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Jakes traduction Espagnol

259 traduction parallèle
We got both that guy Otto and your ex-butler at Jakes. On ice.
Tenemos a Otto y al mayordomo a buen recaudo en el local de Jake.
Alright, go to Jakes.
- Ve al club de Jake.
You can pick up Otto and that butler of mine at Jakes. He's got them both on ice.
Jake tiene a Otto y al mayordomo a buen recaudo en su local.
- We don't drink with Jakes. - Right...
- No, gracias.
Look, B.S. And M. Wants you for The Vida Jakes Hour.
B.S. y M. te quieren para The Vida Jakes Hour.
Involve everyone, Father, Son, Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy.
Inclúyelos a todos : al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo y a Jake McCarty.
I must go to the jakes for a while.
Tengo que ir a las letrinas un momento.
Let me tread him into mortar, and daub the wall of a jakes with him.
Si me dais licencia, Io haré argamasa, para enlucir Ias paredes de un retrete.
My lord, if you will give me leave, I will tread this unbolted villain into mortar, and daub the wall of a jakes with him.
Permitid, señor, que aplaste a ese miserable, reduciéndolo a picadillo, y con él salpicar las paredes.
Sergeant Jakes! Corporal wants the men down with the equipment!
Cabo, ¡ quiero a los hombres formados con todo el equipo!
For none of them even thinks of flushing up the jakes after crapping.
Ninguno de ellos piensa en limpiarse después de cagar.
And maybe then they would start flushing up the jakes after crapping?
¿ Y quizás puedan empezar a limpiarse después de cagar?
Sorts of things make lighthorsemen think the English intelligence officer like bunch of school boys playing wizard jakes on the enemies But this one is different
algo que a los soldados de caballeria les hace pensar que los del servicio de inteligencia somos unos colegiales y que solo estamos jugando con el enemigo.
Two Jakes.
Dos Jakes.
John Jakes created Madeline.
John Jakes creó a Madeline.
Originally, it was to be three books about a military family through the years, one family.
En un principio, iban a ser tres libros... John Jakes autor... sobre una familia militar a través de los aos.
John Jakes is a very juicy writer.
John Jakes saca mucho jugo a sus historias.
Reading John Jakes'books gave me great insight but it also prodded me to do a lot more research.
Leer los libros de John Jakes me hizo entender cosas y me empujó a investigar el tema más a fondo.
John Jakes was nothing like that.
John Jakes nunca hace eso.
Hey, yo, them two Jakes you fucking with?
- ¿ Los dos tontos con los que hablas?
But you had problems with the sequel, The Two Jakes?
Pero tuvo problemas con Los dos Jakes.
Sergeant Jakes, arrest him.
Sargento Jakes, arréstelo.
Sergeant Jakes... uncuff him.
Sargento Jakes... quítele las esposas.
biggs shot jakes!
Gran disparo jakes!
jakes, are you dead?
jakes, estas muerto?
T.D. Jakes?
Un predicador?
- Kathleen Clark, uh, Izzy Jakes, Carl Hobbs, a couple of people I can't recognize.
- Kathleen Clark Izzy Jakes, Carl Hobbs y un par de personas que no puedo reconocer.
I'm Dr. Smith. This is Dr. Jakes.
Soy la Dra. Smith, y esta es la Dra. Jakes.
If I made the name Jakes worthwhile... people would think it was because of my grandfather.
Si mi apellido Jakes se hiciera famoso... todos le darían crédito a mi abuelo.
These jakes can't hold me.
Estos polizontes no pueden mantenerme arrestado.
And I looked into jakes'eyes, and I just didn't see it there.
Oh, ¿ y eso lo hace cierto? ¿ Qué porcentaje de chismes son verdaderos? No lo sé.
Then six months later, she leaves Jake and runs off with some random guy, has a baby, then leaves that guy for Jake.
Luego seis meses despues, ella deja a Jakes y huye con un tipo cualquiera, tiene un bebé, entonces deja a ese tipo por Jake.
The gooery jakes out the coolant.
El "pegamentador" hace circular el refrigerante.
The jakes is occupied.
El baño está ocupado.
Well, the jakes is occupied.
El baño está ocupado.
Jakes says he's one of the cool kids at school.
Jake dice que es uno de los chicos más cool.
T.D. Jakes.
T.D. Jakes.
¡ Jakes! ¡ Jakes!
I don't know what Jakes problem is.
No sabe lo que El problema es Jakes.
Same year, Pinellas County, Florida Walter Jakes, age 70, and his dog, killed by a 12-footer.
El mismo año, en Pinellas County, Florida, Walter Jakes, 70, y su perro, muertos por un doce pies.
It is Jakes error.
¡ De Jake! ¡ Es culpa de Jake!
Fucking Jakes.
Oh, and Jakes.
Y Jakes.
Jakes is customs.
Jakes está en aduanas.
Yo, Jakes.
Tío, Jakes.
Yeah, you also gotta watch out for the bird flu, right, Jakes?
Sí, tienes que tener cuidado con la gripe aviar, ¿ verdad, Jakes?
- Dale Jakes.
- Dale Jakes.
Congratulations, Jakes.
Felicidades, Jake.
They called him crazy Jakes.
Le llamaban el loco Jakes.
Alias crazy Jakes.
Alias Jakes el Loco.
Oh, and Jakes is customs.
Y Jake está en aduanas.

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