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Incurable traduction Espagnol

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"His disease is incurable."
"Su enfermedad es incurable."
She has an incurable cancer.
Lo que padece la señora, es un cáncer tremendo, sin cura.
You let him go because you're incurably romantic.
Le dejaste escapar porque eres una romántica incurable.
Oh, boy! For you, I'd remain incurable.
Pues no me curaré nunca.
We think it's quite hopeless.
Creemos que es incurable.
Oh, listen to the incurable pessimist. What's to stop progress nowadays?
Ya veo que eres un pesimista y quieres frenar el progreso.
Why don't you send somebody who's sick of life?
¿ Por qué no enviáis a un enfermo incurable?
Everybody knows that radium poisoning is incurable so... so why waste any time in that direction?
Es sabido que la intoxicación por radio es incurable. ¿ Para qué perder el tiempo?
I know it's incurable, but when I heard he was on the Rex I radioed him.
Ya sé que es incurable, pero cuando supe que estaba aquí, le llamé.
I'm a hopeless invalid.
Soy un inválido incurable.
You don't work because I am an idiot.
Eres un vago incurable. Eso si, también porque el Doctor me lo dicho que tienes razón.
- You're an incurable bum.
Usted, dijo, no debe trabajar, coma, y coma.
Your brother is an incurable bum.
Si viene a buscarme. Que no estoy. Creo que no viene busqué.
It's just that I'm an incurable fool.
Es que soy un tonto incurable.
Soy un dipsómano incurable.
Tengo un incurable complejo de inferioridad con ellas.
You're only a jumped-up, checked-off hospital-turnout incurable of an old working man.
Sólo es usted un infeliz, o un viejo trabajador en paro.
But we have Shûgo, and when I consider Shûgo, as a mother, when I think of asking you to care of me despite my incurable illness, and you were sacrifying your career for me. Not only would I have made you miserable, but I would have ended up hurting Shûgo.
Pero tenemos a Shugo, y cuando, como madre, pienso en Shugo, y pienso en pedirte que me atiendas a pesar de mi enfermedad incurable, sacrificando tu carrera por mí, creo que no sólo te haría un amargado,
I'm sure she was!
¡ El tenorio incurable!
Polly's only fault is that she's incurably romantic.
El único mal de Polly es que es una romántica incurable.
He regards it as incurable.
Cree que es incurable.
I have an incurable illness :
Tengo una enfermedad incurable :
Haven't you learned yet that Mildred is an incurable matchmaker?
¿ Aún no has aprendido que Mildred es una casamentera incurable?
A hopeless case, blind as a bat.
Pero incurable, ceguera total.
My illness is incurable.
Mi enfermedad es incurable.
Give me time to treat him and cure him before the police find him, and shock him into an incurable condition.
Quiero tratarlo y curarlo antes de que lo halle la policía y haga su condición incurable.
No sooner had the Dr. Gilberto Silva died... than a drunkard was born in me. And he tries to drown in alcohol... his incurable sorrow.
Así fue que el Dr. Gilberto Silva murió... mientras nacía en mí el ebrio que intenta ahogar en el alcohol su dolor sin remedio.
Frustration. It's a chronic disease... and it's incurable.
Es una enfermedad crónica... y es incurable.
There are 3 approaches to our defense : Incurable insanity, temporary insanity, or the unwritten law.
Locura incurable, temporal o derecho consuetudinario.
But if it spreads, it can soon become serious, or even hopeless.
Pero si se extiende, puede convertirse pronto en grave o incluso incurable.
- Is it hopeless?
- ¿ Es incurable?
- He is an incurable lunatic.
- ¡ Loco! Un loco incurable.
Incurable adventurer, mad, reckless, tried everything. A positive mania for fads, and he never counted the cost.
Aventurero empedernido, alocado, atropellado e irresponsable... dado a caprichos extravagantes, sin importarle consecuencias ni costos.
Alas for good intentions. Toad was incurable.
Y aunque las intenciones eran buenas, Sapo era incurable.
And those are incurable, even for me. [laughter]
Son incurables, incluso para mí.
You belong with the incurables.
Usted es incurable.
You're incurable.
Eres incorregible.
I did try to warn you, but you, Sire, are incurably romantic.
Yo intenté de advertirle, pero Ud, Sr, es un romántico incurable.
But don't try curing me. I'm incurable.
Pero no intentes curarme a mí, soy incurable.
You must think me an incurable romantic.
Pensará que soy novelesco.
So the first guy that talks or tries to identify anyone is going to get a headache you can't cure.
Así que el que quiera hablar o intente identificar a alguien tendrá una jaqueca incurable.
one of those incurable cases.
Un caso de ésos sin remedio.
Unfortunately that illness has struck me again so seriously... that I think it has no cure.
Por desgracia, ese mal a vuelto acometerme con una fuerza tan terrible, que ya lo considero incurable.
This one can't be cured. You've got to beleive me.
Esta es incurable mi General ¡ créamelo!
I have to clear up this matter. And if it is not true this story about the incurable disease... I swear on my father's ashes an my militar honour that I'll shoot you like a dog.
Yo tengo que poner en claro este chisme, y como no resulte cierto lo de la enfermedad incurable, le juro a usted por las cenizas de mi Padre y por mi honor de militar, que lo mato a usted como un perro. ¡ Vamos!
Unfortunately that illness has struck me again so seriously... that I think it has no cure.
Por desgracia ese mal ha vuelto a acometerme con una fuerza tan terrible, que ya lo considero incurable.
He's become a hopeless drunk.
Ahora es un borracho incurable.
Yes,'cause everybody knows what I got is incurable, so it would just be a waste of time.
Sí, porque todos saben que lo que tengo es incurable... y sería perder el tiempo.
I fear that the Prince in incurable.
Me temo que el príncipe no podrá curarse.
It's getting worse. I'm afraid it's one of those incurable things.
Temo que es incurable.
It's just that I'm an incurable sap, I guess.
- Nos están bombardeando.

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