren a posteriori. Los charcos no piden por qué no.
And in hindsight, I think it was good for him.
Y en visión retrospectiva, creo que fue bueno para él.
In hindsight breaking the news to them that way?
En perspectiva, ¿ soltarles la noticia de Sadie de esa manera?
In hindsight, obviously, a monumental error in judgment.
En retrospectiva, evidentemente fue un desacierto monumental.
So just- - in hindsight, I did a centerpiece and a plated dessert.
Tan- - en retrospectiva, hice la pieza central y un postre emplatado.
In hindsight, he was probably getting ready to jump.
Estaba, probablemente, preparándose para saltar.
Originally intent on an academic career rewriting Victorian novels with the benefit of hindsight, he was side-tracked by an interest in music to make a fortune, which he sunk into property, literary ephemera and psychic drawings.
Al principio quería ser académico, reescribiendo novelas victorianas con el saber de la experiencia. Se entretuvo con su interés por la música, para hacer fortuna. lnvirtió en inmuebles, coleccionables literarios y dibujos de mediums.
Hindsight is 20 / 20, my friend. The point is, I'm in trouble.
Gasté mas de 20 mil dólares, amigo el punto es que estoy en problemas.
In retrospect, yes, we should've canceled the horse-drawn carriage, but hindsight is 20 / 20.
En retrospectiva, si, debimos cancelar la carroza con caballos, pero en ese momento no lo pensamos.
I should've killed you before. I should've killed you the minute you put up those unicorn topiaries in the park, but, hey, hindsight, right?
Deberia haberlo hecho antes Deberia haberte matado cuando podaste los arboles en forma de unicornio La sabiduria llega demasiado tarde.
Maybe, in hindsight...
Eso es tan perverso.
hindsight 20
in his bedroom 16
in high school 193
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his bedroom 16
in high school 193
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in high 25
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his way 22
in his house 18
in high 25
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29