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Indecisive traduction Espagnol

167 traduction parallèle
He's weak and indecisive.
Es débil e indeciso.
It's because you are too conservative and indecisive.
Se debe a que eres demasiado conservadora e indecisa.
I am a conservative and indecisive woman.
Soy conservadora e indecisa.
Now, I know that I was a conservative and indecisive woman.
Lo que sé es que era una mujer conservadora e indecisa.
He is nice and rich. He is too much for me, because I am conservative and indecisive.
Es demasiado para mí, porque yo soy conservadora e indecisa.
Of all times, Miss Milligan, this is no time to be indecisive, in.
Señorita Milligan, estos tiempos no son para los indecisos.
You give the impression of being indecisive and ineffectual.
Da la impresión de ser indeciso e ineficaz.
You've always been indecisive.
Siempre ha sido muy indecisa.
He said I was unstable, and insecure, and indecisive and...
Me dijo que era inestable, insegura, indecisa y...
It seems so indecisive everyday.
Todos los días parece tan indeciso.
L - I'm sorry to be so indecisive... but it's not easy - it's not easy -
Lamento ser tan inseguro... pero no es fácil... no es fácil...
Her harmonious face, now indecisive, seemed contorted.
"En su indecisión, los suaves rasgos de Paula... experimentaron una distorsión."
King doesn't like indecisive people and doesn't trust them.
Al Rey no le van indecisos ni incompetentes.
Dazed, indecisive, Charles has moved to behind the right flank of the Jacobite lines and is now unable to see what is happening to his army.
Aturdido, indeciso, Charles está detrás del flanco derecho de las líneas jacobitas y no puede ver lo que pasa con su ejército.
What I can't decide is, is it something basic in you that's indecisive or is it the effect of the treatment?
No sé si eres realmente indeciso o si es el efecto del tratamiento.
"I believe my passion stimulated her, " but she was always passive and indecisive.
Creo que mi pasión la estimulaba, pero siempre era pasiva e indecisa.
Are you being indecisive?
- ¿ Eres un indeciso?
You remain indecisive.
Veo que están indecisos.
And for that, the weak, the indecisive, those who can't see more than their little mean interests, those who were born incapable of understand the exciting glory of our goals, don't serve.
Y para ello no sirven los débiles, los indecisos, los que no levantan la vista de sus pequeños intereses mezquinos, los que han nacido incapacitados para... poder comprender la emocionante grandeza de nuestros fines.
Mine has been so indecisive lately, I thought I'd examine yours.
El mío se ha mostrado tan indeciso últimamente que me ha parecido más sensato mirar el tuyo.
Instead of making us stronger, it presented us as incompetent, indecisive, helpless, to say nothing of dishonest.
En vez de volvernos más fuertes, nos mostró incompetentes, indecisos, impotentes, por no decir deshonestos.
They'll dicker and debate and scratch their indecisive asses, and by the time they sober up, I'll be dead.
Lo debatirán, se rascarán el trasero de forma indecisa y para cuando estén sobrios, yo estaré muerto.
Indecisive. Inferior.
So indecisive.
Tan indeciso.
- That just looks indecisive.
- Parecerá indeciso.
Prime Minister, you're not being indecisive, are you?
Primer Ministro, no estará indeciso, ¿ no?
I'm indecisive.
Estoy indeciso.
"Indecisive," maybe.
Indeciso, ¿ no?
Castellon is an indecisive old man.
Castellón es un hombre viejo indeciso.
I'm indecisive!
¡ Soy un incapaz!
You're not indecisive.
Tú no eres incapaz...
Don't forget. You're the indecisive shoplifter. Yes!
- Tú eres la ladrona indecisa.
- I'm bein'indecisive. - Yes.
- Estoy siendo indeciso.
You're being indecisive.
- Si. Eres indeciso.
You lose contact with reality and become indecisive.
Han perdido contacto con la realidad y se han vuelto indecisos.
At the crime scene, he was indecisive.
Estaba indeciso en la escena del crimen.
You have to be sharp when doing business, you can't be indecisive.
deben ser fríos a la hora de hacer negocios, no pueden ser indecisos.
I don't mean to suggest that you're indecisive, Mr. Hunter.
No estoy insinuando que Ud. sea indeciso.
Well, call me indecisive, but, um, I'm not quite sure on the design yet.
Pensarás que soy indecisa pero todavía no estoy segura con el diseño.
I may seem indecisive, but I'm not.
- ¿ Sin arrepentirte? - Parezco indeciso pero no lo estoy.
Too weak, too indecisive, too stupid!
Es débil, indeciso y estúpido.
Women prefer bad over weak and indecisive
Las mujeres prefieren al malo sobre el débil e indeciso
You think they do prefer weak, indecisive,
¿ Piensas que ellas prefieren al débil, indeciso,
- Yes, but I'm afraid madam that your sister's rather... shall we say... indecisive when it comes to making decisions.
- Sí. Pero me temo que su hermana no toma decisiones rápido.
- Yes, but I'm afraid madam shall we say... indecisive when it comes to making decisions.
Pero me temo que su hermana no toma decisiones rápido.
I often get indecisive, and I hate it.
A menudo me siento indecisa y me odio.
Well, I'm kind of indecisive.
Bueno estoy algo indecisa.
Well, she's indecisive.
Ella es indecisa.
Why should a demon be so indecisive?
¿ Por qué un demonio debe ser tan indeciso?
She was vain, spiteful, arrogant, she was frequently unjust, and she was often maddeningly indecisive.
Era vanidosa, rencorosa, arrogante era frecuentemente injusta, y era a menudo exasperantemente indecisa.
you're so indecisive.
Se te ve extrañado...

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