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It'll all be fine traduction Espagnol

130 traduction parallèle
That'll be all right. Oh, fine. It's all settled then.
De hecho, no podría pagarle hasta principios de mes.
It'll all be fine.
Está bien. Siéntese Ud. ya...
You'll see, it'll all be fine.
¡ Ya verás, todo irá bien!
It'll all be fine, Peggy.
Todo saldrá bien.
It'll all be fine now.
Ahora todo irá bien.
- Look, it'll be fine, all right?
- Mira, no pasará nada, ¿ sí?
It'll be fine. All right?
Estarás bien, ¿ está bien?
It's all right. I'll be fine. It's just- - l hate that anatomy stuff.
Estoy bien, no te preocupes, es solo... que odio eso de la anatomia
He'll be all right. He'll be fine. Watch it, guys.
Se pondrá bien.
You know woman, They're annoying....... But it will be all fine I'll take care of it...
A veces las chicas... Pero Creo que voy a su apretón.
It's all right, George. You'll pay a fine, and that'll be it.
Todo está bien, George, pagarás una multa y será todo.
It'll take some adjustment but as long as we anticipate all of the problems then everything should be fine.
Requerirá unos ajustes... pero si anticipamos los problemas... todo debería ir bien.
It'll be the same thing, they just go : "All right, we're gonna close the deal. Is that fine with you, Dave?"
"¿ Cerramos el trato, Dave?" "Sí" " ¡ Genial!
- Yeah. It'll be fine. - All right.
Sí, va a estar bien.
It's all right. I'll be fine.
Está bien. Estaré bien.
" l'll talk to Nimmi, it'll all be fine.
Hablaré con Nimmi, Todo estará bien.
It'll all be fine.
Todo saldrá bien.
We'll all have dinner. It'll be fine.
Podemos cenar juntos.
It'll be just fine. All right?
Todo estará bien. ¿ Bueno?
All we have to do is make it till morning without eating anyone, and we'll be fine.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es llegar a mañana sin comernos a nadie Y estaremos bien
All I want is to get back at her and here I am throwing her a party. - It'll be fine.
Es decir, todo lo que tengo que hacer es coger un par de cosas y organizar esa fiesta.
This is nothing, it'll all be fine.
Esto no es nada, todo irá bien.
- It'll all be fine.
- Todo estará bien.
But I'm going to end up doing all the work by myself, which would be fine, but then she'll ask me to explain it.
Pero terminaré haciendo el trabajo yo solo.
I sometimes think that the natural history programming has left people with a sense that it's all okay out there and, "Look, if it's on the box, it must be fine and it'll be fine tomorrow."
A veces creo que los programas de historia natural dejaron a la gente con la sensación de que todo está bien... "Si está en la tele debe estar bien, y estará bien mañana."
What happens is, the drugs will kick in, we drift off to sleep... we wake up in a year, you'll be painting'again. - It'll be fine. - All right.
La droga surge efecto, nos quedamos dormidos nos despertamos dentro de un año y sigues pintando.
- It'll all be fine.
- Saldrá todo bien.
It'll all be fine.
Todo estará bien.
No, it'll all be fine.
Todo va a estar bien, ¿ bueno?
So, look, we're just gonna talk to'em... and we're gonna tell'em about all of the human stuff... we like to do, and, you know... it'll be over before you know it... and everything will be fine.
Bueno, mira, hablaremos con ellos... y les contaremos todo sobre las cosas humanas... que nos gusta hacer y, ya sabes... terminará antes de que te des cuenta... y todo saldrá bien.
It's all right. I'll be fine.
¿ Te moleste?
If you do the work, it'll be fine. - All right.
Necesito un consejero legal para hacer esto.
Just get through this, Hikoshiro, and it'll all be fine.
Sólo sigue así Hikoshiro, y todo estará bien.
It'll all be fine.
Todo va a salir bien.
In front of all those people, but, yeah, you'll be fine. - You've done it before.
No frente de todas esas personas, pero vas a estar bien has hecho eso antes.
It'll all be fine, all right?
Todo estará bien, ¿ sí?
Because all you'll do is tell me that everything is going to be fine and it's not.
Porque todo lo que harás será decirme que todo va a estar bien y no es cierto.
And you just decided it'll be fine if you left me here the all full of this shit?
y estoy simplemente decidido sal de aqui y encargate de esta mierda?
All we need is to stay calm, be relaxed and it'll be fine.
Sólo debemos mantener la calma y estaremos bien.
It's all right, I'll be fine.
No hay problema, estaré bien.
No, it's fine. He'll be all right.
No, él está bien.
- It'll all be just fine.
- Todo estará bien.
It'll all be fine. You'll see.
Les llamaré.
It'll be fun. All right, fine, to get you off my back, we'll do it tomorrow.
De acuerdo... bien, para librarme de ti, lo haremos mañana.
- It'll all be fine.
Todo estará bien.
Maybe she won't find out, and it'll all be fine.
Tal vez ella no se entere y todo salga bien.
It'll all be fine.
Todo ira bien
It'll be fine. It's all right. Bye-bye!
- Todo estará bien - ¡ Adiós!
That's all I've ever done... * I know we'll be just fine * * when we learn to love the ride *
Eso es todo... simplemente ser bueno contigo open up the sky this mess is getting high it's windy, and our family needs a ride
I'll tell you what's gonna happen to you, Sue Heck. * You're gonna be just fine * * you're gonna be all right * * you don't have to change a thing * * you're super keen and outta sight * * you heard it from Reverend Timtom *
Te diré que va a sucederte, Sue Heck, * tú vas a estar bien * * tú vas a estar bien * * tú no tienes que cambiar nada * * estás super entusiasmado y fuera de vista *
It'll all be fine.
No llores Tess.

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