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It's just me traduction Espagnol

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It's just running an agency doesn't give me a lot of nights off.
Pero no tengo muchas noches libres con mi trabajo.
So, it's really just me.
Así que solo estoy yo.
I don't wanna get in the middle of this, it's none of my business, but I just have to say I love that sweater.
No me quiero meter, y sé que esto no me incumbe, pero me encanta tu suéter.
- Ana? Uh, no, it's just me, giant chocolate Oscar guy.
No, soy del envío del Oscar gigante de chocolate.
Getting political doesn't do anything for me. I just like remembering when I was a kid. That's it.
meterme a la politica no me ayuda en nada lo hago solo por los recuerdos de mi infancia necesito que retires a esas personas y luego que te retires
It's just hard. You said you wanted to be perfectly honest with me, always. And I do.
es dificil dijistes que serias honesto conmigo, siempre y lo soy esta vez, creo que era en el verano fui a ver la pelicula "RevientaFantasmas"
Look, Mom, out of all people, you probably know best how tough it's been for me since my separation, now what I'm telling you is that this is not just about money.
Mamá, tú mejor que nadie sabe las dificultades que tuve desde la separación. Y te aseguro que no se trata de dinero.
Homer Simpson, it's one thing to moan and groan on the bus, but in front of these unfortunates, well, that just curls my'stache.
Homero Simpson, una cosa es que regañes y te quejes en el bus, pero enfrente de estos desafortunados, bueno, eso simplemente me "encrespa el bigote".
♪ like me ♪ ♪ it's not just a coincidence ♪ ♪ it isn't just by chance ♪
* No es una coincidencia * * no es por casualidad *
Looks like it's just you and me.
Parece que es sólo tú y yo.
It's just, like, I got a little stomachache or something.
Es que me duele un poco el estómago, o algo.
Yeah, that's good, you know, dude, don't just say "I like you." It's a little matter of fact.
Está bien. No digas "me gustas". Eso ya se sabe.
It's just that I have not said how I feel since my wife left me.
No he dicho cómo me siento desde que mi esposa me dejó.
It's just whenever someone brings up the shot box, I get all freaked out.
Cuando se menciona la caja, me altero.
But what I do know is that this place just... It's not for me.
Pero sé que este lugar no es para mí.
When it's just dumping and it's calm, that's when I feel the most alive... remembering how fun it is to... just... be lost in it.
Cuando es dumping y tranquilo. Es cuando me siento mas vivo. Recordando lo divertido que es.
When I'm just feeling like something isn't right, it's very easy for me to pull the plug.
Cuando siento que algo no está bien. Es muy fácil para mí tirar la toalla.
it's a relief for me to see it. Just how brittle a carapace that was, how little a man can change.
El hombre que eras cuando te conocí, el hombre de guerra, el hombre temible, su perro de presa, y ahora todo lo que has construido por ti mismo, Drake, es ser un hombre de paz, un hombre de esperanza... para mí es un consuelo verlo.
It's just you and me now... macho man.
Ahora solo estamos tú y yo, machote.
Maybe it's just me with my sweet, sweet skin.
Puede que solo sea yo con mi dulce, dulce piel.
It's just that me Granny B. back in Dublin, she got her test back from the doctors... those pains we were hoping were anal polyps... it's... oh, it's bad news.
Es solo que la abuelita B. de Dublín ha recibido sus informes médicos... esos dolores que pensábamos que eran pólipos anales... son... son malas noticias.
It's just, for me, I've been feeling things were getting on an overall, you know, nice track at the church with us, and I just...
Es que, pensaba que las cosas iban a mejorar, ya sabes, que con nosotros la iglesia iba a encontrar su camino, y...
J-J-J-Just don't sell me shite and tell me it's gold, all right?
No me vendáis mierda y me digáis que es oro, ¿ vale?
Anyway... I just wanted to say... for me... it's just you.
