It's a traduction Espagnol
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"Yeah. Because every weekend, it's a different guy."
"Porque cada fin de semana es un amigo diferente".
You pulled the right side to the right, the left side to the left, and then you pinched the middle and pulled it towards your chest, and it's supposed to make a spout.
llevar el lado derecho a la derecha, el izquierdo a la izquierda, pellizcar el centro, jalar hacia tu pecho, y debería formarse un pico.
I hate it. "Have a good day at school." He's like this : "All right."
Lo odio. "Que te vaya bien en la escuela". Y él dice : "Bueno".
He's probably gonna play with it in front of the old toys.
Probablemente juegue con él frente a los juguetes viejos.
I'm gonna catch him. It's inevitable.
Lo voy a descubrir, es inevitable.
It's just you and your friend at a party.
Estás con tus amigos en una fiesta.
That's the cool thing about the vagina. It comes back together.
Lo mejor de la vagina es que vuelve a unirse.
It's fucking... It's like a Transformer.
Es como un puto Transformer.
Every guy's bought drinks for a girl that had a guy, and you know it.
Todos los tipos les invitamos una copa a mujeres que tenían novio.
They drop it on you at the last second because that's what women do.
Te lo cuentan a último momento, porque así son ellas.
It's a fucking square right here.
Aquí hay un puto rectángulo.
Then you guys walk towards each other, about to fuck each other, but it's not even cute.
Entonces se acercan para empezar a coger, pero no es muy bonito.
And he doesn't know what to do, because it's about to happen, but he can't.
Y no sabe qué hacer, porque está a punto haber sexo, pero no puede.
It's like half-and-half.
Es algo a medias.
[Langford] With the photo that's taken of Hannah, it was innocent, but an unflattering photo out of context, posted by a guy with a particular rep, or saying something, or spinning the story some kind of way can destroy someone.
Pero una foto poco favorecedora sacada de contexto, colgada por un chico con cierta reputación o diciendo algo, y si se da la vuelta a la historia, al final puede destruir a alguien.
And when Bryce takes the photo from Justin and sends it round the school, it's the beginning of the end for her.
Y cuando Bryce coge la foto de Justin y la manda a toda la escuela, es el comienzo del fin para ella.
It does irreparable damage to Hannah's reputation.
Le hace un daño irreparable a la reputación de Hannah.
[Boe] It's definitely a generational thing because my whole middle and high school, when we got home, all we would do is hop on, either it was Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Es definitivamente algo generacional. En mi escuela secundaria y mi instituto, al llegar a casa, solo navegábamos. ya fuese Myspace, Facebook, Twitter o Instagram.
Once something is online, it's just there, and a picture can say a million different things.
Una vez que está en Internet, está ahí, y una foto puede decir millones de cosas diferentes.
[Jones] I think the hard thing about the minute that a girl in this context is labeled a slut is because it's just a snowball effect, because it gives people permission to continue to treat her as though she's a sexual object instead of a human being.
Lo más duro sobre el momento en que una chica es etiquetada como puta es que es un efecto bola de nieve, porque le da a la gente permiso para seguir tratándola como si fuera un objeto sexual en vez de un ser humano.
And for a girl who's just developing her identity, and just developing her body, and just learning about sexuality and relationships, it's a lot of hurdles to navigate.
Y para una chica que está desarrollando su identidad y desarrollando su cuerpo, y comenzando a aprender sobre sexualidad y relaciones, son muchos obstáculos que superar.
It's hard to be the parent of a teenager.
Es difícil ser el padre de un adolescente.
A lot of times guys will have this concept of the bro code, that if their friend is assaulting someone else, whether it's their girlfriend or someone they don't know, that they just are gonna kind of look the other way.
Muchas veces los chicos tienen este concepto del código de colega, que si su amigo está asaltando a alguien, tanto si es su novia o alguien que no conocen, ellos mirarán para otro lado.
[Jones] That's when it becomes dangerous, is bro code at the expense of accountability.
Ahí es cuando este código se vuelve peligroso, a expensas de la responsabilidad.
And I think it's easy to talk about in theory, and the truth is, it requires such a bold, authentic confidence to stand on your own two feet, and to stand up for what you believe in, not in theory but in a moment in which we're asking people to be brave for the 15 seconds it matters most.
Y creo que es fácil hablar en teoría, y la verdad es que requiere ser valiente y tener confianza ponerte de pie y levantarte por lo que crees, no en teoría, sino en un momento en el que si la gente
It's a permanent, permanent thing, which I hope people, young boys, especially, who will watch this, understand that it's not okay to get drunk and then just have your way with people, because you are changing that person's life and your own for the rest of your life.
Es una cosa permanente, que espero que la gente, en especial los jóvenes que vean esto, entiendan que no está bien emborracharse y luego hacerle esto a una persona, porque estás cambiando la vida de esa persona y la tuya
He's a popular guy, he's an athlete, and that it's so common for a victim to feel like, "No one would ever believe me."
Es un chico popular, un atleta, y es algo muy común para una víctima pensar : "Nadie me creerá jamás".
I spoke with Rebecca Hedrick, um, and Rebecca Kaplan from It's On Us, and, you know, what I learned was... [stammers] I kind of had a bit of an insight into what people go through
Hablé con Rebecca Hedrick, y Rebecca Kaplan de "It's On Us", y lo que aprendí fue... Tuve una idea de lo que estas personas pasan mientras sucede un ataque.
