It didn't matter traduction Espagnol
1,219 traduction parallèle
And the rest of it, it didn't matter.
Y el resto no importaba.
I mean, it didn't really matter if there was a boycott or not.
Me refiero, no me importa en verdad su fue un boikot o no.
Mab had to wait years, but it didn't matter.
Mab tuvo que esperar años, pero no se hicieron largos, pasaron en un segundo.
It was as if he realized that it didn't really matter.
Se dio cuenta, no sé cómo decirlo, de que no era tan importante. Que no...
By the way, didn't he look a little concerned? It doesn't matter what he looked like.
- ¿ No te parecía raro?
Whether I was human or not, it didn't matter.
Fuera humana o no, eso no importaba.
Didn't you say that day, that it was not a private matter?
¿ No dijiste ese día en el templo, que no era un asunto personal?
But it didn't matter.
Pero eso no importó.
- [Groaning] Rememberwhen we were first married, and it didn't matter? We didn't care?
¿ Recuerdas de recién casados, que no importaba y que a mí me daba igual?
And it didn't matter.
Y de nada sirvió.
Then I realised it didn't matter.
Entonces me di cuenta de que no importaba.
At the time, it didn't seem to matter.
En el momento no pareció tener importancia.
We had very little, but it didn't matter.
Teníamos poco, pero no importaba.
Well, we didn't have any holodecks on Rinax, but it didn't matter because we had a great big forest right behind my house. Really?
Bueno, no teníamos holocubierta en Rinax pero no importaba porque teníamos un gran bosque justo detrás de mi casa.
But it didn't matter because I still had to go.
Pero ya no importaba porque tenía que irme.
It didn't seem to matter at first.
No parecía un problema al principio.
It didn't matter to me, but I can't go in there empty-handed.
No me importaba. Pero no puedo llegar con las manos vacías.
Debbie told me, and I told her that it didn't matter because I trusted you, and I knew you wouldn't cheat on me.
Debbie me dijo y yo le dije que confiaba en ti. Y que sabía que no me serías infiel.
Please forget it. I didn't realise the matter would drag this far
Olvídalo. No sabía que el asunto aun perduraba.
When he found out Hattie was mute, it didn't matter... as there was no dialogue.
Al saber que Hattie no hablaba, no le importó... porque no tenía diálogo.
It didn't matter in the end how old they had been... or that they were girls,
Al final, no importaron sus edades ni que fueran muchachas sino sólo que las habíamos querido y que no nos habían oído llamándolas.
Well, Sister Mary or Mary the Junkie, it didn't really matter to me.
La hermana Mary o Mary la Yonqui, en verdad me daba igual.
You said it didn't matter.
Dijiste que no importaba.
They were always on the road and it actually didn't matter to them that their motorcycle was so slow.
Estaban siempre "on the road"... y en realidad no les importaba... que la motocicleta fuera tan lenta.
- Well, I didn't hear you. It doesn't matter.
Te lo dije, nunca tenemos los mismos planes.
The only thing I told myself, like a two-bit equation, was that if I'd cheated on him, and still only loved him, it didn't much matter if he'd cheated on me.
La única cosa que me dije, fue como un silogismo. Si lo había traicionado, y todavía sólo le amaba a él,... no me habría importado que me hubiese engañado.
What about me, Robin? Were you going to tell me... or didn't it matter'cause I was locked up?
Nancy Callahan, el amor de mi vida.
But it didn't matter. I made it.
Pero no importa, estaba hecho.
It doesn't really matter. But I stopped believing in God that day. My parents said, "He's real." But I didn't believe them.
Eso no importa mucho, pero cuando sucedió dejé de creer en Dios desde ese día.
I didn't think it'd matter.
No creí que importara.
It didn't matter...
Pero eso no importa.
Or if it did, it didn't matter.
Y si lo hizo, no importó.
I didn't think it would matter.
No pensé que importaría.
Borias wasn't happy with that but it didn't matter.
Borías no estaba contento al respecto, pero no importó.
Yeah, and it doesn't matter, because the bet was that the south doesn't win the war, and the south still didn't win the war, dipshit!
Si, y no importa porque la apuesta era que el sur no ganara la guerra, y el sur no ganó la guerra, ¡ saco de mierda!
Oh, Kevvy, I only kissed Robert to get even with you for kissing Zoe, it didn't mean anything, and now I know you do love me and you really mean it when you say smart doesn't matter,
- Um, creo que tengo que estar en alguna otra parte... - Acabo de recordar una cita al otro lado de la ciudad... Oh, Kevvy, sólo bese a Robert para desquitarme contigo por besar a Zoe, no significo nada, y ahora sé que me quieres y que era verdad cuando dijiste que la inteligencia no era importante,
I was thinking it didn't matter anyway.
Pensé que de todos modos no importaba.
Then it won't matter that I didn't lie for you.
Entonces no importa que yo no haya mentido.
It doesn't matter. Resin and I have split up I didn't love her.
No importaResi n y yo termi namosNo la amo.
And when you came with the job I was supposed to have, I mean, it didn't matter to me that... you were better at it than me or you earned it more than I did.
Y cuando llegaste con el trabajo que supuestamente era para mí, digo, no me importo que... fueras mejor en ello que yo o que lo merecieras más que yo.
She went through the process, too, and it didn't matter.
Ella pasó por el proceso también, y no importó.
As a matter of fact, she didn't even say it was a man, but
La verdad es que ni siquiera me dijo que fuera un hombre, pero...
It didn't matter how much they liked Ms. Walcott.
No importa cuanto apreciaran a la Srta Walcott
Actually it didn't matter.
En realidad no importaba.
It didn't matter how beautiful you were or how keenly he seemed interested the day before.
No tenia importancia tu belleza o que tan interesado estaba el día anterior.
It didn't matter Who we were signed to or anything.
No importaba con quién firmábamos ni nada.
From the moment you stepped behind the amplifiers to the stage you were covered in gob, and it didn't matter who you were, but especially good if you could gob on The Clash.
Desde que aparecías detrás de los amplificadores, te llenaban de escupitajos, y daba igual quién eras, pero era mejor si le escupías a los Clash.
But it didn't matter, because a week later, I woke up and it was over.
De todos modos, no importó porque a la semana desperté y había terminado.
But it didn't matter to me what she'd done when she was a child.
Pero no me importaba lo que había hecho cuando era niña.
He didn't have much talent to speak of, but no matter how bad it went - and sometimes it went really bad - he wanted to get back on stage.
No tenía mucho talento, pero daba igual lo mal que le iba, y a veces le iba fatal, siempre quería volver al escenario.
It didn't matter to her who the $ 100,000 came from.
A ella no le interesa de donde vinieron los $ 100.000.
it didn't work 351
it didn't 412
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17
it didn't make sense 16
it didn't happen 86
it didn't feel right 16
it didn't end well 31
it didn't last long 17
it didn't 412
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17
it didn't make sense 16
it didn't happen 86
it didn't feel right 16
it didn't end well 31
it didn't last long 17