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It's only temporary traduction Espagnol

365 traduction parallèle
Es un golpe temporal.
- It's only temporary.
- Por ahora.
Well, it's only temporary, you know.
Bueno, sólo temporalmente.
It's only temporary.
Será poco tiempo.
Oh, it's only temporary.
Es algo pasajero.
Well, perhaps it's only temporary.
Quizás sea algo pasajero.
It's only temporary...
Sólo temporalmente...
It's only a temporary indisposition.
Sólo es una indisposición temporaria.
What do you say? Anyway, it's only temporary.
De todos modos, es sólo temporal.
I hope it's only temporary.
Espero que sea temporal.
But after all, it's only temporary.
Después de todo, es sólo temporal.
It's only temporary, and there's no risk to you.
Es solo temporalmente, y no hay riesgo para ti.
It's only temporary.
Es sólo algo transitorio.
A smart D.A. sees to it that it's only temporary.
Una pequeña laguna en la memoria que es sólo temporal.
All the old timers say it's only temporary, like growing pains.
Los veteranos dicen que es sólo temporal, como los dolores del crecimiento.
The general took it very hard. I'm sure it's only temporary.
El General se lo tomó muy en serio Estoy seguro que es sólo algo pasajero.
It's just I got into trouble. See, it's only temporary, sir.
Tengo problemas, pero son pasajeros.
It's only temporary.
Es sólo temporal.
It's only temporary until we make a valve spring. - We?
Es hasta que podamos hacer una válvula de resorte.
This place, it's only temporary.
Este lugar, sólo es temporal.
As a matter of fact... she's been living out with her parents... but it's only temporary.
De hecho, se mudó con sus padres, pero sólo temporalmente.
Excuse the cramped quarters, but it's only temporary.
Disculpen la falta de espacio. Sólo es temporal.
It's only temporary, Max.
Solo es temporal, Max.
It's only temporary.
- es sólo temporal
It's probably only temporary.
Probablemente sea sólo temporal.
And furthermore, why don't we go home and take advantage of her absence, even though it's only temporary?
Y además ¿ por qué no vamos a casa'y disfrutamos de su ausencia aunque sea temporaria?
The war's over. And it's only temporary.
La guerra ya terminó y estoy en esto provisoriamente.
S-S-S-Surely i-i-i-i-it's... only a t-t-t-temporary... s-s-s-s-setback.
Seguro que es... sólo un contratiempo... temporal.
As long as it's only temporary, I don't mind too much.
Hasta ahora he sido criada.
I think it's only temporary paralysis.
Creo que es sólo una parálisis temporal.
Use it during your stay on Earth, but remember that it's only a temporary living space, an ingenious machine that you must get to know so well that at no moment can it take you over, but never develop more attachment to it than that which is required
Utilízalo durante tu estancia en la tierra, pero recuerda que es sólo un habitáculo provisional. Una máquina ingeniosa que debes conocer lo suficiente como para que en ningún momento te domine, pero, nunca le tengas mayor apego que aquél que se requiere estrictamente para su buen funcionamiento.
Well, gentlemen, I think it's only fair to tell you that I'd only be interested in this job on a temporary basis.
Creo justo decirles,... que sólo me interesa el puesto de manera temporal.
- It's only temporary.
Es provisional, he querido que pudiera inaugurarla en su fiesta.
Ah, it's for the sofa... but naturally, it's only temporary.
Ah, es para el diván... pero, naturalmente, es una cosa provisoria.
Now it's only temporary until you get settled in again,
Es algo temporal hasta que ya estés instalada.
It's only temporary, until it doesn't matter.
Serâ temporario, hasta que ya no importe.
It's only temporary.
Es temporário.
- It's only temporary.
- Sólo es temporal.
- Well, it's only temporary, right?
- Es sólo temporal, ¿ de acuerdo?
- It's only temporary!
Es solo temporal.
- Look, it's only temporary.
- Es sólo temporal.
It's only temporary.
- Solo es temporario.
It's temporary blindness. Only lasts about 10 seconds.
Es ceguera temporal, dura unos 10 segundos.
But it's only temporary. I expect to see you back here, the same time next week.
Pero es algo temporal, espero verte aqui a la misma hora la próxima semana
- Take it easy, son. It's only temporary.
- Calma, sólo es temporal.
It's only temporary but perhaps he can help us. TEGAN :
Es temporal, pero quizás pueda ayudarnos.
I know it's boring for you to be out of school, my honey, but this is only temporary.
Sé que te aburres sin ir a la escuela, mi dulce, pero será sólo temporalmente.
I do want to assure you that this move is in no way permanent. It's only temporary.
Les aseguro que este cambio no es permanente, sino temporal.
It's a shame it's only temporary, really, yeah.
Es una lástima que solo sea temporal, en serio, sí.
Well it's only temporary until I hear about this other job.
Bueno es sólo temporal hasta que oigo acerca de este otro trabajo.
Well, it's only temporary.
Sólo provisionalmente.

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