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Jaya traduction Espagnol

180 traduction parallèle
"In'artford,'ereford and'ampshire'urricanes'ardly hever'appen."
'En'artford','ereford'y'ampshire'es raro que'jaya'huracanes.'
Have they the peculiar habit of not only dropping a letter but using it where it doesn't belong, like "hever" instead of "ever"?
¿ Tienen el peculiar hábito no sólo de comerse una letra... sino de ponerla donde no corresponde, como en'jaya'en lugar de'haya'?
Jaya Tripathi...
Jaya Tripathi.
- Talking to your starship, Jaya?
- ¿ Hablando con su nave, Jaya?
Irian jaya, 8.0.
Irán Occidental : 8.0.
You know, one of the things about their diet... is that there were no large mammals on Irian Jaya.
Sabes, una de las cosas acerca de su dieta es que no había grandes mamíferos en Irian Jaya.
"Stop it, Jaya!" There's nothing of the sort.
Basta, Jaya! No hay nada de todo eso.
We must make sure Jaya meets this Mr Balraj from London before anyone else.
Debemos asuguranos que conozcas al Sr. Balraj antes que nadie
But we want Balraj to look into Jaya's eyes, not your mames. She's our only hope.
Te deberían mirar los ojos no tus mamas
Jaya, Lalita, that's Lakhi and that's Maya. Four daughters in one family!
Jaya, Lalita, Lucky y Maya
Darcy, why don't you ask one of Jaya's lovely sisters to dance as well? No.
Darcy, por que no pides a bailar a una de las hermanas de Jaya
I knew he wouldn't be able to resist my pretty Jaya's charms. Mama.
Sabia que no resistiria los encantos de mi niña
Just imagine - if Jaya went to live in UK, we could visit her any time.
Imaginense si viviera con el podríamos tener mejor vida
Jaya should grab him right away.
¿ Se ve bien?
Mr Bakshi, we'd love for Jaya to join us as our guest.
Sr. Bakshi queremos que sus hijas nos acompañen
Mr Balraj, I am not sure if it would be appropriate to let Jaya go on her own. Oh, I understand.
Sr. Balraj no creo que sea buena idea dejar a Jaya ir sola
Sure, I'd love to come with Jaya. BALRAJ : Wonderful.
Seguro iré contigo
This is Jaya's chance to win him once and for all.
¿ Te volviste loco anciano? Es la oportunidad de Jaya de estar con el
Jaya, Lalita, Maya and Lakhi.
Jaya, Lalita, Maya y Lucky
I suppose, as the eldest..... Jaya must be the first choice.
Supongo que empiezo por la mas adulta Jaya debe ser la primera opción
Actually... er, Kholi saab... Jaya is practically engaged to someone else.
Bueno, Jaya esta con alguien mas
Quickly. Move, please. - Sorry.
Ven jaya ven acá
The truth is that Kholi saab was quite taken by Jaya at first, but after I explained to him that she was being coveted by another fine gentleman from abroad, I then steered him towards Lalita.
La verdad es que Kholi escogio a Jaya primero Pero después de explicarle que ya estaba tomada... le dije que mirara a Lalita
Jaya's had many suitors before, with her great beauty and fine figure, but none were good enough for her.
Jaya ha tenido muchos pretendientes antes Con esa belleza y buena figura Pero ninguno era bueno para ella
Jaya, Lalita, come fast. You won't believe this.
Mama, Papa, no creeran lo que esta pasando
Jaya, we can stop over in London.
Jaya podemos detenernos in Londres
It's Jaya Bakshi... from Amritsar.
Hola es Jaya Bakshi
Jaya, smile, please. Your face looks like a baby's smacked bottom.
Jaya sorie pareces un bebe enojado
You talked Balraj out of marrying Jaya.
Geogie me dijo que le dijiste a Balraj que no se casara con ella
I wasn't sure whether she really loved Balraj.
Lo siento por Jaya No sabia si en realidad amaba a Balraj
Balraj is already here.
Jaya, Balraj esta aquí
Sheetal and Jaya, no mischief in the car.
Sheetal y Jaya, nada de travesuras en el coche.
How come you are here, Jaya?
¿ Cómo es que estás aquí, Jaya?
Where did Jaya and DUshyant go?
¿ Dónde están Jaya y Dushyant?
Looks like you've got to know all my choices, Jaya
Parece que sabes todo lo que me gusta, Jaya.
Did you like the eggs, Jaya?
¿ Te han gustado los huevos, Jaya?
Jaya's team has lost
El equipo de Jaya pierde.
Yes Jaya?
¿ Sí, Jaya?
Jaya, they have a reason to not put you through to DUshyant
Jaya, tendrán alguna razón para que no te pasen con Dushyant.
Jaya, you are an intelligent girl
Jaya, eres una chica inteligente.
- I know, Jaya... you dearly love DUshyant
- Lo sé, Jaya... Sé que amas mucho a Dushyant.
Jaya's house and everything in it, you bought with money... bUt there's one thing you could never buy
La casa de Jaya y todo lo que contiene lo has comprado con dinero... pero hay una cosa que nunca podrías comprar.
I've brought Jaya's love for you today
He traído al amor de Jaya para ti hoy.
Look, I didn't have any problems talking with Jaya, did I?
¿ Mira no tuve problemas en hablar con Jaya verdad?
So kind of you to invite Jaya.
Que modestia la de invitarla
- How are you? - Yeah.
¿ Hola Jaya como estas?
Jaya, you look absolutely beautiful.
Jaya te ves preciosa
Jaya told me you met someone in Goa. Maybe.
Jaya me dijo que conociste a alguien en Goa
Jaya, I need some help in the kitchen.
Jaya Necesito ayuda en la cocina
Oh, Jaya, Balraj is here.
Jaya, Balraj esta aquí
He never wrote or called Jaya ever since India.
Nunca llamo a Jaya desde India

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