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It's worth a fortune traduction Espagnol

78 traduction parallèle
It's worth a fortune.
Vale una fortuna.
I don't know why it's so valuable, but it's worth a fortune.
No sé por qué es tan valioso, pero vale una fortuna.
- It's worth a fortune.
- Tengo cosas por valor de 100.000 dólares
You might think it's worth a fortune but the trouble is that no one's willing to pay a fortune.
Pensamos que vale una fortuna, pero nadie quiere invertir la suya.
You'll make a fortune with this fish. It's worth millions.
¡ Ganarán una fortuna con este pez, vale millones!
It's worth a fortune.
- Vale una fortuna.
It's worth a fortune.
¡ Es una fortuna!
It's worth a fortune.
Es digno de una fortuna.
European champ - it's worth a fortune.
Ser campeón de Europa supone una fortuna.
I don't know what it is, but it's worth a fortune.
- ¡ No lo sé! Pero vale una fortuna.
She said it's worth a fortune.
Marie-Therese dice que esto vale una fortuna.
Let's face it, John, Sherlock Holmes is worth a fortune to the magazine. You're stuck with him.
Aceptelo, John Sherlock Holmes le ha dado una fortuna a la revista usted está atrapado con él.
It's worth a small fortune.
Valía bastante.
# He's worth a fancy fortune, but it's not in cash.
Tiene una linda fortuna Que no es en efectivo
- It's worth a fortune.
- Una fortuna.
Trust me, if it's here it's worth a fortune.
No, tú confía en mí, si está aquí es porque vale una fortuna.
The good news is it's worth a fortune.
Las buenas noticias es que vale una fortuna.
It's worth a fortune. Yeah, but they can't tell the police because her lover gave it to her.
No ha ido a la policía porque el collar se lo regaló su amante.
- It's worth a blood fortune, is that! - ( Mobile rings )
- ¡ Vale una maldita fortuna!
If it's worth a fortune, yes.
Y vale una fortuna.
You said it yourself. It's worth a fortune on the black market.
Frío, húmedo y un infierno en tus uñas.
You said it yourself... it's worth a fortune on the black market.
Lo que has dicho antes, hacer fortuna en el mercado negro.
So what you're saying we just leave it, when it's worth a fortune?
¿ Qué estás diciendo? ¿ Dejarla, algo que puede valer una fortuna?
Oh, well, it's still worth a fortune.
Aun así. vale una fortuna.
Of course you want it back, Pa. It's worth a bloody fortune.
- Por supuesto, vale una fortuna.
When you make it to the majors, that's gonna be worth a fortune.
Cuando llegues a las mayores, va a valer una fortuna.
Well, one survived and I own it. It's probably worth a fortune.
Uno de ellos sobrevivió y aún lo tengo, seguro que vale una fortuna.
It's probably worth a fortune to a collector.
Probablemente vale una fortuna para un coleccionista.
It's worth a fortune.
Eso es una fortuna.
It's china, worth a fortune.
Es de porcelana. Vale una fortuna.
He thinks it's from Kabul and worth a fortune.
Cree que es de Kabul y vale una fortuna.
It cost a fortune, but it's worth every penny.
Costó una fortuna, pero vale cada centavo.
Chloe's collar. It's worth a fortune.
El collar vale una fortuna.
It's worth a fortune.
Eso es del año 1700.
At midnight last night some girls let this glass slipper, there's only one of a kind, its a collectors item. It's worth a fortune.
Admito que algunas chicas dejaron esta zapatilla de cristal, solo hay una de la clase, es una coleccionistas elemento que vale una fortuna.
It's getting me a fake ring and pretending it's worth a fortune.
Me ha dado un anillo falso y finge que le ha costado una fortuna.
Today, it's worth a fortune.
Ahora vale una fortuna.
As prime development land, it's worth a small fortune.
Como excelente tierra en desarrollo, vale una pequeña fortuna.
ln the right hands, it's worth a fortune.
En las manos correctas, vale una fortuna.
This land's going for a song at the moment, but it will be worth a fortune when the new estate's built.
Esta tierra se vende por nada ahora mismo, pero valdrá una fortuna cuando la nueva urbanización esté construida.
I said that you could have it, but things are bad enough between me and Bernie, and apparently it's worth a small fortune, so if it's not too much trouble.
Dije que podías quedártelo, pero las cosas ya están suficientemente mal entre Bernie y yo, y aparentemente, vale una pequeña fortuna, así que si es mucha molestia.
- It's gotta be worth a fortune.
- Eso debe valer mucho.
He knows it's worth a fortune.
Sabe que vale una fortuna.
It's nix who thinks they're worth a fortune. Ohh! Wow.
Es Nix el que cree que valen una fortuna.
I know it's worth a fortune, but all I can see is Alice, at her very happiest.
Sé que vale una fortuna. Pero lo único que veo es a Alice... cuando conoció la mayor felicidad de su vida.
It's probably worth a fortune.
Probablemente vale una fortuna.
He may well know that a tulip is only a tulip and not worth a fortune but if other people think it's worth a fortune than you'll make a lot of money.
Uno puede pensar que los tulipanes valen lo normal y no una fortuna. Pero si los demás piensan que valen una fortuna entonces se puede ganar mucho dinero.
It's worth a fortune!
Vale una fortuna!
Fake or not, delivered into the right hands it's worth a small fortune in gold.
Fake o no, dado a un hombre que vale una fortuna en oro.
So it's worth a fortune?
¿ Entonces vale una fortuna?
Yeah. It's worth a fortune and a half. You interested?
Por una fortuna y media. ¿ Interesado?

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