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Inexperienced traduction Espagnol

548 traduction parallèle
As he read your work, he wondered whether this inexperienced rookie writer would be worth his investment.
Después de leer el guión, se preguntó si... podía confiar lo suficiente en este nuevo escritor como para invertir en el drama.
She is still very inexperienced.
Ella es todavía muy inexperta.
Anna's inexperienced heart caught in a tide of infatuation.
El corazón inexperto de Anna, cogido en una marea de sensaciones.
The misunderstood woman weeps not for the husband inexperienced in love!
La incomprendida no derrama ni una lagrima por su esposo inexperto en el amor!
She is young... and inexperienced.
Ella es joven... y no tiene experiencia.
That we must make every effort to control his inexperienced judgment.
Debemos hacer un esfuerzo para controlar su juicio inexperto.
When I look at you I think you're completely inexperienced.
Cuando la veo, me parece que no tiene Ud. experiencia de nada.
Can it be that you're inexperienced in such matters?
¿ Pudiera ser que quizá no tiene experiencia en estas cuestiones?
" How can Mr.Yun let an inexperienced little girl to race sprint? ...
" ¿ Cómo puede el señor Yun dejar que una pequeña chica sin experiencia corra velocidad?
It has been reinforced with inexperienced peasants, eh?
Se ha reforzado con los campesinos sin experiencia, ¿ eh?
Even if I don't do everything quite right I thought you were pleased once at my being a little inexperienced.
Aunque no todo se me da bien creí que antes te gustaba que fuera algo inexperimentada.
You will find me young, perhaps, inexperienced but with the support of all of you and with the Earl of Moray at my side, I shall rule fairly and justly.
Quizá me encontréis joven, e inexperta pero con el apoyo de todos vosotros y el conde de Moray a mi lado, regiré con imparcialidad y justicia.
So at last the tribe decided that it wasn't a good enough excuse for him that he was young and inexperienced.
Al final, la tribu decidió que ser joven e inexperto no era excusa.
A young, inexperienced queen would naturally lean on her cousin the duke for guidance.
Una joven e inexperta reina... naturalmente se dejaría guiar por su primo el duque.
-... with two inexperienced men?
-... con dos hombres inexpertos?
I fear you are overpresumptuous and over-inexperienced.
Me temo que eres demasiado presuntuosa e inexperta.
And you were trying so hard To make me believe... You were respectable And inexperienced.
Ud. Intentaba arduamente hacerme creer que era respetable e inexperta.
No tiene experiencia.
You are inexperienced, aren't you?
No tiene experiencia, ¿ verdad?
I told them in New York you were an inexperienced jerk, but they seem to have gone crazy.
Dije a los jefes de Nueva York que eras una inútil e inexperta.
I suppose that's why you married me, because you knew I was dull and gauche and inexperienced, and there'd never be any gossip about me.
Supongo que por eso te casaste conmigo. Porque sabías que yo era callada, torpe e inexperta. Nadie iba a chismear sobre mí.
I'm not inexperienced.
Tengo experiencia.
You inexperienced men can never understand him.
Vosotros, hombres sin experiencia, nunca podréis entenderle.
This happens right along with the inexperienced.
Ocurre con la falta de experiencia.
So at last, the tribe decided that it wasn't a good enough excuse for him that he was young and inexperienced.
Así que al final, la tribu decidió que no era excusa suficiente el que fuera joven e inexperto.
But very inexperienced.
Pero aún novicia para comprender su clase.
¿ Novicia?
And Madam Curie, in spite of her acknowledged abilities is if you would permit me to say so young inexperienced, and a woman.
Y Madame Curie, a pesar de sus reconocidas habilidades, si se me permite decirlo, es joven-- - inexperta, y mujer.
Seebruck's insane to even consider letting a young, inexperienced girl like that —
- ¡ No! Seebruck está loco si cree que una muchachita sin experiencia lo hará.
You havec caught the eye of and turned the head of an inexperienced young lady.
Está Ud. a punto de hacer perder la cabeza a una chica sin experiencia.
And inexperienced.
- Y sin experiencia.
Inexperienced, perhaps, curious, as young men are, eager for adventure.
Inexperto, tal vez. Curioso como son los jóvenes. Ansioso de aventuras.
"She was inexperienced."
"Ella no tenía experiencia."
What are you talking! You're inexperienced!
No tenéis experiencia
I suppose that's why you married me. Because you knew I was dull and gauche and inexperienced... and there could never be any gossip about me.
Por eso me elegiste... sabías que era aburrida e insegura... no hablarían de mí.
I'm only trying to undo the wrong I've done you - A wrong committed, I might add, for reasons that your young... and inexperienced mind couldn't possibly understand.
Intento reparar el daño hecho... que fue cometido por razones que su mente joven... e inexperta no podría comprender.
Well, it's... I just think it's unfair to send someone so young and so inexperienced out after a...
Bien, es es solo que creo que es injusto enviar alguien tan joven y tan inexperto afuera después de...
Inexperienced management brought shortages to Animal Farm, but Snowball continued his thinking for the future.
La falta de experiencia provocó escasez en Granja Animal. Bola de Nieve siguió pensando en el futuro.
It just happens that Eileen and the inexperienced... frustrated, spinsterish Ruth Sherwood... are one and the same.
Sólo que Eileen y la inexperta... frustrada y solterona Ruth Sherwood... son la misma persona.
With the exception of our chiefs, we also have an almost totally inexperienced crew.
Con la excepción de nuestros jefes, también tenemos una tripulación casi sin experiencia.
Julie, you are a young and inexperienced child and I've decided to give you one more chance.
Julie, eres una joven sin experiencia... y he decidido darte otra oportunidad.
The army is inexperienced in the mountain and the bush country.
El Ejército no tiene experiencia en la montaña.
Now Only one man stood in defense, to prevent a deadly Scorecard shot - uneducated general, the name of Andrew Jackson, with acicom hunters the squirrels and inexperienced recruits.
As I said, they shouldn't allow inexperienced climbers up the Trollenberg without a guide. - There are bound to be accidents.
Como dije antes deberían prohibir que escaladores novatos suban el Trollenberg solos para evitar accidentes.
It is just unfortunate that this year we have had many inexperienced climbers.
Simplemente es lamentable que este año hayamos tenido tantos escaladores sin experiencia.
Quite an inexperienced operator.
¿ Quién...? Un obrero inexperto.
He was an inexperienced hunter.
No tenía mucha experiencia como cazador, ¿ verdad?
Young and terribly inexperienced, but not conceited.
Joven y sin experiencia, pero no vanidoso.
Inexperienced, but curious.
- Inexperta, aunque curiosa.
And the only reason he didn't succeed was because they were too young and inexperienced to know what he was after.
Y la única razón por la que no lo consiguió..... fue porque eran demasiado jóvenes para saber lo que venía después.
He's such an inexperienced boy.
Sí, sí.

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