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It's like it never happened traduction Espagnol

158 traduction parallèle
You may never know why everything happened... but now you do know how and where it started, and that does matter. It's as though you were in a dark room... like this one. Look.
Tal vez nunca sepa por qué sucedió todo pero ahora sabe cómo y dónde empezó y eso sí importa.
Never mind then, it's like nothing happened.
Entonces no he dicho nada. Todo vuelve a ser como antes.
It's odd, but it's not like it's never happened before.
Ya ha pasado antes...
Judge, sir, it's like a nervous spasm a nervous spasm I can't control, it has never happened to me.
Sr. Juez, me viene como un espasmo que no puedo frenar, nunca me había pasado.
It's never happened to me, I fell asleep like that.
Nunca me había pasado dormirme así.
You've never heard anything like it, lt's never happened to me before,
Nunca has oído nada parecido. No me ha pasado nada así en toda mi vida.
It'll mean it's all over, like it never even happened.
Me refiero a que todo terminó, Como si nunca hubiera pasado.
It's not like this never happened before.
No es la primera vez que pasa. Lo del cadáver de Santa Claus se lo podemos contar al psiquiatra. Claro.
To them, it's like Vietnam never happened.
Para ellos, Vietnam nunca existió.
It's like it never happened.
Fue como si nunca hubiera sucedido.
It's like yesterday never happened!
¡ Es como si ayer no hubiera sucedido!
It's not like it never happened before.
No es como si nunca hubiera pasado.
It's like the whole thing never happened.
Es como si nada hubiera pasado.
It's like it never happened.
Como si nunca hubiese ocurrido.
But otherwise, it's like this night never happened, okay?
Pero por otra parte es como... que esta noche nunca sucedió, ok?
It's not like it's never happened before.
No es que no haya pasado nunca antes.
It's like feminism never even happened.
Es como si el feminismo no hubiera existido.
Let's pretend this never happened. Everything will be like it was.
Hagamos de cuenta que esto nunca sucedió Todo va a ser como era
I'm absolutely certain of that it would never have happened from within the island and the Pogues needed to happen from the Diaspora if you like in Mary Robinson's uhh memorable phrase it... it... it uhh needed to happen from... it's like there's two Irelands I'm...
Estoy seguro de eso...
It's like the Pulse never happened.
Es como si el Pulso nunca hubiera ocurrido.
If you don't do it again now, it's gonna be like it never happened.
Si no te mueves, es como si no hubiera pasado.
It's like : it never happened before.
- Eso nunca pasa.
It's important to me that you know what happened between us I've never done anything like that before.
Debes saber que lo del otro día nunca me había pasado.
Y seguro que no ocurrirá nunca más.
Well, now that it's been unfenged, let just pretend like it never happened, ok?
Bueno, ahora que esta desfengciado, pretendamos que nunca paso ¿ de acuerdo?
Bury it down so deep it's like it never happened.
Enterrarlo tan profundo que pareciera que nunca hubiera ocurrido,
By the time I'm 21, it's like it never happened.
Para cuando cumpla los 21, me habré olvidado.
Yeah, but crisis averted. It's almost like it never happened.
Sí, pero la crisis fue superada, y es como si no hubiera pasado.
Like our zones are somehow fused together. But it's a strange vision, because I'm seeing things that never happened.
porque es una visión extraña, porque veo cosas que nunca sucedieron...
Like it's never happened to you before?
¿ Nunca te ocurrió a ti?
It's like it never happened. Mona, do you think you'll be allright here, or can I take you somewhere?
Mona, ¿ estarás bien aquí o te llevo a algún sitio?
It's like it never happened.
Es como si nunca hubiera sucedido.
I'm going to pretend like it never happened and hopefully he's going to do the same.
Voy a fingir que no pasó nada y espero que él haga lo mismo.
It's like it never happened.
- Es como si nunca pasó.
It's like it never happened.
- ¿ Ven? Como si nunca hubiera pasado.
Let's clean up the mess and act like it never happened.
Limpiemos y hagamos como que nada pasó.
It's like it never fucking happened.
Es como si nunca hubiera pasado.
Let's just pretend like it never happened.
Finjamos que nunca sucedió.
A bullet through the chest, in the river. It's like it never happened.
Un balazo y al río, y parece que nunca haya pasado.
we gotta jump out of those coffins, cut through the bulkhead, switch out the cash, all at 30,000 feet, then houdini it back into those carts like nothing's happened with a guy who never took metal shop in
Debemos saltar fuera de esos baúles, cortar el tabique, cambiar el efectivo... y todo eso a 30 mil pies de altura y luego esconderlo... de nuevo en esos carros como si nada hubiera pasado, con un tipo... que nunca ha estado en prisión.
It's like the thing never happened.
Es como si nunca hubiera pasado.
And I didn't know what it was,'cause that's never happened, but I feel like a crazy person.
Necesitas bajar el ritmo de tu respiración. Y no sabía que era, porque eso no había pasado nunca, me siento como un loco.
So it's like it never happened.
Entonces... Es como que nunca ocurrió.
It's like it never happened.
Es como nunca ocurrió.
It's like it never happened.
Como si nada.
It's like it never happened.
Es como si nunca hubiese ocurrido.
God, it's like those dove commercials never even happened.
Dios, es como si los comerciales de Dove nunca hubieran existido.
The only good news is that he's a total pig who will act like it never happened. Thank god.
La única buena noticia es que es un cerdo que va a actuar como si nunca hubiera ocurrido.
She's acting like it never happened. Ah, maybe it never will.
Quizás nunca ocurrirá.
It's almost like it never happened.
Es como si nunca hubiera pasado.
If it's not on camera, it's like it never happened, right?
De lo contrario, es como que no pasó, ¿ cierto?

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