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It has to be today traduction Espagnol

92 traduction parallèle
It has to be today.
Debo irme esta noche.
You're crazy! It has to be today!
Tiene que ser hoy.
No, it has to be today.
No, tiene que ser hoy.
- It has to be today.
Debe estar hoy.
It has to be today?
¿ Tiene que ser hoy?
It has to be today.
Tiene que ser hoy.
It has to be today. Tonight.
Tiene que ser hoy, esta noche.
No, no, no, it has to be today.
No, no, no, tiene que ser hoy.
Well, it has to be today.
Bueno, tiene que ser hoy.
But it has to be today.
Pero tiene que ser hoy.
- No, it has to be today.
- No, tiene que ser hoy.
No. No, it has to be today.
No, tiene que ser hoy.
It has to be today.
¿ Tiene que ser hoy?
No, not tomorrow, it has to be today.
No, mañana no, tiene que ser hoy.
It would be useless for you to attend the license exam but you passed your exam today.
Es inútil que te presentes al examen. Es un examen de madurez.. Y ese examen lo has aprobado hoy.
It certainly seems apparent that if this Baker boy continues to spark the Ridgeville team, as he has done today, all season, the playoff for the Rose Bowl will be between Ridgeville and that great University of California team.
Claramente se ve que si este chico Baker continúa haciendo brillar a Ridgeville, como lo ha hecho hoy, y sigue toda la temporada, la final del Rose Bowl será entre Ridgeville y el gran equipo de la University of California.
We think that the role of a revolutionary avant-garde that it should not be a sect, but to completely integrate itself in the mass movement, if this movement has the same objectives of the French movement of today.
La función de la vanguardia revolucionaria es... integrarse en los movimientos de masa si tienen los objetivos... del movimiento francés que conocemos hoy en día.
And this proved to be the only way of training and keeping fighters. Do you have the impression that France today has been somewhat determined by the way it was during WWII, or at least from'39 to'44?
¿ Tiene la impresión de que la Francia de hoy ha venido determinada de algún modo por la manera que fué durante la 2ª GM, o al menos desde el 39 al 44?
- Yes. It has to be ready today.
Pero tiene que salir esta tarde.
What is it you're doing today? You're going to be publicly announcing and tying... what has grown between you over the years.
Estamos aquí hoy... preparandonos para anunciar el compromiso, que habrá entre ustedes durante años.
Julien Darndiet is the one man today who has what it takes to make the nation and the world a better place for you and your children to live, love and be happy in.
Julien Darndiet es el único hoy que tiene lo que hace falta para hacer de este país y del mundo un lugar mejor... en el que usted y sus hijos vivan, amen y sean felices.
You savored it. Today, everything has to be done yesterday.
Hoy hay que hacerlo todo para ayer.
It gives me pleasure to welcome Mr James Hacker, the Minister for Administrative Affairs, who has found time in his busy schedule to be with us today to celebrate our first anniversary.
Es un placer dar la bienvenida al Sr. James Hacker, el ministro de Asuntos Administrativos, que ha encontrado tiempo para estar hoy aquí y celebrar nuestro primer aniversario.
To be honest, it has been decided that - everyone in this place needs to leave today.
- He de ser sincero con usted. Tenemos órdenes de que... -... todo el mundo abandone este lugar hoy mismo.
He is now side by side with the race leader, the man who has dominated this entire event today may be about to give it away!
Él ahora está al lado del otro con el líder de la carrera, el hombre que ha dominado este evento completa de hoy puede estar a punto de dar a la basura!
From today, whatever has to be bought from the village, I'll go and get it
De ahora en adelante, Voy a hacer las compras en el pueblo.
If you weren't sure you wanted to marry her today of all days, i.e., your wedding day then it must be the right decision, mustn't it?
- Lo siento, lo siento... Si no estabas seguro de casarte con ella hoy o sea, en tu boda entonces has hecho bien, ¿ no?
It has to be ready today.
Tiene que estar listo hoy.
Now, it may be that Satan has conquered Mary... and sent her here today... to distract our sacred purpose.
Bien, puede ser que Satanás haya conquistado a Mary... y la haya mandado aquí a distraernos... de nuestro sagrado propósito.
Well, sir a lot has happened to the landscape of the suburban high school since I was a student and I feel it would be a valuable... perhaps even enlightening endeavor, to chronicle the changes... to get intimate with the realities kids and parents face in American schools today.
Bueno, señor, muchas cosas cambiaron en las escuelas secundarias desde que fui estudiante. Siento que sería valioso, quizá hasta iluminador, realizar una crónica de los cambios. Mostrar de cerca la realidad de los chicos y los padres en las secundarias de hoy.
