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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It won't come off

It won't come off traduction Espagnol

95 traduction parallèle
It won't come off.
No se romperá.
It won't come off.
Así no lo alisarás.
If he isn't back here when I come off, there won't be any more show. Get it?
Si no está aquí cuando termine, no volveré a salir. ¿ Entendido?
It won't come off anyway.
De todas manens no se puede borrar.
It won't come off anymore!
¡ No se despega!
It won't come off : it's axle grease.
No va a salir. Es grasa.
It won't come off.
- Te ayudaré. - Voy bien.
It won't come off.
No saldrá.
I won't believe it until I see Noah come off of that deck.
No lo creeré hasta que vea a Noé y animales en la cubierta.
Sandpaper, if it won't come off.
Usen lija, si es preciso.
It got wet in the rain and won't come off!
¡ Se mojó con la lluvia y ahora no sale!
Why won't it come off?
¿ Por qué no sale?
Look, it won't come off.
Mira, no saldrán.
It won't come off...
¡ No se mueve!
It won't come off?
¿ No se te va?
Here, it won't come off.
- Sí, no se caerá.
Holland, it won't come off.
Holland... no quiere salir.
It won't come off.
¡ No se quita!
It won't come off.
No se quita.
Never. - What, are you afraid it won't come off?
- ¿ Te da miedo no poder quitártelo?
Come on, let's wash off, so it won't be so funky in that sleeping bag.
Si nos bañamos, no apestaremos dentro del saco de dormir.
That's right, and it won't come off.
Así es. Y no se suelta.
Don't be. That's makeup's headache. It won't come off.
No te preocupes que en maquillaje ya se encargaron de pegarla bien.
No te preocupes, no se saldra.
Oh, it still won't come off.
Oh, aún no sale nada.
It won't come off.
No puedo limpiarlas bien...
Oh, darling, that does sound tempting, but... it just won't come off.
Querida, me estas tentando, pero... Este anillo no sale.
It won't come off, anyway
De todos modos, no puedo quitármela.
It won't come off.
No me la puedo quitar.
It won't come off.
No va a salir bien.
I tried it on and it won't come off.
Me lo probé y no pude quitármelo.
[Grunting] - It won't come off.
No sale.
It won't come off.
No puedo quitarlo.
- It won't come off.
- No puedo quitarlo.
It won't come off!
¡ No sale!
As long as this thing has our money and passports in it, it's not coming off, and my trunks won't come off, either.
Mientras esta cosa tenga nuestro dinero y pasaportes en ella, no me la quito. Ni mi traje de baño, también.
It won't come off.
No se sale.
- It won't come off.
- No se suelta.
It won't come off my hand now.
Ahora no sale.
It won't come off my finger so I'll have to keep that.
No saldrá de mi dedo, así que tendré que quedármelo.
It won't come off
No va a salir
- It won't come off.
- No sale.
It won't come off!
No piensa venir!
The problem is, it won't come off.
El problema es que no la puedo sacar.
It won't come off.
No se borra.
It won't come off.
No se va a quitar.
Now it won't come off.
Ahora no se irá el olor.
Two showers it won't come off.
Ni duchándose dos veces sale ese olor.
it's not me, she won't jerk me off in the living room'cause there's too much nice shit i'm not allowed to come on.
No soy yo. ella no me va a pajear en el living porque hay muchas cosas lindas sobre las que no tengo permitido acabar.
- it won't come off and then the shuttle and the tank will come down and... - Yeah.
si la lanzadera dobla alguno de los mecanismos de liberación, no se activará y entonces la lanzadera y el tanque caerán y...
Why won't it come off?
¡ ¿ Por qué no puedo quitármelo?

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