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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It's time to end this

It's time to end this traduction Espagnol

127 traduction parallèle
- It's time to end this.
- Es mejor terminar.
Let's go Ninetto, it's time to end this!
¡ Vamos Ninetto, es hora de acabar con esto!
Get a look at these.! I truly hate for this to end, but I think it's time we parted company.
Detesto que esto acabe, pero debemos separarnos.
But it's time for me to end this game.
Pero es el momento de poner fin a este juego.
Our people believe it's high time to whip the rebels and end all this.
Nuestro pueblo cree que es hora de derrotar a los rebeldes.
Jeremy, it's time for this to end.
Jeremy, es hora de que esto termine.
Now, I say it's high time we put an end to this plague.
Es hora de poner fin a esta plaga.
At present, only in ANFAVEA's name, but we're discussing it with the other members of Group 14, so that each one can decide on what he thinks is best. We're trying very hard to put an end to this process which is lasting too long a period of time and is impairing both our manufacturing activities and the effort we all should be making to help in the construction and in the improvement of the Country.
En este momento, en nombre de ANFAVEA, estamos discutiendo ahora... con los demás integrantes del Grupo 14... para que cada uno tome las posiciones que crea más interesante... para ver si logramos poner un punto final a este proceso... que se arrastra por un tiempo demasiado largo... perjudicando extraordinariamente nuestras actividades productoras... y el esfuerzo que todos debemos hacer para ayudar en la contención... y en la mejoría de la situación del país en este momento.
The one is like that. You can hit it on this end early... you can hit it in the middle, which is what most people try to do... or you can hit it late, but it's still in that... time of the one.
Es asi puedes darle en este extremo al principio puedes darle en el medio, lo que la mayoría de la gente intenta o puedes darle tarde, pero aún en ese tiempo de uno.
I think it's time to end this program.
Es hora de parar este programa.
I'm saying it's time to put an end to this.
Es hora de poner fin a esto.
The problem is that on this end, it's jumping from point to point so quickly that even at maximum warp, by the time we got to its next probable location, it would be gone.
El problema es que, en este lado, cambia de posición tan rápido que a velocidad warp, al llegar al otro extremo, ya se habría movido.
And now, it's time to end all this.
- Es hora de acabar con todo esto.
Now it`s time to end this.
Ahora hay que dejarlo.
It's time to put an end to this.
Es hora de ponerle fin a esto.
It's time to put an end to this. There's still time. We could do it together.
- Cage, hay que acabar con esto.
I think it's time I put an end to this feud between Caesar and me.
Creo que es hora de que le ponga fin a esta lucha entre César y yo.
Well, it's time for this little game to come to an end.
Es hora de que este jueguito se acabe.
Kelly is staying in the alliance at this time, but she's trying to make herself look good to the other team in case it comes down to the end, and she's one of the last two standing
Kelly sigue con nosotros en la alianza pero trata de llevarse bien con los demás para que la voten si llega a la final.
[So why is that... the GNU project that's had so much lead-time, that's been doing this, Why... Why is it that he was able to kinda come in at the tail end so to speak]
[¿ Así que porque es que... el proyecto GNU que había tenido tanto tiempo trabajando en esto, por qué... por qué es que él pudo venir cerca del final a opinar]
It's time for this to end.
Es hora de que esto termine.
It is time to put an end to this White House's abuse of power.
Es hora de poner fin al abuso de poder de la Casa Blanca.
It's time to end this event with the traditional spot light dance
Llegó la hora de clausurar este evento con el tradicional baile de los focos.
It's time to end this square dance once and for all.
Es hora de poner fin a este baile de una vez por todas.
It's time to end this madness.
Es hora de terminar con esta locura.
It's time to end this.
Es hora de acabar esto.
It's time to go in, Harry This is all going to end.
Es hora de entrar, Harry. Al fin esto va a terminar.
It's time to end this once and for all.
Es hora de acabar con esto de una vez por todas.
But I think it's about time that I put an end to this.
Pero acabaré pronto con esto.
It's time to end this!
Es hora de acabar con esto.!
It's time to end this little charade.
Es hora de terminar esta pequeña charada.
It's time to put an end to this, once and for all.
Es tiempo de poner fin a esto, de una vez por todas.
I appreciate all of you coming. And I promise I will take all this into account through the decision-making process, but I think it's time for this lovefest to come to an end.
Os agradezco a todos que hayáis venido para intentar que cambiara de opinión pero creo que ya es hora de que se acabe la fiesta
It's time to end this war.
Es hora de acabar con esta guerra.
Even if the rocket doesn't blow up on me this time, there's really not a lot of great ways for it to end, anyway.
Aunque el cohete no explote esta vez esto no tiene muchas maneras buenas de terminar.
No way. Ladies and gentlemen, now it's time for the readers to get an autograph from Miss Chu Xun and this is the end of the press conference.
Damas y caballeros, en este momento, la Señorita Chu Xun, firmará autógrafos para los lectores.
Daniel, it's time for this to end.
Daniel, es hora de que esto se termine.
And the fact of the matter is, I do not need to spend so much time putting this program together. If it doesn't happen, it's not the end of the world. But if we don't happen because I haven't put enough time into us well, that would be.
Y la cuestión aquí es : que no necesito malgastar tanto de nuestro tiempo en montar este Programa, ya que de no culminarse no será el fin del mundo, pero si lo nuestro no se culmina porque no le puse el tiempo que debía,
To be together with other people. While you're with those people on that night, you have this instant bond and feeling of closeness, but it's a good thing that you can walk away from it at the end of the night and not have any responsibilities until the next time you bump into that person.
Mientras estás con esa gente sientes este vínculo y este sentimiento instantáneo de unión, aunque es bueno poder separarte de eso al final de Ia noche y no sentir esa responsabilidad hasta que vuelves a encontrarte con esa persona.
It's time to put an end to all this.
Es el momento de acabar rápido con esto.
Okay, look, it's time to put an end to this little junior-high game you're playing.
Oye, mira, ya es hora de terminar con este jueguecito tuyo.
It's time for this world to end in fire and for a new world to be born from the ashes.
Es tiempo de que este mundo termine en fuego. Y para que un nuevo mundo nazca de las cenizas.
It's time for this world to end in fire, and for a new world to be born from the ashes.
Es tiempo de que este mundo muera en el fuego para que uno nuevo nazca de las cenizas.
It's time to end this war we started.
Es hora de terminar esta guerra que comenzamos.
It's time to end this and turn over the blackmail box to them.
- Es hora de acabar con esto y entregarles la caja de chantajes.
- It's time to end this motherfucker.
Es hora de acabar esta pendejada.
This time, the story is going to end the way it's supposed to.
Esta vez, la historia terminará como debe.
One of you is a fake, and it's time to end this charade now.
Una de ustedes no es real, y es hora de poner fin a esta farsa ahora.
It's time to end this.
Es hora de terminar esto.
♪ It's time for me to end this game with a brand-new start ♪
# Es hora de que acabe este juego con un nuevo comienzo #
It's time to end this.
Es hora de acabar con esto.

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