Today is the day it has to be, I'm afraid.
Tiene que ser hoy, me temo.
Mr. Cole if you ever wanted more than you have today... if you ever looked at you succesful friend and said, hey my friends are succesful... a really famous research scientist has developed a wonder drug... that would change the history and he wants you to be the part of it...
- Sr. Cole, si alguna vez deseó tener más de lo que ya tiene, - Si alguna vez mira para sus amigos con exito y dice : "Eh, vosotros tenéis éxito". - Un científico muy famoso ha descubierto
I want to say that to put it on record, that Dr. Dodd... one of our dearest friends has chosen not to be with us today.
Quiero decir que pongan en los registros, que el Dr. Dodd... uno de nuestros amigos más apreciados eligió no estar con nosotros hoy.
I think you'd be a very pessimistic person today not to welcome the growing focus on ecotourism of one kind or another because, whichever way you cut it, it's got to be a damn sight better than the Earth-trashing tourism that has dominated the global market up until now.
Creo que serías muy pesimista hoy para no dar la bienvenida a la creciente atención al ecoturismo de un tipo u otro porque, lo veas como lo veas, será mejor que el turismo que arruina el planeta que dominó el mercado global hasta hoy.
And then... you're gonna be nipping at this guy's heels. Honestly it has taken me 20 years to get where I am today.
quizá este tipo también seré honesto contigo me tomó 20 años llegar a donde estoy hoy
This whole section has to be done today, got it?
Toda esta sección debe estar hecha hoy, ¿ sí?
I will always be your father All right, I gotta go to work. You know, it's ten years today since Mom disappeared.
- Hey, hijo, no importa cuántas veces te has equivocado, esta vez, quedó registrado, y siempre seré tu papá.
They believe today, and I'm disappointed in the media, that it hasn't brought this information, this new information to the people of this country more than it has, they believe that marijuana could well turn out to be
Estoy desilusionado por los medios que no ha traído esta información a la gente de este país.
It only has to be today.
Sólo tiene que ser hoy.
Now, it's not really known why Highland is going without their star fullback, Quentin Owens today but the loss, I'm telling you, has got to be felt by the rest of the team.
No se sabe por qué Highland está jugando sin su zaguero estrella, Quentin Owens. Pero esa pérdida la tiene que estar sintiendo el resto del equipo.
It has been alleged that Captain Williams has committed acts of homosexual conduct, and should the evidence presented to you today support those findings, the government will recommend that Captain Williams be separated from duty in the United States Army National Guard.
Se alega que la Capitana Williams ha cometido actos de conducta homosexual y si la evidencia que les presentaremos hoy comprueba esas alegaciones El gobierno recomendará que la Capitana sea separada del servicio del ejército.
Well, it's a good thing that you came by because he has a really important meeting today, and it would be pretty embarrassing and not at all funny if he were to show up not wearing pants.
Es bueno que hayas venido porque tiene una reunión muy importante hoy y sería bastante vergonzoso y para nada gracioso que fuese sin pantalones.
" Whatever has to be done, do it today.
" Lo que hay que hacer, hazlo hoy.
I just peed on a stick. Michelle's going for a second test today, but it has to be double. Ugh!
mamá, me quedo aquí.
We may be a bunch of louts but we're the best damn louts this city has to offer! THEY CHEER Now, we wouldn't be the coppers we are today if it weren't for Cooper.
¡ Podemos ser un montón de patanes pero somos los mejores de esta ciudad! Ahora, no seríamos los policías que somos hoy si no fuera por Cooper.
You know, became this hugely popular figure in popular culture, and if he has a legacy, it's that the show is still running today and that's got to be down to him.
Sabes, se volvió esta famosa figura pública, y su legado, es que el programa sigue vigente hoy y eso es gracias a él.
If today has shown me anything, it's shown me that you've got what it takes to be part of my security team here in Terra Nova.
Si el día de hoy me ha enseñado algo, es que tienes lo que hace falta para formar parte de mi equipo de seguridad aquí, en Terra Nova.
What happened to you and Paul today, you've seen us at our lowest moment, and you shouldn't leave thinking it's always gonna be like this.
Lo que os ha pasado hoy a ti y a Paul, nos has visto en nuestro momento más bajo. y no deberías irte pensando que siempre va a ser así.
No, it has to be done today.
No, tiene que hacerse hoy.
- It has to be done today.
- Tiene que hacerse hoy.
You're here today because it's my privilege to introduce an officer who- - well, under my watch has proven herself to be one of Miami's finest and a true friend.
Están aquí porque para mí es todo un privilegio presentarles a una agente que... bueno, bajo mi tutela ha demostrado ser una de las mejores de Miami y una verdadera amiga.

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