En fin, solo quería decirte que... para mí... solo eres tú.
Well, it's not just me, it's my team.
No soy yo solo, es mi equipo.
Sorry. It's just a rough day, and I got behind.
Fue un día difícil y me atrasé.
I know you hurt Mom, and you really hurt me, and now, God, everything's just messed up and confusing, and I just want everything back the way it used to be.
Sé que lastimaste a mamá y me lastimó demasiado y ahora todo está trastornado y es tan confuso y quiero que todo regrese a como era antes.
Let's face it, me and Agatha are never gonna just casually date, are we?
Enfrentémoslo, Agatha y yo nunca saldremos informalmente, ¿ no?
Yeah, I-I like it too, it's just, uh, sometimes it feels, like you don't want to be seen with me.
Sí, a mí también me gusta, es que... a veces me siento como si no quisieras que te vieran conmigo.
It's just hard for me to make a commitment.
Es que para mí es duro comprometerme.
- It's just that my colleagues are out in the field and I'd like to tell them if they're barking up the wrong tree.
- Es sólo que mis colegas están en el campo. Y me gustaría decirles si están ladrando al árbol equivocado.
All right, Reagan, looks like it's just me and you.
Reagan... parecer ser que seremos tú y yo.
It's also just, um, I'm leaving tomorrow.
Es que me voy mañana.
It's just that when I see him, it's a, it's weird, Mm-hmm. 'cause I'm, I'm leaving and it's, it's complicated.
Es solo que cuando lo veo, es raro, porque me voy a marchar y es complicado.
It's mostly just me and the guys talking business.
Sólo seremos los chicos y yo hablando de negocios.
Oh, it's just a little hush-up gift from my powerful wife who thinks she can take me for granted.
Es sólo un regalo de mi poderosa mujer... que cree que me conformo con lo que sea para tenerme contento.
Today's been really exciting and I guess it's just kinda catching up to me.
Hoy ha sido muy emocionante y yo supongo que es solo un poco ponerse al día para mi.
Oh, ah... it's not just for me and Gabi.
No es solo para mí y Gabi.
We've known each other since we were kids... and I really do care about him, it's just... this whole girlfriend thing was a big mistake.
Nos conocemos desde que éramos niños... y realmente me preocupo por él, es sólo... todo esto de novia fue un gran error.
It's this election has just been brutal on me.
- Sí. Estas elecciones son brutales.
It's very easy for me just to sit right there.
Puedo sentarme ahí.
Oh, it's just down the hall.
¿ Me dicen dónde está el baño primero?
It's just, I'm supposed to be meeting my husband in New York.
Se supone que me encuentre con mi esposo en Nueva York.
Yeah, well, it's a moot point anyway because I just found out that she is hooking up with someone else.
Sí, bueno, es un punto discutible de todos modos porque me acabo de enterar que es conectar con otra persona.
And I figure it's gonna settle for 30, 40 grand, and I'll give you 5 if you can- - you just get me in the door, make a call.
Supongo que se resolverá por 30, 40 de los grandes, y le daré 5 si pudiera... abrirme la puerta, hacer una llamada.
Well, it's just that I'm not very good with stuff.
Bueno, es solo que no se me da muy bien esto.
It's just me.
Soy yo.
It's- - I'm sorry, I- - You just startled me. Come on in.
Lo siento, es que me has asustado.
It's just, I always enjoy talking to you, Martha.
Es solo que, siempre me gusta hablar contigo, Martha.
Uh, my take on, uh, this is, um- - sorry- - it's stupid, and I'd like to just go take a nap if that's okay.
Mi opinión, es que esto es... es estúpido, y que simplemente me gustaría ir a echarme una siesta si es posible.
Now, personally, I'm inclined to believe that if you just put your head to it, there's nothing you can't do.
Ahora, personalmente, me inclino a pensar que si mantienes la cabeza fría, no hay nada que no puedas hacer.

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