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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It's the middle of the night

It's the middle of the night traduction Espagnol

507 traduction parallèle
Oh, well, she won't be so almighty calm when it's 4o below zero and she has to get up in the middle of the night.
Ella no estará tan tranquila cuando esté a - 40º, y tenga que levantarse a medianoche.
It's the middle of the night.
En plena noche.
As I remember, it was in the middle of the night when Mademoiselle Maillard and I ran to the duchess's apartment and pounded on the doors.
Según recuerdo, fue a media noche cuando Mademoiselle Maillard y yo fuimos al aposento de la duquesa y llamamos a la puerta.
Say, do you know it's the middle of the night?
¿ Sabes que es medianoche?
Why, yes. If it's the middle of the night, naturally he feels let down.
Sí, si es en plena noche, claro que se siente cansado.
It's not the middle of the night.
No es mitad de la noche.
It's the middle of the night. This is no way to behave.
¡ Es de noche, un poco de silencio!
And if it's true, 3 hours in the middle of the night... of course, he could have been with somebody else.
Y si es cierto, tres horas en mitad de la noche... Por supuesto, podría haber estado con alguien más.
- But it's the middle of the night
- Pero a estas horas de la noche.
Everybody's asleep. It might be the middle of the night.
Todos duermen, como a medianoche.
After all, it's the middle of the night.
Después de todo, es medianoche.
It's practically the middle of the night.
Estamos prácticamente en mitad de la noche.
It's so unusual for a patient to leave in the middle of the night.
Es tan raro que un paciente se vaya en medio de la noche.
- It's the middle of the night.
- Estamos en plena noche.
It's the middle of the night. No one will come.
En medio de la noche, nadie vendrá.
It's... it's the middle of the night, darling.
Es... es la madrugada mi vida.
First of all, Sally, would you mind telling me, without shouting, please, why you think it's necessary to go rushing off to the police, right now, in the middle of the night?
Lo primero, Sally, ¿ podrías decirme, sin gritar, por favor,... por qué es tan necesario ir corriendo a la policía... en mitad de la noche?
It's the middle of the night.
problemas a estas alturas.
It's a damp, swampy area... in the middle of nowhere, full of quagmires... where thousands of bats fly around every night.
Vive en una zona húmeda, sombría... en mitad de ninguna parte,... donde cientos de murciélagos sobrevuelan el lugar a medianoche.
It's not customary that I waken in the middle of the night.
Normalmente no me despierto por la noche.
It's night-time in the middle of the road, an armed uniformed man, yells "Stop!".
De noche, en medio de la carretera, un hombre armado, de uniforme y que grita : "¡ Alto!".
But it's the middle of the night.
Pero si es plena noche.
It's the middle of the night.
Es mitad de la noche.
You see, it's the middle of the night and I honestly believe in nothing.
A estas horas de la noche no creo en nada.
But it's the middle of the night!
- ¡ Pero estamos en mitad de la noche!
No, it's probably the middle of the night.
No, estamos probablemente a mitad de la noche.
It's the middle of the night
Son las tantas de la madrugada.
When it comes to the point that a man can come to your apartment in the middle of the night, take out a gun and take away your doll, that's when it's time to get out of the neighborhood.
- Cuando un tipo entra en tu casa a mitad de la noche, saca un arma y se lleva tu muñeca es hora de mudarse de barrio.
It's night time... Middle... Middle of the night...
Así, en plena noche...
And in the mystery writer's soul, it is always the middle of the night.
Y en el alma del escritor de misterios, siempre es la mitad de la noche.
But it's the middle of the night.
Pero es medianoche.
I know it's awful to ask you to come here in the middle of the night, but...
Es horrible que te pida que vengas en mitad de la noche, pero...
It's just like you to arrive in the middle of the night.
Es muy tuyo eso de llegar en mitad de la noche.
- It's the middle of the night! - Tell me.
¿ Tan importante es como para discutir en plena noche?
It's club owners being called up in the middle of the night and being told not to hire me or they're gonna lose their liquor license!
Son llamadas a los dueños de los clubes durante la noche para decirles que no me contraten ¡ o perderán el permiso para vender bebidas alcohólicas!
I wake up, it's the middle of the night.
Me desperté en mitad de la noche.
- It's the middle of the night.
- Es medianoche.
- It's the middle of the night.
- Es m uy ta rde.
It's the middle of the night watch.
La guardia de medianoche.
# I know it's the middle of the night But heck, that's all right
I know it's the middle of the night But heck, that's all right
Out with it. What's so important in the middle of the night that you have to talk with me?
¿ Qué es tan importante que vienes en mitad de la noche y dices que quieres hablar conmigo?
- It's-It's like the phone call in the middle of the night.
Es como la llamada a mitad de la noche.
- It's in the middle of the night.
- Pero es medianoche.
- "It's in the middle of the night."
- "Pero es medianoche"
- I felt that I just had to let her know,'cause sometimes when it's time to go bombing, you got to go late at night in the middle of the night.
Sentía que debía hacérselo saber ya que a veces, cuando es la hora de salir a bombardear, tienes que irte tarde... en mitad de la noche
It's rough country out there, you might get bitten in the middle of the night.
Estas partes son peligrosas, puede que lo ataquen durante la noche.
It's the middle of the night.
Es plena noche.
It's being dragged out of your house in the middle of the night by some...
Significa que te obliguen a salir de tu casa en mitad de la noche.
Addison, it's the middle of the night.
Addison, es mitad de la noche..
It's the middle of the night.
Todavía es de noche.
I think that money, capital, gold... - it's a question of greed, undoubtedly -... are the only things for which you can wake people in the middle of the night.
Creo que el dinero, el capital, el oro es una cuestión de codicia, indudablemente son las únicas cosas que pueden despertar a la gente en mitad de la noche.

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