Insensible traduction Espagnol
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Even I can tell he needs a hug, and I'm the insensitive cow.
Incluso yo puedo darme cuenta de que necesita un abrazo, y yo soy la vaca insensible.
I am fairly unsympathetic.
- Soy bastante insensible.
Ted, don't be crass.
Ted no seas insensible
Now, maybe that makes me the one with the bad heart, but I say good riddance.
Tal vez parezca que soy un insensible, pero me alegro.
Look, Melinda, I don't mean to sound hardhearted about this, but your father is not a good person.
Mira, Melinda, no quiero parecer insensible sobre esto. Pero tu padre no es una buena persona.
I am insensible!
¡ Soy invisible!
Your love of virtue renders you somewhat Insensible to the realities of your situation.
Tu amor y virtud te hacen insensible a las realidades de tu situación.
Don't let your resentments make you insensible.
No dejes que tus resentimientos te vuelvan insensible.
The experience left me impervious to pain.
Eso me dejo insensible al dolor.
Kinda numb right now.
Algo insensible justo ahora.
His letters are full of refinement and taste of the society, though not insensible of its debaucheries.
Sus cartas están llenas del refinamiento y gusto de la sociedad sin ser insensibles a su libertinaje.
You see, the law on the one hand is inexorable to the cries and lamentations of the prisoners.
La ley, por una parte es insensible a los gritos y lamentos de los prisioneros.
Look how insensitive you're being.
Mira lo insensible que eres.
It Was Rude And Insensitive, And It Won'T Happen Again.
Ha Sido Grosero E Insensible. No Pasará Otra Vez.
Okay, first of all, that is an outdated and culturally insensitive term, and second of all, you are not getting this cheese until we've sat down and spoken properly and gotten past this.
De acuerdo, lo primero de todo, ese es un término anticuado y culturalmente insensible, y segundo, no vas a tener este queso hasta que nos sentemos a hablar adecuadamente y hayamos superado esto.
You're selfish and insensitive, and I want you out!
Eres egoista e insensible, y te quiero fuera.
You're always preaching Not to be numb
Siempre estás predicando A no ser insensible
I'd need a flow chart to explain all the ways in which that was ridiculously insensitive.
Necesitaría un organigrama para explicar lo insensible que fue eso.
That's why I locked the two of you in a room, so you would say something stupid and insensitive and maybe with a little bit of truth.
Por eso los encerré a los dos, para que dijeras algo estúpido, insensible y quizá ligeramente cierto.
I am now the most handsome and the least cool of men!
Soy... ¡ El hombre más guapo y el más insensible!
I think it's a bit insensitive asking me out in front of your "girlfriend".
Me parece un poco insensible invitarme en frente de tu "novia".
Look, I don't mean to sound insensitive, but who cares?
Mire, no quiero sonar insensible pero... ¿ A quién le importa?
She is unkempt and indelicate...
Es descuidada e insensible.
I know that you were shocked to see her, but I think it was a little insensitive.
Sé que estaría sorprendido de verla, pero igual fue algo insensible.
You are so fucking insensitive.
Eres tan jodidamente insensible.
Oh, if I'm so insensitive, then what do you call this?
Oh, si soy tan insensible, ¿ entonces cómo llamas a esto?
Frederick, how can you be so insensitive?
Frederick, ¿ cómo puedes ser tan insensible?
I don't want to be insensitive, all right, but are we entirely sure that this is my doing?
No quiero ser insensible, ¿ de acuerdo? Pero, ¿ estamos completamente seguros de que es obra mía?
That's pretty cold, isn't it?
Eso es muy insensible, ¿ no?
I realise... I may have been insensitive.
Y me he dado cuenta de que he sido insensible.
I'm not naturally rude or insensitive.
No soy naturalmente grosero ni insensible.
a noticeable scar, a short hardening in the surface is insensitive /
He used to be pretty cold-hearted, what's up with him now?
Solía ser bastante insensible, ¿ qué ocurre con él ahora?
That's a little insensitive. "Her," and point like that. She has a name.
Qué insensible. "Ella" tiene nombre.
Well, sir, as an agent, I have trained myself to be impervious to pain. Ah!
Bien, señor, como agente, estoy entrenado para ser insensible al dolor.
I'm just numb
Me volví insensible
I'm just numb
Me volví insensible.
Stop being so callous.
No seas insensible.
No, it was not handled sensitively and I'm not supposed to say!
Olvídalo. ¿ Te puedes ir? No, fue insensible, y no debí haberlo dicho.
When did you become so callous? How did that happen?
¿ Cuando te convertiste en alguien tan insensible?
You became numb to their pain and suffering.
Te volviste insensible ante su dolor y sufrimiento.
Not to be insensitive and please don't take this the wrong way, but chad was a douche.
Sin ser insensible... y no lo tomes a mal pero Chad era un cobarde.
I don't happen to fit the role of dumb, insensitive suburban husband, you've been trying to leave that crap on me ever since we moved out here.
Yo no voy a jugar el rol del idiota e insensible marido suburbano. que tu has tratado de endilgarme desde que nos mudamos aquí.
How hurtful.
- Qué insensible.
That was ridiculously insensitive.
Eso fue absurdamente insensible.
Darling, I'm being an insensitive cow, I'm sorry.
Cariño, soy una insensible, lo siento.
Well. what you said was fairly fuckin'insensitive. Sensitive as she is at the moment.
Pues lo que dijiste fue bastante insensible con lo sensible que está en este momento.
There was Denise, who could be a bit callous.
Estaba Denise, que era un tanto insensible.
I thought you were being callous with Mr. Lawton, and you were just being thorough.
Pensé que eras insensible con el Sr. Lawton, y sólo eras cuidadosa.
You insensitive creep! Come on, man.
- ¡ Cretino insensible!