Inherently traduction Espagnol
286 traduction parallèle
He's inherently honest, but he's got a streak of larceny in his heart.
Es esencialmente honrado pero tiene un grado de ladrón dentro de sí.
The theory that man is inherently good is bunk. Pure bunk.
La teoría de que los hombres son buenos es una estupidez.
Your Honor, I protest this cheap and highly irregular bit of vaudeville which is inherently dangerous to every...
Señoría, protesto, esto es irregular y es un vodevil que es intrínsecamente peligroso para cada...
Biological units are inherently inferior.
Las unidades biológicas son inferiores.
All natural disasters, all created by forces not acting from inherently aggressive motives.
Todos desastres naturales, creados por fuerzas que no actúan por motivos intrínsecamente agresivos.
If doubt is inherently bad, it is worse when, as in this case, whoever falls in its clutches, has turned his back on knowing the truth.
Y si mala intrínsecamente es la duda, más lo es, cuando como en este caso, quien cae en sus redes ha vuelto la espalda a la oportunidad de conocer la verdad.
This structure is inherently flexible, enabling it to withstand earthquakes.
La estructura tiene que ser flexible, capaz de resistir terremotos.
Jason, do you believe a thing can be inherently evil?
Jason, ¿ cree que una visión como esa puede ser en si malévola?
[All Laughing] Due to the inherently poor lighting involved... we do not as yet have a reliable description of the perpetrator.
Dada la poca iluminación del área... aún no hay una descripción confiable del culpable.
- -which are so inherently symptomatic of a losing team.
KNlGHTS pierden, 5-1... que es intrínsecamente sintomático de un equipo perdedor.
You must not destroy what is inherently valuable.
, tu no debes destruir los valores inherentes.
I will say now, however subjectively, human teleportation molecular breakdown and reformation is inherently purging.
Yo diría, subjetivamente, que el teletransporte y su modificación molecular es una purga.
Your Honour, I move to bar this witness as inherently unreliable and ask here to put four questions to him regarding his reliability.
Su Señoría, solicito se excluya a este testigo por poco fiable y quisiera hacerle cuatro preguntas sobre su credibilidad.
Our missions are always inherently dangerous. Any of us could be called on to make the ultimate sacrifice at any time.
Nuestras misiones nunca están exentas de riesgo... y todos debemos estar dispuestos para el sacrificio en todo momento.
It could mean that that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic significance, almost as if it were the temporal junction point for the entire space-time continuum.
Tal vez ese momento del tiempo tenga alguna importancia cósmica. Es como si fuera el punto de unión de la continuidad del tiempo.
Now, devotees may argue... that one sport or game is inherently better than another.
Ahora, fanáticos pueden discutir... si un deporte o juego es inherentemente mejor que otro.
Susan Sontag says that images are inherently fascistic for that same reason.
Susan Sontag dice que las imágenes son intrínsecamente fascistas por esa razón.
In fact inherently, he has a nonviolent personality.
De hecho, tiene una personalidad no violenta.
Has your government considered that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours in such proximity is inherently dangerous?
Creo que su gobierno debe considerar que tener a sus barcos y los nuestros tan cerca puede ser muy peligroso.
I mean, I'm almost 30, and I'm beginning to realize... that this whole idea of the male-female relationship is inherently flawed.
Yo casi tengo 30 y comienzo a darme cuenta... de que la relación hombre-mujer es intrínsecamente imperfecta.
It's inherently flawed. It's ill-conceived.
Tiene un fallo inherente, está mal concebido.
All vertebrate embryos are inherently female, anyway.
Todos los embriones vertebrados son inherentemente hembras.
Your linear nature is inherently destructive.
Su existencia lineal es destructiva por naturaleza.
Some of them claim that cats are inherently untrainable.
Algunos aseguran que los gatos son indomables por naturaleza.
Is the universe an inherently irrational place random and chaotic?
¿ Es el universo un lugar intrínsicamente irracional, aleatorio y caótico?
