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It won't move traduction Espagnol

207 traduction parallèle
God, I swear I won't move... but just make it stop hurting.
Dios, juro que no me moveré... pero haz que pare el dolor.
He wouldn't let death move him from it and he won't let love move him from it.
No dejaría que la muerte lo desviara de él... y no dejará que el amor lo haga tampoco.
- Algo tiene que estar mal.
Then you'll have to move somebody it won't hurt to climb stairs.
Entonces tendrá que cambiar con alguien al que no le afecte subir las escaleras.
But I won't stand it, not while I've strength to move at all.
no te parece suficiente!
- Move, or you won't need it anymore.
- Muévete o no te hará falta.
It won't go down the stairs and they want $ 15 to move it, lowering it out the window.
No pasa por las escaleras y me piden $ 15 por bajarlo por la ventana.
Henri, one move, and it won't be a vat of dye, it'll be the river.
Henri, un paso más y no será tinte, será el río.
It won't move.
No se mueve.
I did try, but it won't move.
- He probado, pero no se mueve.
It won't take the federal agents any longer than that to move in here.
Tampoco se lo llevará a los federales llegar hasta aquí.
It won't move freely...
No se mueve con libertad...
I'm leaving now, and if anyone makes a move to stop me there'll be plenty of hair cut, and it won't be mine.
Me marcho y, si alguna intenta pararme, habrá más que corte de pelo, y no será el mío.
Pero no nos servirá de nada a menos que junte sus cosas y esté listo para marcharse, Corry.
It won't move.
No anda.
You fellas won't move unless it's rainin'down your necks.
Vosotros no os movéis a no ser que se ponga a llover a mares.
Move it is right. It won't get anywhere under its own power.
Sí, por si mismo no irá a ningún sitio.
Don't move and it won't sting.
No te muevas y no picará.
But get a move on, I swear you won't regret it.
Te juro que no te arrepentirás.
- It won't move in daylight.
- No saldrá de día.
It won't move.
No puede moverse. ¿ La cerro?
The sun is good for me. I won't move. Damn it!
El sol me sienta bien. ¡ De aquí no me muevo, caramba!
Doctor, it won't move.
No se mueve.
Huerta has an army in front of Parral, yet he won't make a move to take it.
Huerta tiene un ejército frente a Parral, pero aún así no hace ningún movimiento para tomarla.
If we rest in days and move on in nights, it's not possible to catch Wang, but we could agitate the bandits and it won't be hard to defeat them.
Quizá no capturemos a Huang. Pero podemos provocar a los bandidos... y derrotarlos.
It won't move.
Que no se mueva.
It won't move.
¡ No se cae!
We won't be able to move unless we can turn it off somehow.
No podremos movernos a menos que podamos desactivarla.
It won't move.
No, no se mueve.
Without it, the Tardis won't move an inch.
Sin eso, la TARDIS no se mueve ni una pulgada.
It won't move.
- No se mueve.
It won't move?
- ¿ No se mueve?
It won't move! I can't, I can't...
¡ No puedo tirar!
It won't move. CHARLIE :
¡ No se mueve!
If you don't move, it won't touch you.
Si no se mueves, no te tocará.
It won't move.
No puedo moverla.
It won't move.
No se moverá.
She can move, so it won't be anything huge.
Puede moverse, así que no será nada.
It won't move unless you press the button, you know.
Debes darle al botón.
It's just not possible. They just won't move any more.
No me funcionan no se mueven.
I won't even move it.
Ni siquiera la moveré.
The scuttlebutt here is that this outpost isn't strategic to the defense of Binh Lao, that the brass want it held so they won't have to move the pins in their maps.
Se rumorea que este puesto defensivo no tiene ninguna importancia estratégica para la defensa de Binh Lao. Pero los jefes no quieren perderlo para no mover los alfileres de sus mapas.
If you'll just move your car there, I won't have to drive right on over it.
Si mueven su auto, no le pasaré por encima.
- It won't move.
- No se moverá.
- Why won't it move?
- ¿ Por qué no se mueve?
- Don't move. It won't hurt you.
- no te muevas. no te hara daño.
He says his arm is shattered, and it's pinned under the body of another guy who won't move, because he's already dead.
Él dice que su brazo está destrozado, y es aplastado bajo el cuerpo de otro tipo que no se mueve, porque él ya está muerto.
There it is. When we get there, we won't move a muscle for two weeks we won't move a muscle for two weeks
Cuando lleguemos... no moveremos ni un músculo por dos semanas.
I wanna move those 50 keys as bad as you, but it won't happen unless the Bolivian gets his property back.
Quiero mover esos 50 kilos tanto como tu, pero eso no va a pasar hasta que el Boliviano no reciba su maletin.
It won't move!
¡ No se mueve!
It's a bad move. I won't be responsible.
No seré responsable de ello.

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