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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / Is that okay with you

Is that okay with you traduction Espagnol

388 traduction parallèle
- Is that okay with you?
- ¿ Vale? - Cómo no.
Is that okay with you, Lieutenant?
¿ Está de acuerdo, teniente?
- Is that okay with you?
- ¿ Te parece bien?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Te parece bien?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Estás de acuerdo?
- Is that okay with you, Major?
- ¿ No le molesta, mayor?
Tomorrow at the Gelateria Fassi, at 10.00 o'clock, is that okay with you?
Mañana, a las 10 : 00 en la heladería Fassi, ¿ le va bien?
Is that okay with you, Bud, or was it Lou?
¿ Estás de acuerdo, Bud? ¿ O eras Lou?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Está bien para ti?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Está claro? ¿ Entendiste?
Is that okay with you, Colonel?
Esta bien por usted? Coronel?
- Is that okay with you?
- Esta de acuerdo con eso?
So after this, let's start fresh. No more trouble. Is that okay with you?
Así que, después de esto, no queremos problemas.
Is that okay with you and the whole city of Chicago?
¿ Les parece bien a ti y a toda la ciudad de Chicago?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Tú lo ves bien?
Is that okay with you?
- ¿ Te parece bien? - Sí.
Look out. Is that okay with you my little one? Are you thirsty?
Mire hacia fuera. ¿ Te parece bien que mi pequeña?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Algún problema?
Is that okay with you, Quinn?
¿ Te parece bien, Quinn?
- Is that okay with you, Mom?
- ¿ Te parece bien, mamá?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Eso esta bien para usted?
Is that okay with you?
¿ Está de acuerdo?
I'll see you tomorrow. Is that okay with you?
Te veo mañana.
Is that okay with you?
¿ Está bien?
- Is that okay with you, Jeff?
- ¿ A ti te parece bien, Jeff?
- Is that okay with you?
- ¿ Está bien por ti?
So is that okay with you?
¿ Está eso bien para ti?
That is, if it's okay with you.
Si a usted le parece bien.
But the idea is okay with you. That's what you said, right?
La idea te parece bien, ¿ no has dicho eso?
That is, if it's okay with you, Al.
Es decir, si estás de acuerdo, Al.
When she heard that Master is in Guang Zhou she insisted on your staying here for a few days and performing praying for her, if it's okay with you
Cuando se entero de que estaba en Guang Zhou, insistio en que se quedase y realizase unas horaciones para ella, si no es molestia.
Is that what I'm supposed to tell her? You're okay with words.
Tienes un don para hablar.
- That is, if it's okay with you, Sam. - Yeah.
- Es decir, si está de acuerdo con usted, Sam.
That is, if it's okay with you.
Eso si, si esta bien contigo.
Now, what I'm suggesting is that we not compromise that at this point, that we not say to her, "Okay, because you've, you've taken all this so well, now we're gonna take the one person with whom you feel some sense of strength away."
Ahora, lo que sugiero es que no comprometamos eso en este momento, que no le digamos, "Bueno, como has tomado todo esto tan bien, ahora vamos a sacarte la persona que te hace sentir cierto sentido de fuerza".
Well, I just wanted to tell you that, but whatever you decide is okay with me. I thought I'd find you here.
Oh, bien, solo quería decirte eso, pero lo que sea que decidas, estará bien para mi.
I want you to know that whatever you want is okay with me.
Quiero que sepas que estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que quieras.
So that's how long she'd stay with you. Is that okay?
Así que eso es cuanto estará contigo. ¿ Está bien?
I won't sit with you in class anymore. Okay? Is that what you want?
Si realmente fueras mi mejor amigo me ayudarías cuando quiero estudiar.
I mean, if that is okay with you, I want to set the date of marriage... in a couple of days.
Quiero decir, si estás de acuerdo, quiero fijar la fecha de la boda... dentro de unos pocos días.
I have to admit that I am a little surprised that you're okay with this considering it is our one month anniversary for whatever we are... or were... or are.
Admito que me sorprende un poco que te moleste considerando que estamos cumpliendo un mes de novios o que lo cumplimos, o que lo estamos cumpliendo.
Okay, all I'm saying is that you should be honest with yourself. I think if it was just up to you, you'd stick with this relationship, but it's a problem because you think other people can't deal with it.
Muy bien, lo único que digo, Jake... es que creo que debes ser sincero contigo mismo... porque creo que si sólo dependiera de ti... seguirías con esto y verías hacia dónde va esta relación.
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating.
No, sí tiene importancia. Sí porque tú eres mi mejor amiga, y te quiero y me pongo celosa de tu amigo Ryan y como te vas a graduar en cierto modo, quería conservar todo igual.
- Now that I have you alone, tell me. - Yeah? is it just a front, or are you really okay with the Joey / Pacey component?
Ahora que estamos solos dime si de verdad no te molesta la velada con Joey y Pacey.
You understand that this is a vacation with my family, okay?
Entiendes que es una vacación con mi familia, ¿ no?
- You know, the thing that's hard... about having been on a successful show... is that it's great... but everybody identifies me with Elaine. - l'm okay, thank you.
- Estoy bien, gracias.
I show up to class with a broken pencil, okay? You assume that that means I don't care when the reality is, I've been busting my ass in your class for five months just to keep my head above water so I could graduate.
Llego a la clase con un lápiz roto y Ud. asume que no me interesa cuando en realidad me quemé las pestañas en su clase estos meses para mantenerme a flote y graduarme de esta escuela.
Okay, well, speaking of working together, that guy I saw you with at the crime scene the other night, Is he...
Bien, hablando de trabajar juntos el tipo con el que te vi la otra noche en la escena, ¿ él es...?
A little more or less is okay because the way we'll know that's done cooking is by the texture of the rice so it doesn't matter what you start with.
Un poco más o menos, no importa, porque sabremos... que está cocido mediante la textura del arroz.
Hey, all I'm saying is that if you don't love her... just don't be with her, okay?
Escucha, todo lo que digo es que si no la amas no estés con ella, ¿ está bien?
- Is that okay with you?
- ¿ Estás de acuerdo?

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