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It's just us traduction Espagnol

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Just because something doesn't look like us, or look like everybody else, doesn't mean it's scary.
No es aterrador, solo porque algo no se vea como nosotros, o como cualquier otro, no quiere decir que sea aterrador.
After all the movies we've done, you mean to tell me that you can't tell the difference between full latex or silicon and what we actually saw right in front of us. I'm just saying it's possible, you know. That's all.
Solo digo que es posible, Sabes, eso es todo.
OK, I know... it's crazy. But if we could just find one person, one person to vouch for him, a family member, a neighbor, just somebody who actually knows this guy in real life, not the life that he's presenting to us,
Ya se... es una locura, pero si pudiéramos encontrar una persona, una persona relacionada con el, un familiar, un vecino, solo alguien que en verdad conozca a este tipo en la vida real, no la vida que el nos presento,
It's like how our prom, it wasn't just a dance, it was us getting ready together.
Es como el baile de graduación, no fue solo un baile fue prepararnos juntas.
It just trains us to be good dates, that's it.
Simplemente nos entrena para ser buenas fechas, eso es todo.
It's just nature's way of helping us boys attract attention.
Es la forma que sólo la naturaleza de ayudar nosotros los muchachos llaman la atención.
But just because it's weird for us doesn't mean it needs to be weird for Mads.
por sólo porque sea raro para nosotros no significa que tenga que ser raro para Mads.
It's just us and them.
Solo nosotros y ellos.
Well, it's not just us that we're asking for.
No te lo pedimos solo para nosotros.
I mean not that it should be just about us,'cuz you know, there's more people...
No digo que sea sólo de nosotros, porque ya sabes, hay más gente...
He's just testing us. You can do it, Nerd.
Nos está poniendo a prueba.
If this thing between us, if it's nothing, If it's just infactuation. Maybe sex will cure it?
¿ Si es solo un rapto, entonces el sexo podría curarla?
It's a Saturday, right now all over this town hundreds of bands just like us are having name conversations.
Es un sábado, en este momento en todo este pueblo... cientos de bandas como nosotros están teniendo conversaciones del nombre.
It's just she used to show us videos of all that crazy shit you did with bikes. Oh, yeah?
Es sólo que ella solía mostrarnos videos de todas esas cosas locas que hacias con bicicletas.
It's just us.
Sólo quedamos nosotros.
It's just the three of us doing this, not us and the NSA, you dipshit.
Es sólo nosotros tres Haciendo esto, no nosotros y la NSA, que dipshit.
It's just the two of us.
Sólo estamos los dos.
It's just the six of us, so we didn't think that it would be a big deal.
Sólo somos nosotros seis y no pensamos que importaría.
It's probably just Chet fucking with us.
Probablemente Chet nos esté gastando una broma.
It's just a lot for us to handle, you know?
Es sólo un montón para nosotras manejarlo, ¿ sabes?
I'm on with D.C. it's not just us.
Estoy con DC no se trata sólo de nosotros.
With us, two years... It's just good.
Para nosotros, en dos años todo ha sido bueno.
I just think it's healthy right now for us to try it.
Sólo pienso es saludable ahora mismo para nosotros para probarlo.
oamas was not just a movement to us, it was the family's business.
Para nosotros, Hamás no era un movimiento, sino que era como el negocio familiar.
Todas éramos sus amigas, y creo que es muy duro de asimilar.
It did happen. And whatever's in there isn't just gonna forget about us.
That will give us enough that we should be able to get him released, you know, I mean that's just... all there is to it.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Con todos los documentos que recolectamos debería alcanzar para poder sacarlo de ahí.
It's just us girls, Brucie.
Es sólo nosotras, Brucie.
It's just a stupid ghost story, he's not after us.
Es una estupida historia, no esta buscandonos
It's probably the guys who just came back. Vlad comes here a total straight closet-case and he gets more action than the rest of us have like in months. It's funny.
Seguro son los chicos que acaban de llegar.
It's just that some of us aren't afraid to admit it.
Es sólo que algunos no tememos admitirlo.
- I didn't ask if he and Howard could stay, so it's just us.
No pregunté si él y Howard se quedaban, así que somos dos.
- I guess it's just us now.
Solo estamos nosotros ahora.
It's just us.
Solo nosotros.
It's a fun idea, it's just not for us.
Es una idea divertida, no es sólo para nosotros.
Mate, it's just us.
Amigo, somos sólo nosotros.
You don't need it, it's just us.
No lo necesitas, somos sólo nosotros.
It's just another way God mysteriously shows that He loves us.
Otra forma misteriosa con la que Dios nos muestra su amor.
We appreciate everything you've done for us and we're gonna pay you back, I swear, it's just...
Apreciamos todo lo que has hecho por nosotros y vamos a pagarte, te lo juro. Es sólo que...
Apparently, Castor just got called away to an emergency meeting out of the office, so it looks like he's not going to be joining us after all.
Por lo visto, a Castor le han llamado para una reunión de emergencia fuera de la oficina, así que parece que no va a unirse a nosotros después de todo.
But it's not just us.
Pero no solo somos nosotros.
It's just time for us to be in the real world.
Pero es tiempo de que ambos estemos en el mundo real.
Then you tell them it's just the two of us. And then we'll be screwed.
Entonces le dices que somos nosotros dos, y estaremos jodidos.
- It's just them and us all over again. - Yes!
- Es sólo ellos y nosotros de nuevo.
That's why I think it's time for us to just... Just walk away.
Por eso creo que es hora de que nosotros nos alejemos.
It's just something to help us find our way back.
Algo para ayudarnos a encontrar el camino de regreso.
I've had a rather emotional day... so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well-founded... I'd appreciate it enormously... if you could just leave us in peace... until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness.
He tenido un día muy difícil así que si tienen un problema con Eggsy y de seguro está bien fundamentado les agradecería enormemente que nos dejaran en paz hasta que termine mi pinta de Guinness.
So if it works, if this experiment continues to grow, it doesn't just help a few of us in this state or in the country, but it actually helps everyone around the world. As the bitcoin price hovered around it's previous all-time high of $ 31,
Así que si funciona, si este experimento sigue creciendo, no solo ayuda a unos pocos en este Estado o en el país, sino que ayuda a todo el mundo.
Do you think it's just someone from the town, just fucking with us?
¿ Creen ustedes que es sólo alguien de la ciudad jodiendo con nosotros?
It's just us. Come downstairs.
Somos nosotros.
Really? It's just a way to keep us trapped on the farm. Ignorant, unable to engage the outside world.
- Es una forma de retenernos en la granja... ignorantes, incapaces de enfrentar el mundo exterior.

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