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Is it really that bad traduction Espagnol

132 traduction parallèle
- Is it really that bad?
- ¿ Tan grave es?
Is it really that bad for the mistress and Katsuyo?
¿ Están las cosas tan mal para la señora y Katsuyo?
Is it really that bad, Chief?
¿ Es tan malo, jefe?
- Is it really that bad?
- Es asqueroso, ¿ verdad?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es realmente tan grave?
Is it really that bad, Sam?
¿ Es realmente tan malo, Sam?
Is it really that bad?
¿ De veras está tan mal?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es grave hasta ese punto?
Is it really that bad?
¿ De verdad es tan malo?
Oh, my God. Is it really that bad?
Dios mío. ¿ Es tan malo?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es grave?
Is it really that bad?
¿ tan malo es?
Even if he took the money, is it really that bad?
Si se ha llevado dinero, ¿ sería grave?
- Is it really that bad?
¿ De verdad mucho?
- Is it really that bad? - Uh-huh.
¿ Realmente es tan malo?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es de veras tan malo?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Realmente es tan malo?
is it really that bad?
¿ De verdad es tan malo?
- Get back to work. - Is it really that bad?
- Vuelve al trabajo - ¿ Tan mal está?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Realmente es tan desagradable?
Is it really that bad in here?
¿ Es realmente tan malo estar aquí dentro?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Está tan mal así?
Is it really that bad in there?
¿ En verdad es tan malo ahí dentro?
"that's too bad." Is it really?
- Es horrible. ¿ De veras?
Is it really as bad as all that?
¿ Es tan grave la cosa?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es tan grave?
And that's not so bad, really. Is it?
Y no está tan mal, ¿ verdad?
Yes, I take your point, Humphrey, but is it really as bad as that?
Sí, Humphrey, pero ¿ realmente es tan malo como dice?
- It is not that bad. - How come? It is really bad.
God, I'm sorry, is it really that bad?
Dios, lo siento, ¿ realmente es tan malo?
Is it really that bad?
¿ Es realmente tan malo?
So anyway, if you think about it "manure" is not really that bad a word.
Como sea, si lo piensas "estiércol" no es una mala palabra.
I really appreciate that effort, Dawson, but it really is that bad. Let's be honest. It's worse.
De verdad que aprecio tus esfuerzos Dawson, pero te aseguro que sí es tan malo, seamos sinceros, es peor, es un cataclismo.
- You know, it's bad enough that my parents are separated and my mother is heartbroken, should I really have to be subjected to this?
Mis padres están separados, y mi madre, destrozada. ¿ Y tengo que aguantar esto?
How can you say that? Even if she was bad in bed, which she isn't, is it really that important?
Aunque fuera mala en la cama, que no es así, ¿ es tan importante?
You mix that dip with ground turkey and garlic, and it is really not bad.
Mezclala con pavo y ajo, veras que no esta mal.
I think that she's finally lost it, and this is a really bad time for this!
Creo que finalmente enloqueció y esto es una verdadera pesadilla.
- It means something really, really bad - like maybe biblically bad - is going to happen. - What's that supposed to mean?
¿ Qué significa eso?
I just feel... really bad about all the people that had to die... accidentally. I thought maybe you saw the news and were feeling shitty about what you did. Is that it?
Me siento realmente mal por toda la gente que murió accidentalmente.
What does it mean... when a guy is in a really bad relationship... and it's really obvious that he wants to be with you... but he just can't seem to break up with his girlfriend?
¿ Qué significa cuando un chico tiene realmente una muy mala relación y es muy obvio que quiere estar contigo pero dice que no puede romper con su novia? .
You know, he's got a bad heart it seems... and he's just sort of moving... through the chambers of his life in a kind of melancholy way... but really what's happening is... that an era is ending around him.
Parece que su corazón es débil y parece como que transita por las estancias de su vida de forma melancólica... pero lo que realmente ocurre es que... se está muriendo una época alrededor suyo...
It's probably really bad that the only thing that makes me happy is the thought of being with Ephram but it's true.
probablemente sea muy malo que la única cosa que me hace feliz es el pensar en estar con Ephram pero es la verdad.
I'm guessing they're gonna put you away for a long time... which is just too bad, really, because... it'll be awful hard to help that daughter of yours from inside a federal penitentiary.
Supongo que lo van encerrar durante mucho tiempo. Eso es... muy malo, de verdad... Sería terriblemente difícil ayudar a esa hija suya desde el interior de una prisión federal.
This is really awkward. I always think when things get this bad that it's best to change the subject.
Cuando las cosas están tan tensas lo mejor es cambiar de tema.
The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them.
La que solía ser la habitación mala, hasta que se refaccionó y claro, ahora la hemos llamado como la nueva habitación pero en realidad...
The thing is, is that it's... Well, the truth is, it's a really bad weekend for me, too.
El problema es que la verdad es que también es un mal fin de semana para mí.
I know I always say that. It's just, really, right now is a really bad time.
Sé que siempre digo eso pero es que este momento de verdad no es bueno.
We had too much of it. Sadly, all bad. But the thing that really bugged me, who the fuck is the insider?
Y tenía una historieta de nueve páginas sobre cómo nos conocimos y enamoramos en la sección de New York Times Magazine.
But, unfortunately, it also means that your PR play outside the club won't make it into print, which is really too bad because that was well played.
Pero, desgraciadamente, también significa que tu jugada de RR. PP. saliendo del club no llegue al papel lo que es realmente muy malo porque estuvo bien interpretada.
Point, could you please just tell me exactly what it is that we're doing here? And why this all seems like a really bad version of "DELIVERANCE"? And why we didn't just take the interstate...
Point, ¿ me puedes decir qué hacemos aquí... y por qué esto parece una mala versión de "Deliverance"... y por qué no tomamos la autopista?
he wanted it all to be fun, all to be amusing, all to be good and evil, and "we're the good guys, they're the bad guys and we're gonna crush'em," and overdramatizing what is really some of the toughest things human beings have to do, and that is to try to govern a democracy.
El quería que todo fuera divertido, que todo fuera entretenido, que todo fuera bueno y malo, y "Nosotros somos los buenos, ellos son los malos y vamos a aplastarlos", y a exagerar lo que es realmente algunas de las cosas más difíciles

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