It's on us to educate people on how to receive that kind of information when girls have the courage to come forward.
Depende de nosotros educar a la gente sobre cómo recibe esta información cuando las chicas tienen valor para decirlo.
[Dr. Hsu] As hard as it was to see the final decision that Hannah made when she died of suicide, I think it was important to show that it's not a pretty death, it's not an easy one, and then the pain that never ends for her parents immediately thereafter, who are left with this horrible burden.
Por difícil que fuera ver la decisión final que Hannah toma cuando se suicida, creo que es importante mostrar que no es una muerte bonita, no es fácil, y luego llega el dolor que nunca acabará para sus padres
It's important for the viewers to see that there's often a lot of collateral damage when someone dies, and the person contemplating suicide might not realize how much their death will affect people that they love and that they didn't want to hurt.
Es importante que los espectadores vean que a veces hay un daño colateral cuando alguien muere. La persona que piense en el suicidio puede que no sepa en qué medida afectará su muerte a las personas que la quieren y a quienes no desea herir.
And it seems counterintuitive, and yet the person who has survived somebody else's suicide often feels guilty and can blame themselves, and that seems to be a large part of what happens with Alex.
Y parece contradictorio, y aun así, la persona que ha sobrevivido al suicidio de alguien a veces se siente culpable y se culpa a sí misma, y eso parece una parte importante de lo que le sucede a Alex.
[Heizer] A lot of times it feels like things you're experiencing aren't treatable, and that's why it can be overwhelming to try to explain it to someone because you just feel like there's nothing you can do about it.
Muchas veces piensas que las cosas que sientes no tienen tratamiento, y por eso puede ser muy agobiante tratar de explicarlo a alguien porque sientes que no hay nada que se pueda hacer.
[McCarthy] It's more than a show about a young woman's suicide, or sexual abuse, sexual violence, rape, it's much more than that.
Es más que una serie sobre el suicidio de una chica o el abuso, la violencia sexual o la violación. Es mucho más que eso.
I think it's a wonderful way the show ends, with Clay just taking a minute to acknowledge a woman in his life who he hasn't connected with in a while.
Es una forma maravillosa de terminar la serie con Clay tomándose un momento para saludar a una mujer de su vida con la que no ha estado en contacto.
And it's those small steps, which I think can make a big difference.
Y son estos pequeños pasos los que marcan una gran diferencia.
It's a hardened fragment of skin left behind by the Female Titan.
Es una parte de la piel endurecida de la titán hembra.
Right! Annie reverted from a Titan, but it's still intact even though it broke off her body.
Ni con Annie en forma humana y lejos de su cuerpo.
And seeing how the hardened section won't evaporate, even after you revert from a Titan it's possible...
Si puedes dejar un fósil que dure hasta cuando dejes de estar transformado, hay una posibilidad.
It's too great a decision for a single person to make.
Es un tema demasiado serio para decidirlo por mí mismo.
No, it's more like... It's like a beast!
Parece una bestia.
But it's weird... I don't know why, but it reminded me of my mother...
Y la verdad es que se parecía a mamá.
It's a good thing we have this tower.
Gracias a esta torre.
Oh, it's a Snoopy's Choice.
Es una elección a lo Snoopy.
Aw! Or walks on a hot sidewalk in a way that suggests it's dancing!
¡ O camina sobre una acera caliente sugiriendo que está bailando!
It's all because of you, boy.
Y todo gracias a ti, muchacho.
Aw... Aw, I have never been more glad that I didn't hit you with my car, secretly bury you, get another greyhound, paint it your exact coloring, then realize it's a girl, stick on a fake wang, and pretend that she's you
Nunca he estado tan feliz de no haberte atropellado con mi auto, enterrarte en secreto, conseguir otro galgo, pintarlo con tus mismos colores, luego darme cuenta de que es hembra, pegarte una etiqueta falsa y fingir que esa eres tú
It's now official : a Springfield jury has decided that the life of this greyhound is more valuable than the life of this Greyhound station inhabitant.
Ahora ya es oficial : un jurado de Springfield ha dictaminado que la vida de este galgo es más valiosa que la vida de este habitante de la Estación Greyhound.
All right, that's it. I'm comin'in there!
Muy bien, se acabó. ¡ Voy a entrar!
It's a pity no one told the dogs that.
Lástima que nadie se lo dijo a los perros.
It's the one Milhouse got when he didn't wet the bed for a week.
Es el que le dieron a Milhouse cuando no mojó la cama por una semana.
it's all right 8832
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's a girl 287
it's always there 23
it's a pleasure to meet you 246
it's about fucking time 24
it's all in your head 59
it's a date 249
it's all good 878
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's a girl 287
it's always there 23
it's a pleasure to meet you 246
it's about fucking time 24
it's all in your head 59
it's a date 249
it's all good 878
it's a trap 359
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's a joke 388
it's a shame 312
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's a joke 388
it's a shame 312
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all about you 62
it's awful 405
it's all there 302
it's all lies 56
it's all 182
it's all clear 95
it's all over the place 28
it's amazing 1037
it's alright 989
it's awesome 371
it's awful 405
it's all there 302
it's all lies 56
it's all 182
it's all clear 95
it's all over the place 28
it's amazing 1037
it's alright 989
it's awesome 371