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Isham traduction Espagnol

60 traduction parallèle
You'll have to hurry, Mr. Isham, or you'll be late for your own wedding.
Tendrá que apresurarse, Sr. Isham, o llegará tarde a su propia boda.
Will Isham sent all the way to Texas for him to ramrod our outfit.
Will Isham se lo ha traído de Texas para dirigir a nuestra gente.
- To a man like Will Isham.
- Por un hombre como Will Isham.
Good neighbours, never paid like Isham... but that's no reason we should always let him have his own way.
Nunca hemos pagado como Isham, pero ése no es motivo para dejarle hacer lo que quiera siempre.
Will Isham didn't have to send clean to Texas for just a ranch foreman.
Will Isham no tenía que irse hasta Texas por un simple capataz.
To the future Mrs. Isham.
Por la futura señora Isham.
This is Will Isham's night, so drink up, folks.
Es la noche de Will Isham, así que a beber, amigos.
Will Isham had a reason for buying you a drink... in front of that crowd.
Isham tenía un motivo para invitarte a un trago... delante de todos.
How long are you gonna let Isham crowd you?
¿ Cuánto más le vas a aguantar a Isham?
Mr. Isham had it shipped all the way from San Francisco.
El Sr. Isham lo ha hecho traer de San Francisco.
We Ishams are going to show you all just what luxury really is.
Los Isham vamos a mostrar a todos lo que es el lujo de verdad.
I'm now Will Isham's wife.
Ahora soy la esposa de Will Isham.
You won't starve. I'll send you money, but you've got to stay away from Skull... and from Will Isham.
Te enviaré dinero, pero no debes acercarte a Skull... ni a Will Isham.
Pay sold out to Will Isham. Everything.
Pay se lo ha vendido todo a Will Isham.
You know just as well as I do that Will Isham... can't bear to have anything stand in his way.
Sabes tan bien como yo que Will Isham... no soporta que nada se le interponga.
Charley, get word to Mrs. Isham that I won't be around for a few days.
Charley, di a la Sra. Isham que voy a ausentarme unos días.
You stay here and make sure Mrs. Isham doesn't leave the house.
Tú quédate y asegúrate de que la Sra. Isham no salga de casa.
We're ready to start after Merritt, Mr. Isham.
Listos para perseguir a Merritt, Sr. Isham.
Mrs. Isham.
¡ Sra. Isham!
You got to stay here, Mrs. Isham.
Debe quedarse aquí, Sra. Isham.
You know, Owen, with the Skull outfit hunting the hills... this would be a good time to go to Isham's ranch and take it apart.
Sabes, Owen, con la gente de Skull peinando las colinas, éste sería buen momento para ir al rancho de Isham y arrasarlo.
It'd serve Isham right if you walked in... and took her away from him while he's gone.
Isham tendría bien merecido que fueras... y se la quitaras mientras no está.
The only peace you'll ever get from Isham is rest in peace.
La única paz que te dará Isham es la del "descanse en paz".
I don't care what you want, Mr. Isham.
Me da igual lo que quiera, Sr. Isham.
You know, Mr. Isham, when you're hunting a man that can shoot like Owen Merritt... go losing your head, and you might lose your head.
Mire, Sr. Isham, cuando se persigue a alguien que dispara como Owen Merritt, vaya usted perdiendo la cabeza, que puede que la pierda de verdad.
Will Isham gave orders for both killings, didn't he?
Will Isham ordenó los dos asesinatos, ¿ verdad?
You'll never tie Isham into this.
Jamás relacionarás a Isham con esto.
You may rope Dutcher, but Isham can always hire a new gunslinger.
Quizá pilles a Dutcher, pero Isham siempre puede contratar a otro pistolero.
I know, you're after Will Isham's hide.
Sé que va a por Isham.
- Isham shot Clagg, ain't that right?
- Isham mató a Clagg, ¿ no es cierto?
I must talk to Señor Isham.
Tengo que hablar con el Sr. Isham.
How did you expect to do that when Isham can't?
¿ Cómo esperabas hacerlo si ni siquiera Isham puede?
- Put your mind at ease, Mr. Isham.
- Tranquilícese, Sr. Isham.
Will Isham and that whole Skull crew is in town.
Will Isham y toda la gente de Skull están en el pueblo.
- Where's Isham?
- ¿ Dónde está Isham?
Owen, if there's gonna be gunplay between you and Isham... there's one thing you've got to get clear in your head.
Owen, si va a haber tiroteo entre Isham y tú, hay algo que debes tener bien claro.
When Merritt gets hold of Isham at the hotel...
Cuando Merritt agarre a Isham en el hotel...
"Isham at the hotel"?
¿ "Isham en el hotel"?
By the way, Merritt, I just quit working for Isham.
Por cierto, Merritt, acabo de dejar de trabajar para Isham.
Mckee, this bill for w. Lsham, what's it for?
Este recibo para W. Isham ¿ qué significa?
Will lsham was the same aged lad as me.
Will Isham tenía mi edad.
I went to the map just after we got the news to change will lsham's pin to black.
Fui al mapa después de recibir la noticia, para cambiar el alfiler de Will Isham.
I changed Mr. Isham's pin, Andy.
Yo lo cambié.
Isham, and the drexel couple and now trowbridge.
Isham, la pareja Drexel, y ahora Trowbridge.
" William Isham, cause of death...
" William Isham.
Charlie and bill and Henry and Isham and Beth and stu.
Charlie y Bill y Henry, Isham, Beth y Stu.
But you don't have to stay, Isham.
No estás obligado a quedarte, Isham.
Isham... can't you hear?
Isham... ¿ Oyes eso?
No, Isham... I say so.
No, Isham lo digo yo.
Wayne Isham shot the video, I remember that, and Andy Johns produced it.
Wayne Isham dirigió el video, eso recuerdo, y Andy Johns Io produjo.
Isham... my husband, was in front, driving the main truck that carried more mujahidin.
Isham... mi marido... iba al frente, conduciendo el camión principal que llevaba más mujahidins.

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