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It's just awful traduction Espagnol

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But if he's not I want to keep from your kind hearts the awful responsibility of not doing the right and just thing about it.
Pero si no lo es, quiero evitarle a sus corazones, llenos de bondad, la insufrible responsabilidad de no haber hecho justicia.
It's just awful, Mr. Peter...
Es terrible, Sr. Peter...
Well, we just think it's awful nice of you to bother to see us, Mr Norton.
Es usted muy amable de molestarse, Sr. Norton.
You know, Amy, there's an awful lot of good in people If you just look for it.
Hay mucha bondad en las personas si sabemos buscarla.
I know, it's just too awful.
Lo sé, es terrible.
It's just that we feel awful bad because we were wrong about you.
Pero estamos muy tristes porque nos equivocamos con Ud.
It's not that I want him to be awful, but maybe just...
Vale, no es que quiera que sea malísimo, - pero si hubiera podido ser...
It's just this awful English weather.
Es sólo este horrible tiempo inglés.
It's just that I've been taking an awful ribbing about that picture in the paper.
Me han fastidiado... con la foto del periódico.
It's just going to be awful. You can go to the university in the Fall.
Irás a la universidad en otoño.
- It's just awful.
- ¡ Es horrible!
It's awful they take'em there, just'cause they get drunk.
Me parece horrible que lo metan ahí sólo porque beba.
Oh, it's just awful!
- No lo soporto más.
Bud, it's just been awful.
Bud, ha sido horrible.
It's just awful.
Es horrible.
Oh Georgie, it's just been awful without you.
Georgie, ha sido horrible estar sin ti.
It's been just awful with our family all broken up like it is.
Sólo ha sido horrible que nuestra familia este disuelta como lo esta.
It's just awful that you had to be dragged into all this.
Es espantoso haberte metido en todo esto.
Damn it, I ought to stay here... but it's an awful lot of bother... just to take that uppity-heimer down a peg.
Maldita sea, yo debería estar aquí... pero esto es un gran molestia... solo para tomar a ese engreído y bajarle los humos.
It's just awful. I left something behind.
He olvidado algo, es terrible.
It's just that it's awful hard to break a habit.
Me resulta difícil perder la costumbre.
No, it's just that you gave me an awful shock last night.
No, es que anoche me asustaste mucho.
She'd just keep saying things like that, "It's awful, it's horrible."
No dejaba de decir es horrible, terrible...
It's that I, I just want to make my first communion,... because I'm already awful old for that, and my mom told me...
Es que yo, todo lo que quiero, es hacer mi primera comunión, porque ya estoy requete grandote, y mi mamá me decía que...
It's just awful.
Está asquerosa.
It's just awful.
¡ Salí espantosa!
It's not awful, it's just funky.
No es horrible, es "funky".
It's just marvelous of you, but it's horrid, just awful of me.
Será maravillosa en tu caso pero es horrorosa, simplemente horrible en el mío.
Just... just awful, terrible, but it's the most potent painkiller we've got.
A demonios. Pero es uno de los remedios más poderosos contra el dolor.
Sé que ella no es capaz de manejar eso.
Es sólo una muestra de lo que siente.
Yeah, it's just pure, sort of, what I love to do which is to dress up and act in an extraordinarily awful and aggressive way.
Si, es tan puro, lo que me encantaba era disfrazarme... y actuar de una manera extraordinariamente horrible y agresiva.
I just think it's awful the way you were robbed of all your identification.
Es horrible que le hayan robado sus documentos de identidad.
It's just... in some ways, it's such an awful day.
- Es sólo que... Es un día horrible
- My God! It's just awful!
Dios mío, es horrible.
I know it's an awful thought, but just suppose.
Es una idea siniestra, pero supongamos que fuese así.
It's just awful what some people will do.
Es horrible lo que hacen algunas personas.
It's just so awful.
Es simplemente terrible.
No, it's just an awful lot of goodwill.
No, solo es muchísima buena voluntad.
It's just taken us an awful long time to figure that out.
Nos ha tomado mucho tiempo darnos cuenta de eso.
It's just awful.
Simplemente horrible.
Sir, I know it's an awful bore, but would you mind just signing this?
Señor, sé que es una molestia, pero, ¿ podría firmarme aquí?
But what's really awful, man, is you see a young brother... with this cheap, imitation electroplated gold crap around their necks, and it breaks out in this funky green rash... with these bumps and shit. It just make you wanna puke.
Pero lo más terrible... es ver a un hermano con oro de imitación colgado del cuello... que le provoca una erupción de color verde... con todo y granos, que te da ganas de vomitar.
It's just you look an awful lot like a friend of mine.
Es sólo que luces muy igual a una amiga mía.
Just'cause it's dark doesn't mean there's something awful out there.
Sólo porque está oscuro no significa que hay algo horrible por ahi.
Oh, my! It's just awful.
Cielos, es horroroso.
That's absolutely untrue. It was just an awful coincidence that I happened- -
No puede permitirles presentar esta defensa ridícula.
- God, it's just so awful!
- ¡ Dios mío, es terrible!
They arrived just as I was leaving, it's an awful lot to take in.
Llegaron en el momento en que me iba, es difícil de entender.
I mean, usually it's just awful, right?
Quiero decir, por lo general es horrible, ¿ verdad?
It's just Laurie and that awful Mr. Brooke.
Es sólo Laurie y ese horrible Sr. Brooke.

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