All men are afraid of women because they're inherently better creatures.
Todos los hombres le temen a las mujeres debido a que ellas son inherentemente mejores criaturas.
- He's wealthy, therefore, inherently good.
- Es rico, por ende intrínsecamente bueno.
Mulder, the human mind naturally seeks meaningful patterns in things that don't inherently have any.
Mulder, la mente humana busca modelos significativos en aquello que no los tiene.
And there is little more inherently dangerous than an offended Narn.
Y no hay cosa más peligrosa que un narniano ofendido.
I thought the Church thought it was inherently wrong.
Creía que la Iglesia pensaba que es intrínsecamente incorrecto.
Heathcliff was basically a decent guy who had a lot to learn about life and he was inherently better-off without some whimpering mentally unstable wet rag following him around.
Heathcliff era un chico decente que tenía que aprender de la vida y que estaba mucho mejor sin una desequilibrada, estúpida y quejumbrosa siguiéndole todo el tiempo
There's something inherently disappointing about success.
Hay algo intrínsecamente decepcionando sobre el éxito.
Some men are inherently less receptive.
Hay hombres que son menos receptivos.
She knew this inherently, being naturally trusting herself.
Lo sabía inherentemente, siendo ella misma la que confiaría naturalmente.
The inherently helpful qualities of everyday household things.
Las cualidades prácticas inherentes a las cosas cotidianas.
TLE isn't inherently dangerous.
La ELT no es peligrosa de por sí.
I suppose you think science is inherently evil.
Has de creer que la ciencia es inherentemente mala.
No, I don't think science is inherently evil.
No, no creo que sea inherentemente mala.
There's nothing inherently violent about holodeck technology.
No hay nada inherentemente violento en la tecnología de holocubierta.
Maybe we human creatures are inherently evil.
Quizá las criaturas humanas son inherentemente malas.
Given the fact that I believe the American legal system to be inherently corrupt, unfair, chaotic- - oh yes.
Dado el hecho de que creo que el sistema judicial estadounidense es inherentemente corrupto, injusto, caótico... ah, sí.
Just being parasitical by nature doesn't make you inherently bad.
Ser un parásito por naturaleza no te hace un ser malo.
Human beings did have inner emotional drives, but they were not inherently violent or evil. It was society that made these drives dangerous by repressing and distorting them.
Anna Freud y sus seguidores habian incrementado esa represion intentando hacer que la gente se conformara a la sociedad y al hacer esto habian hecho mas peligrosa a la gente, no menos
... intrinsically, humans, as creatures of the Earth... were drawn inherently always back to one thing. War.
... intrínsecamente, los humanos como criaturas de la tierra... eran dibujados esencialmente de regreso a una cosa - guerra.
Tell them... that life is inherently unfair and that the wise only fight battles they know they can win.
Diles que..... que la vida es injusta y que los sabios sólo luchan las batallas que saben que pueden ganar.
But adolescent behavior is inherently unpredictable.
La conducta adolescente es imprevisible por naturaleza.
Parking garages are not inherently dangerous places.
Los estacionamientos no son peligrosos en sí.
We can all agree that any living thing that isn't inherently evil in and of itself is capable of undertaking actions that are evil.
Podemos estar de acuerdo que cualquier cosa viva que no es intrínsicamente malvada es capaz de cometer acciones que sí lo son.
It's an inherently wild and frenetic place.
Es un lugar inherentemente salvaje y frenético.
So slavery for example or other forms of tyranny are inherently monstrous but the individuals participating in them may be the nicest guys you could imagine benevolent, friendly, nice to their children, even nice to their slaves, caring about other people.
La esclavitud y otras formas de tiranía son monstruosas, pero los individuos que participan en ella pueden ser seres maravillosos : bondadosos, amigables, buenos con sus hijos, hasta buenos con sus esclavos, Interesados en otras personas.
And that kidnapping is inherently dangerous and morally reprehensible.
Y que el secuestro es esencialmente peligroso y moralmente reprobable.