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It'll all be over traduction Espagnol

636 traduction parallèle
Oh, I think it'll all be over in a couple of weeks.
Creo que todo habrá acabado en un par de semanas.
It'll all be over in a second.
Todo acabara en un segundo.
just like a miracle a golden light falls down on us from paradise that only happens once, that won't ever be repeated, perhaps it's only a dream life can give this to you only once, maybe it'll be all over by tomorrow
Pasa una vez y nunca más, demasiado hermoso para ser verdad. Como un milagro llovido del cielo, del paraíso un dorado destello. Pasa una vez y nunca más.
life can give this to you only once, maybe it'll be all over by tomorrow life can give this to you only once, because every spring has only one May
Tal vez sea sólo un ensueño. Sólo una vez ocurre en la vida, tal vez mañana habrá pasado ya. Sólo una vez ocurre en la vida, pues cada primavera tiene un solo mayo.
I think it'll be all over tonight.
Creo que esta noche puede pasar de todo.
Yeah, it'll be late all right, but I'll surely send him over.
Sí, será tarde, pero seguramente lo mandaré.
Then it'll all be over but the celebrating.
Entonces todo habrá acabado y empezarán las celebraciones.
There, it'll be all over in a minute.
Muy bien, terminaremos en un minuto.
It'll all be over tomorrow... and I suppose you'll never know the difference.
Mañana acabará todo y supongo que tú ni te enterarás.
You won't take this seriusly, will you? About the fiancée thing and all. Otherwise, it'll be Troy all over again.
Pero no vas a tomarte en serio lo de la novia, porque entonces sí que arde Troya.
- In a few seconds it'll all be over.
- En un par de segundos, todo terminará.
Now, J.J., don't worry, it'll all be over in a few minutes.
Ahora, J.J., no se preocupe, todo acabará en unos minutos.
It'll all be over in a minute.
Terminará dentro de un momento.
You fire that, and it'll be heard all over the boat.
Si dispara eso, se oirá en todo el barco.
It'll be better... to just let her come for the visit like always... and by that time, it'll all be over.
Sería mejor... dejar que venga a visitarlos como siempre... y para entonces, todo habrá terminado.
If this thing blows up after it's been announced all over the country... it'll be an irreparable blow to the prestige of Crackly Grain Flakes... and, Kent, I won't have it!
Si esto fracasa luego de ser anunciado en todo el país... causará un daño irreparable al prestigio de Copos Crocantes... y eso es inaceptable.
While I was out there... I kept thinking about you all the time - about how good it'll be when everything's over and we can go back home.
Cuando estaba ahí fuera, pensaba en ti todo el rato, en lo bueno que sería volver a casa cuando acabase todo.
I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folks.
Sobreviviré a esto, y cuando haya terminado, ni yo ni ninguno de los míos volveremos a pasar hambre.
- It'll all be over long before they do that.
- Habrá terminado todo para entonces.
Then next week in Little Rock she'll feel another cold coming on and it'll be the same thing all over again.
Buenas noches, Mumbo. Sé una buena chica.
It'll all be over by Thursday.
Todo terminará para el jueves.
They say one more push, and it'll all be over.
Dicen que con un esfuerzo más todo terminará.
In an hour it'll all be over... and I want to be as far away as I can.
Dentro de una hora, todo habrá acabado. Y quiero estar lo más lejos posible.
Another hour, it'll be all over.
En una hora habrá acabado.
Some clay it'll all be over.
Algún día se va a acabar todo esto.
It'll all be over in a minute.
Todo habrá terminado en un minuto.
- It'll be all over town anyway, now.
- De todas formas, ahora lo sabrá todo el mundo.
It's no use, it'll be all over the street in five minutes.
Déjalo, todo el mundo estará enterado dentro de cinco minutos.
Yes, and we'll all have a good time too and be better off for it after the fair is over.
Sí, y todos nos divertiremos también... y estaremos mucho mejor cuando termine la feria.
I know I should be wishing they'd come quickly and it'll all be over, but all I can think of is... in one hour we'll say good-bye.
Sé que debería desear que vinieran pronto y que todo acabara. Pero sólo puedo pensar en que dentro de una hora nos diremos adiós.
- I can't go back in. It'll be all over the place by now.
No puedo volver.
It'll all have to be done over immediately.
Tendrán que rehacerlo de inmediato.
Maw saw to come fight over and that it'll be perfectly all right to bring you.
Mary dijo que fuera y que te llevara.
In two hours, it'll be all over New York that Victoria was caught on a train with that Indian.
En dos horas, toda Nueva York sabrá... que pillaron a Victoria con un indio en un tren.
Uh oh here comes chatterbox and now it'll be all over town.
Un marido muy parlanchín. Espero que no se enteren.
It'll be 9 o'clock all over again, and I wil be Angelina.
Serán las nueve otra vez, y yo seré Angelina.
After it's done, after it's all over and we're safe, it'll be just you and me. You and me, the way it should've been all along from the start.
Cuando esto termine, cuando pase todo y estemos a salvo... sólo seremos tú y yo, tú y yo... como debió de ser desde el principio.
After it's done, after it's all over and we're safe, it'll be just you and me, you and me, the way it should've been all along from the start.
Cuando esto termine, cuando pase todo y estemos a salvo... sólo seremos tú y yo, tú y yo... como debió de ser desde el principio.
I'll tell Mary-Jane and by lunch hour it will be all over school.
Se lo contaré a Mary Jane. Por la mañana lo sabrán todos.
One of your beggars will pop in, it'll be all over.
Si aparece uno de tus mendigos estoy acabado.
And I'll tell you exactly how it can be done. I thought it all over in the cab coming home.
No, querida, déjame hablar.
Then later go and present your apologies to His Excellency and it'll all be over.
Ve a ver a Su Excelencia Langherozzi Schianchi y le presentas tus disculpas.
You'll fiind quantities of breakfast over there. - You must eat it all, or cook will be mortally offended.
Ve a desayunar o el cocinero se ofenderá.
One more little pull, and it'll be all over.
Un tironcito más y ya está.
My paper says it'll be all over by Easter.
El periódico dice que todo habrá terminado para Pascua.
Maybe it'll bother'em for a week or two or even a month... but then it'll all be over for them.
Quizá los molestará una o dos semanas, o incluso un mes... pero luego esto se terminará para ellos.
Yes, well it'll soon be over, they'll all be broke.
Pronto habrá acabado. Estarán todas arruinadas.
They can't arrest you before that, or it'll all be over.
Y para ello es necesario que no te arresten o se acaba todo. ¿ Lo entiendes, cariño?
If it's all over, I'll be there to take the call.
Si todo sale bien, contestaré al teléfono.
It'll be all over town by tomorrow, I'm afraid.
Me temo que mañana lo sabrá todo el pueblo.
If they're there, it'll be last night all over again.
Si están allí será como anoche.

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