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Indifferent traduction Espagnol

790 traduction parallèle
The weather is mild and the morning indifferent.
El tiempo es templado y la mañana indiferente :
I'm indifferent to Roberto's name.
El nombre de Roberto me es indiferente.
The prosecutor has called this behaviour stubborn and indifferent.
El fiscal encontró en ella pruebas de indiferencia y obstinación.
But, ladies and gentlemen, only a truly innocent person can be indifferent towards such an accusation.
Pero, señoras y señores, sólo un inocente puede comportarse de esa manera.
You did it because you're fresh, irresponsible, indifferent to the decorum of my ship and safety of my guests.
Lo hizo porque es descarado... irresponsable, indiferente al decoro de mi barco y la seguridad de mi gente.
Did you think they'd be indifferent?
¿ Creíste que serían indiferentes?
You may be indifferent if you like, your lordship, but the peasants are aroused.
Puede estar indiferente si lo desea, su excelencia, pero los campesinos se rebelan.
He must wait. Whilst I'm in charge here, regulations - good, bad or indifferent - must be carried out to the letter!
Mientras yo esté a cargo, la ley, buena o mala... se cumplirá al pie de la letra.
Good, bad or indifferent, it's no business of mine.
Buena, mala o indiferente, no es asunto mío.
I don't despise facts, sir, I'm indifferent to them.
No detesto los hechos, señor, les soy indiferente.
Then you come home, you're indifferent to your wife.
Entonces vuelves a casa y no haces caso a tu mujer.
The presence of someone indifferent would drive me mad.
La indiferencia me volvería loco.
No woman could be entirely indifferent to a man she's consistently rude to.
No te soy indiferente.
You're exquisitely indifferent, even rude to people. A great sense of humor, brilliant, and, uh...
Eres apuesto,... exquisitamente insignificante, insolente, con gran sentido del humor, brillante, y...
You might have flung me a word, gracious and indifferent, as you passed.
Pudiste haberme tirado una palabra, cortés e indiferente mientras pasabas.
I'm indifferent to nothing that concerns you.
Ninguna de sus preocupaciones me es indiferente.
I've insulted you, and you remained indifferent.
Estoy ofendido, estás indiferente.
I told you that I love you, and you stayed indifferent all the same.
Ya te he dicho que te amo, y sigues estando indiferente.
The house of Hapsburg was indifferent to Germany's fate... and Prussia had long ago lost the power it enjoyed under Frederick the Great.
y Prusia hacía mucho que perdió el poder ganado con Federico el grande
But he would not be indifferent... to the expansion of a major European power... such as Prussia or Austria.
Pero no será indiferente... a la expansión de una gran potencia europea... como Prusia o Austria
Lizzie, are you really indifferent to Mr. Darcy's departure as you seem?
Lizzie, ¿ Te sientes tan indiferente a la marcha del Sr. Darcy como parece?
¿ Indiferente?
They seemed indifferent. They went on glittering, the little exhibitionists. Oh.
Siguieron brillando indiferentes, las muy exhibicionistas.
I am indifferent.
Me es indiferente.
Tuve miedo de que me fueras indiferente.
- You seem indifferent.
- ¿ Le da igual?
What torture to be near you, to forever have to hide my feelings and pretend to be indifferent.
Qué suplicio vivir en esta eterna mentira, hablarnos a escondidas y actuar indiferentes ante los demás.
The king has loaded you with gold and honors. And you remain sad and indifferent.
Nuestro Rey le ha dado honores y dinero, pero Ud. continúa desolado...
Luisinha, so I do not suffer all the punishment I deserve, at least tell me you're not indifferent towards me.
Luisinha, para no sufrir todo el castigo que merezco, dígame al menos que no le resulto indiferente.
You seem almost indifferent.
Estás como indiferente.
The others, to many of whom Guadalcanal was not even a name a few short months ago, now lie dead in their shallow foxholes, over which an indifferent sea is already beginning to roll.
El resto, para los que Guadalcanal era sólo un nombre hace unos meses, yacen muertos en sus hoyos de tirador que el mar comienza a batir indiferente.
You puzzle me, my child. Are you pert, indifferent, or only stupid?
Me confundes. ¿ Eres impertinente, indiferente o estúpida?
He seems indifferent, or rather swaying more upon our part, for I have made an offer to his majesty, as touching France, to give a greater sum than ever at one time the clergy yet did to his predecessors part withal.
Parece indiferente, o más bien se inclina hacia nuestro lado, porque le he hecho una oferta a Su Majestad relativa a Francia... El ofrecimiento de darle una más grande suma que la otorgada por el clero a sus predecesores.
You won't be so indifferent when you see what it is.
No serás tan indiferente cuando veas lo que es.
How can you be so calm and so indifferent to your duty?
¿ Cómo puedes ser tan indiferente ante tu deber?
In my mind you were indifferent to our problems, preoccupied solely with your own existence.
Pensaba que era indiferente a nuestros problemas. que se preocupabas sólo de su propia existencia.
'These princes and boyars have amassed great wealth,'but not a thought do they spare for the Tsar or the State,'and they are even indifferent to religion,'since they refuse to defend themselves against our enemies'the Tartars, the Livonians, the Germans
"Los príncipes y los boyardos, poseedores de grandes riquezas... no se preocupan ni del señor, ni del Estado, ni de la cristiandad... ortodoxa." "Se han negado a proteger a la cristiandad contra los enemigos... de Livonia, de Crimea... y de Alemania, y están violentando al pueblo."
If she still wished to go, I'd become cold and indifferent.
Y si insistiera en irse, me mostraría frío e indiferente.
You're cold to the little woman, indifferent.
Te muestras frío con la mujercita, indiferente.
You mean you get indifferent to it in time?
¿ Con el tiempo te vuelves indiferente?
But I'm a bit lazy and indifferent.
Pero yo soy un poco perezosa e indiferente.
Yes, you are always with me, no matter whether I loved you, hated you, or seemed indifferent.
Siempre estuviste conmigo, sin importar si te amaba, te odiaba o parecía indiferente.
Be indifferent.
Sé indiferente.
And all is completely indifferent and without meaning.
Y todo se vuelve indiferente y sin sentido.
I am myself indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse me of such things... that it were better my mother had not borne me.
Yo, pasablemente honrado, podría acusarme de cosas tales que ojalá no me hubieran parido.
- It is indifferent cold, my lord, indeed.
- Sí, señor, hace algo de frío.
Indifferent to everything.
Como si no nos importara nada.
"I am engaged in a form of work which makes me indifferent to my surroundings, " providing I have a place in which I can find solitude.
"Estoy realizando un trabajo en el cual no influye el ambiente siempre que pueda contar con algún sitio que me brinde soledad".
Mr. Lepic, indifferent, egoistic.
El señor Lepic, indiferente, egoísta.
You were so indifferent.
- Quise ponerte celoso.
Be indifferent when we get outside.
Actúa indiferente cuando salgas.

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